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Tahani Almanie

Temperature Necklace

A necklace that shows different light colors (red- green- blue) according to the current ambient temperature.

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Temperature Necklace

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Lilypad Arduino Development Kit
SparkFun Lilypad Arduino Development Kit
SparkFun Alligator Test Leads
30AWG Wire Wrapping Colored
SparkFun Wire Strippers

Hand tools and fabrication machines

thick chain
Hot glue gun (generic)
Hot glue gun (generic)
Piece of paper


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circuit diagram


Temperature Necklace

 * This program shows different light colors according to the current ambient temperature: 
 * It gives a green color to indicate the cool weather (68 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit). 
 * A red color is shown when the weather is relatively hot (above 78 degrees Fahrenheit) 
 * and a blue one to represent the cold weather (below 68 Fahrenheit).
 * Written by Tahani Almanie

int tempSenPin = A2; // Temperature sensor connected to analog pin A2
int tempReading;    // This variable for the sensor reading
float voltage;      // This variable for the voltage value of the sensor
float tempC;         // This variable for the Centigrade temperature 
float tempF;         // This variable for the Fahrenheit temperature

int redPin = 9;     // R on RGB LED connected to digital pin 9
int greenPin = 11;  // G on RGB LED connected to digital pin 11 
int bluePin = 10;   // B on RGB LED connected to digital pin 10 

void setup() 
    Serial.begin(9600);  //Start the serial connection to view the sensor readings

void loop() 
   //getting the reading from the temperature sensor
   tempReading = analogRead(tempSenPin);

   // converting that reading to voltage
   voltage = tempReading * 4.15 / 1024.0;
   // print out the voltage
   Serial.print(voltage); Serial.println(" volts");
   // converting that voltage to Centigrade temperature
   tempC = (voltage - 0.5) * 100 ; 
   // print out the Centigrade temperature                                             
   Serial.print(tempC); Serial.println(" degrees C");
   // converting Centigrade to Fahrenheit
   tempF = (tempC * 9.0 / 5.0) + 32.0;
   // print out the Fahrenheit temperature
   Serial.print(tempF); Serial.println(" degrees F");

   //waiting 1 second


void lightColor()   
         if (tempF >= 78 )              //hot ambient gives a red light 

         else if (tempF>=68 && tempF<78)//nice ambient gives a green light 

         else                           //cold ambient gives a blue light 
void generateColor(int red, int green, int blue)
         analogWrite(redPin, 255-red);   
         analogWrite(greenPin, 255-green);  
         analogWrite(bluePin, 255-blue);    


Tahani Almanie
3 projects • 4 followers
Thanks to Leah Buechley and Lady ada.


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