We upgraded the helmet with Peltier module, Nova global cellular modem and GPS. With inventory included in helmet, comfortable temperature can be maintained in helmet by using Peltier module which works on the basis of thermoelectric effect. The temperature sensor senses the temperature in the area enclosed between the scalp of the rider and the interior of the helmet. Analog output signals of the temperature sensor are sent as input to the Raspbeery pi zero. If the sensed temperature exceeds the desired pre-set temperature by the rider, the Raspbeery pi zero sends output signal which is amplified and controls the switching of the Peltier module, which is responsible for creating comfortable temperature.
In order to detect the occurrence of accidents, the motion detection sensors (accident detector) are placed in different places of helmet where the probability of hitting is more. So when the rider crashes and the helmet hits the ground, the sensor sense and GPS data is extracted using GPS module. When the data exceeds minimum stress limit, then Nova global cellular modem sends accident location message to ambulance, police and family members through an mobile application.
In case of head injury due to accident, it accelerate the blood clotting process by reducing the temperature. Since, Peltier module is made to reduce the temperature in the area enclosed between the scalp of the rider and the interior of the helmet to 22 degree Celsius, which was found out to be the temperature that would favor the acceleration of blood clotting mechanism.