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Shebin Jose Jacob
Published © GPL3+

Cellular IoT Network Creator Kit With Blues

Crafting Connectivity: Empowering Your World with Cellular IoT.

ExpertFull instructions providedOver 1 day434
Cellular IoT Network Creator Kit With Blues

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Blues Notecarrier A
Blues Notecarrier A
Blues Notecard (Cell+WiFi)
Blues Notecard (Cell+WiFi)
Seeed Studio Xiao ESP32C3
BME680 Breakout
Pimoroni BME680 Breakout
Grove - mini PIR motion sensor
Seeed Studio Grove - mini PIR motion sensor
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
Reed Switch, SPST-NO
Reed Switch, SPST-NO
Slide Switch, SPDT-CO
Slide Switch, SPDT-CO
BC547 Transistor
1N4007 – High Voltage, High Current Rated Diode
1N4007 – High Voltage, High Current Rated Diode

Software apps and online services

Blues Notehub.io
Blues Notehub.io
Google Firebase
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Visual Studio Code

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Solder Wire, Lead Free
Solder Wire, Lead Free
Solder Flux, Soldering
Solder Flux, Soldering
PCB Holder, Soldering Iron
PCB Holder, Soldering Iron


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Shebin Jose Jacob

Shebin Jose Jacob

34 projects • 102 followers
CEO, Co-Founder | Coders Cafe
