Published © GPL3+

Multi Player Score Tracker

Device for tracking multiple players' or teams' score for games and activities.

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Multi Player Score Tracker

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
Alphanumeric LCD, 16 x 2
Alphanumeric LCD, 16 x 2
Pushbutton switch 12mm
SparkFun Pushbutton switch 12mm
Capacitor 1000 µF
Capacitor 1000 µF
Capacitor 22 µF
Capacitor 22 µF
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 220 ohm
Resistor 220 ohm
Rotary Potentiometer, 10 kohm
Rotary Potentiometer, 10 kohm
9V battery (generic)
9V battery (generic)
Slide Switch
Slide Switch

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures

Component wiring diagram

Prototype unit outside view

Prototype unit inside view


MPST Schematic diagram



#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <MsTimer2.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>

#define MAX_PLAYERS 50    // maximum allowed, depends on EEPROM size & memory available
#define MIN_PLAYERS 1     // minimum players needed
#define debounce 50       // switch debounce time, in milli seconds
#define HOLDTIME 2000     // for switch long click , in milli seconds
#define INT_SIZE 2
#define MAX_SCORE_STEP 10 // maximum number allowed for scoreStep variable

int players;
int scoreStep = 1 ;      // default value for score increase/decrease by this number
int currentPlayer;
int playerButtonState;
int upButtonState;
int dnButtonState;
int mode = 0 ; // operation modes:  0 = view score, 1 = update score , 2 = configure
int POINTS[MAX_PLAYERS+1] ;   // runtime score stored in an array
unsigned long configWait;
boolean configStarted = LOW;
int configMode = 1; // configuration modes: 1 = no of players, 2 = reset score , 3 = score STEP
boolean resetScore = LOW;
LiquidCrystal lcd(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12); // initialize LCD

// ++++++++++ BEGIN: Class sButton ++++++++++
// orginal button click logic is from
// I did convert it into a Class so that I can create multiple objects
class sButton {
    const byte pin;
    int state;
    int prevState;
    int overallState; // 0 = not clicked , 1 = short click , 2 = long click (hold)
    boolean ignoreUp;
    boolean hold;
    unsigned long buttonUpMs;
    unsigned long buttonDownMs;

    sButton(byte attachTo) :

    void setup() {
      pinMode(pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
      state = LOW;
      hold = false;
      prevState = LOW;
      ignoreUp = false;

    int stateCheck() {
      overallState = 0;
      state = digitalRead(pin);
      // Test for button pressed and store the down time
      if (state  == LOW && prevState == HIGH && (millis() - buttonUpMs ) > long(debounce))
           buttonDownMs = millis();
      // Test for button release and store the up time
      if (state == HIGH && prevState == LOW && (millis() - buttonDownMs) > long(debounce))
        if (ignoreUp == false) {
            overallState = 1;
        else ignoreUp = false;
        buttonUpMs = millis();
    // Test for button held down for longer than the hold time
     if (state == LOW && (millis() - buttonDownMs) > long(HOLDTIME))  
        ignoreUp = true;
        hold = true;
        buttonDownMs = millis();
        overallState = 2;
      prevState = state;
      return overallState;
// ------------END:  Class sButton --------------

// +++++++++++++ Main : Starts here ++++++++++++++++

sButton playerButton(4);      // initilaize didital pin 4 for Player sellection
sButton upButton(5);          // initialize digitla pin 5 for score increment operation
sButton dnButton(6);          // initialize digital pin 6 for score decrement operaiton

void setup() {
  MsTimer2::set(10, powerLossDetector); // 10ms timer to check powerloss
  lcd.begin(16, 2);

void loop() {
  playerButtonState = playerButton.stateCheck();
  upButtonState = upButton.stateCheck();
  dnButtonState = dnButton.stateCheck();

  // +++ BEGIN: Block for handling configuration  +++++++++
  // In confure mode number of players can be set & can reset every player's score to 0
  // config mode begins by holding upbutton for HOLDTIME
  if (upButtonState == 2 || mode == 2 ) { 
    if (mode != 2 ) {
      configWait = millis();            // config mode begins, up button in hold, waititng for dn button
    mode = 2;
    if (dnButtonState == 2) {           // dn button also held for HOLDTIME
        configStarted = HIGH;           // now we enter into configuraiton mode
    // to return back to view mode if the dn button wasnt long-clicked within HOLDTIME window
    if (millis() - configWait > HOLDTIME && configStarted == LOW) mode = 0;
    if (configStarted == HIGH) {          // now we are in configuraiton mode
        case 1: doPlayerCountConfig();  break;
        case 2: doResetScore(); break;
        case 3: doScoreStep(); break;
        default: break;

      if ( playerButtonState == 1) {      // changing config mode
        switch (configMode) {
          case 1: configMode = 2 ; playerButtonState = 0 ; lcd.clear(); break;
          case 2: configMode = 3 ; playerButtonState = 0 ; lcd.clear(); break;
          case 3: configMode = 1 ; playerButtonState = 0 ; lcd.clear(); break;
          default:  break;

        if ( playerButtonState == 2) {    // exit from configuration mode
          mode = 0;
          configMode = 1 ;

    // returning to the begining op loop as we are in configuraiton mode
    return ;          
  configStarted = LOW;
  // ---- END: Block for handling configuration (number of players) ---------

  // +++ BEGIN: Block for updating score of each player  +++++++++ 
  if ( playerButtonState == 1) {    // jump to update score mode if update button pressed
    if (currentPlayer == 0) currentPlayer++; 
    if (mode == 1 ) currentPlayer++;  // move to next player
    mode = 1;
    if (currentPlayer > players ) currentPlayer = 1 ;

  if (mode == 1 ) {               // to stay in update score mode, show score on display
  // ----  END: Block for updating score of each player  -------  

  // +++ BEGIN: Block for displaying score of each player  +++++++++ 
   if (mode == 0 && (upButtonState == 1 || dnButtonState == 1)) { // to view score
 // --- END : Block for displaying score of each player  --------

  // +++ BEGIN: Block for exiting from any mode to welcome screen  +++++++++    
    if ( playerButtonState == 2) {    // to exit from current  mode to  home screen
        mode = 0 ;
        currentPlayer = 0 ; 
  // ---- END: Block for exiting from any mode to welcome screen  --------     

// -------------  Main : Ends here ---------------

// function for showing welcome screen
void showWelcome() {
  if (resetScore == HIGH ) {
    for (int p = 1 ; p <= players ; p++ ) {

    resetScore = LOW;
  lcd.print ("*Score Tracker*");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  lcd.print ("No of players ");
  lcd.print (players);

// function for showing individual player's score
void showPlayerScore () {
    if (upButtonState == 1 ) currentPlayer++ ; 
    if (dnButtonState == 1) currentPlayer--;
    if (currentPlayer > players) currentPlayer = 1;
    if (currentPlayer < 1) currentPlayer = players;
    lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
    lcd.print ("View score:");
    lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
    lcd.print ("Player ");
    lcd.print (currentPlayer);
    lcd.print (" = ");
    lcd.print (POINTS[currentPlayer]);
    lcd.print (" ");

// function for updating individual player's score
void doUpdateScore () {
    lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
    lcd.print ("Update score:");
    lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
    lcd.print ("Player ");
    lcd.print (currentPlayer);
    lcd.print (" = ");
    lcd.print (POINTS[currentPlayer]);
    lcd.print (" ");
   if (mode == 1 && upButtonState == 1) {   // increment score if up button pressed
    POINTS[currentPlayer] += scoreStep;
   if (mode == 1 && dnButtonState == 1) {   // decrement point if down button pressed
    if (POINTS[currentPlayer] != 0 )  
      POINTS[currentPlayer] -= scoreStep;

// function for  reset all  player's score
void doResetScore() {
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  lcd.print("Configure: Reset");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  lcd.print("score ? ");
  if (resetScore == LOW ) {
    lcd.print("NO ");
  } else {
  if (upButtonState == 1) {   // increment score if up button pressed
    resetScore = HIGH;
  if (dnButtonState == 1) {   // decrement point if down button pressed
    resetScore = LOW;

// function for configuring number of players
void doPlayerCountConfig () {
     lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
     lcd.print ("Configure: No of ");
     lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
     lcd.print("Players = ");
     lcd.print(" ");
     if (upButtonState == 1) {         // increment number of players
         if (players > MAX_PLAYERS) { 
           players = MAX_PLAYERS;        // limiting players to MAX_PLAYERS
     if (dnButtonState == 1) {         // decement number of players
        if (players < MIN_PLAYERS) {
          players = MIN_PLAYERS;

// function for configuring sccore increase/decrease step
void doScoreStep () {
     lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
     lcd.print ("Configure: Score ");
     lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
     lcd.print("Step  = ");
     lcd.print(" ");
     if (upButtonState == 1) {         // increment number of players
         if (scoreStep > MAX_SCORE_STEP ) {
            scoreStep = MAX_SCORE_STEP;
     if (dnButtonState == 1) {         // decement number of players
        if (scoreStep < 1 ) {
          scoreStep = 1;              // minimum step value is 1

// function called by timer to detect power loss and save into EEPROM
// coutrsey to Darieee's youtube video on power losss detection
void powerLossDetector () {
  int eeAddress = 0;
  int eeValue = 0;
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
  if (analogRead(A3) < 920) {
        pinMode(A3, OUTPUT);
        digitalWrite (A3, HIGH);

  pinMode(A3, INPUT);
  if (analogRead(A3) > 1000) {  // this happens only when power fails
    eeAddress = 0;
    EEPROM.put( eeAddress, players);
    EEPROM.put( eeAddress, scoreStep);
    for(int i=1; i<=players; i++) {
      EEPROM.put( eeAddress, POINTS[i]);    // save score into EEPROM
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);

// function to read from EEPROM and initailize score 
void initScores() {
  int eeAddress = 512;        // address 512  for tracking EEPROM usage
  int eeValue = 0;
  EEPROM.get( eeAddress, eeValue);
  if (eeValue != 89 ) {       // looks like a fresh EEPROM
    EEPROM.put( eeAddress, 89);
    players = MIN_PLAYERS;
    eeAddress = 0;
    EEPROM.put( eeAddress, players);
    EEPROM.put( eeAddress, scoreStep);
    for(int i=1; i<=players; i++) {
        EEPROM.put( eeAddress, POINTS[i]);
  eeAddress = 0;
  EEPROM.get( eeAddress, players);
  EEPROM.get( eeAddress, scoreStep);
  for(int i=1; i<=players; i++) {
    EEPROM.get( eeAddress, eeValue);


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