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Infinity Mirror VU Meter Music Equalizer

Infinity mirror VU meter music equalizer is inspired by our infinity mirror clock project and we present it to our precious viewers.

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Infinity Mirror VU Meter Music Equalizer

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
Rotary potentiometer (generic)
Rotary potentiometer (generic)
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 475 ohm
Resistor 475 ohm
Barrel Jack Female Pigtail Lead 2.1 - 5.5mm
RobotGeek Barrel Jack Female Pigtail Lead 2.1 - 5.5mm
NeoPixel strip
NeoPixel strip

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


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* Stereo VU Meter for 1 or 2 LED rings or strips build by ericBcreator
* Designed to be used with an Arduino UNO, Nano or compatible device.
* Last updated 20171105 by ericBcreator
* This code is free for personal use, not for commercial purposes.
* Please leave this header intact.
* contact: ericBcreator@gmail.com

//#define DEBUG                                             // for debugging

// include the NeoPixel library:

#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>

// uncomment the definition for the connected strip or ring(s)

//#define led_ring_60
//#define led_strip_60
//#define led_strip_30
//#define led_2_rings_24
#define led_2_rings_30
//#define led_strip_200
//#define led_strip_144

// important setting: using potentiometer sensor values or not
// This setting has to be set right or the script will not work correctly:
// - set this to true if using potentiometers
// - set this to false if not using potentiometers

const int useSensorValues = true;                         

// setup pins

int leftPin = A0, rightPin = A1;                          // left audio in on analog 0, right on analog 1
int brightnessPin = A4, sensitivityPin = A5;              // potentiometers for brightness and sensitivity on analog 4 and 5
int stripPin = 6;                                         // DIN of leds on digital pin 6
int showPeaksPin = 7;                                     // switch to toggle peaks on or off on digital pin 7
int momentarySwitch = false;                              // set false for an on/off toggle switch

// setup variables for the number of leds and led strip or 2 rings

#if defined (led_ring_60)
  //settings for a 60 led ring

  int stripNumOfLeds = 32;                                  // the total number of leds         60   idi
  uint32_t stripColor[17];                                  // half of the number of leds + 1   32 idi
  int displayMiddleLed = false;                             // display the middle led (blue). set to true for one strip, false for two strips or rings
  int splitStrip = true;                                    // set to true when using 2 strips or rings, false for one strip
  int middleOffset = 0;                                     // offset for the middle led when using one strip
  int startupAnimationDelay = 6;                            // delay for the startup animation
  int orangeLimitAmount = 0;                                // limit the amount of green of the middle LEDs to make them more orange
  int swapLeftRight = false;                                // swap the left and right input values or not
  int dropDelay = 4;                                        // hold time before dropping the leds
  float dropFactor = .92;                                   // value for dropping the leds
  int peakTimeNoDropDelay = 250;                            // peak hold time when not dropping the peaks (set droppingPeak true or false)
  int peakTimeFirstDropDelay = 130;                         // peak hold time when dropping the first peak
  int peakTimeDropDelay = 7;                                // peak hold time when dropping the rest of the peaks
  float peakDropFactor = .93;                               // value for dropping the peaks
  int droppingPeakFade = false;                             // display the dropping peak fading to black or not
  int bouncingPeaksNumOfLeds = 6;                           // how many leds to bounce up (max)
  int bouncingPeakDelay = 4;                                // delay between peak bounce updates
  int bouncingPeakCounterInc = 10;                          // increase counter for each bounce update. note: it uses a 0-180 sin function for the bouncing

#elif defined (led_strip_60)
  //settings for a 60 led ring

  int stripNumOfLeds = 60;                                  // the total number of leds
  uint32_t stripColor[31];                                  // half of the number of leds + 1
  int displayMiddleLed = true;                              // display the middle led (blue). set to true for one strip, false for two strips or rings
  int splitStrip = false;                                   // set to true when using 2 strips or rings, false for one strip
  int middleOffset = 1;                                     // offset for the middle led when using one strip
  int startupAnimationDelay = 6;                            // delay for the startup animation
  int orangeLimitAmount = 0;                                // limit the amount of green of the middle LEDs to make them more orange
  int swapLeftRight = false;                                // swap the left and right input values or not
  int dropDelay = 4;                                        // hold time before dropping the leds
  float dropFactor = .92;                                   // value for dropping the leds
  int peakTimeNoDropDelay = 250;                            // peak hold time when not dropping the peaks (set droppingPeak true or false)
  int peakTimeFirstDropDelay = 130;                         // peak hold time when dropping the first peak
  int peakTimeDropDelay = 7;                                // peak hold time when dropping the rest of the peaks
  float peakDropFactor = .93;                               // value for dropping the peaks
  int droppingPeakFade = false;                             // display the dropping peak fading to black or not
  int bouncingPeaksNumOfLeds = 6;                           // how many leds to bounce up (max)
  int bouncingPeakDelay = 4;                                // delay between peak bounce updates
  int bouncingPeakCounterInc = 10;                          // increase counter for each bounce update. note: it uses a 0-180 sin function for the bouncing

#elif defined (led_strip_30)
  //settings for a 30 led strip

  int stripNumOfLeds = 30;                                  // the total number of leds
  uint32_t stripColor[16];                                  // half of the number of leds + 1
  int displayMiddleLed = true;                              // display the middle led (blue). set to true for one strip, false for two strips or rings
  int splitStrip = false;                                   // set to true when using 2 strips or rings, false for one strip
  int middleOffset = 1;                                     // offset for the middle led when using one strip
  int startupAnimationDelay = 10;                           // delay for the startup animation
  int orangeLimitAmount = 0;                                // limit the amount of green of the middle LEDs to make them more orange
  int swapLeftRight = false;                                // swap the left and right input values or not
  int dropDelay = 10;                                       // hold time before dropping the leds
  float dropFactor = .9;                                    // value for dropping the leds
  int peakTimeNoDropDelay = 250;                            // peak hold time when not dropping the peaks (set droppingPeak true or false)
  int peakTimeFirstDropDelay = 150;                         // peak hold time when dropping the first peak
  int peakTimeDropDelay = 15;                               // peak hold time when dropping the rest of the peaks
  float peakDropFactor = .94;                               // value for dropping the peaks
  int droppingPeakFade = false;                             // display the dropping peak fading to black or not
  int bouncingPeaksNumOfLeds = 3;                           // how many leds to bounce up (max)
  int bouncingPeakDelay = 4;                                // delay between peak bounce updates
  int bouncingPeakCounterInc = 9;                           // increase counter for each bounce update. note: it uses a 0-180 sin function for the bouncing

#elif defined (led_2_rings_24)
  //settings for 2 24 led rings

  int stripNumOfLeds = 48;
  uint32_t stripColor[25];
  int displayMiddleLed = false;
  int splitStrip = true;
  int middleOffset = 0;
  int startupAnimationDelay = 5;
  int orangeLimitAmount = 0;
  int swapLeftRight = false;
  int dropDelay = 2;
  float dropFactor = .96;
  int peakTimeNoDropDelay = 250;
  int peakTimeFirstDropDelay = 100;
  int peakTimeDropDelay = 10;
  float peakDropFactor = .94;
  int droppingPeakFade = false;
  int bouncingPeaksNumOfLeds = 3;
  int bouncingPeakDelay = 4;
  int bouncingPeakCounterInc = 9;

#elif defined(led_2_rings_30)
  //settings for 2 30 led rings

  int stripNumOfLeds = 60;
  uint32_t stripColor[31];
  int displayMiddleLed = false;
  int splitStrip = true;
  int middleOffset = 0;
  int startupAnimationDelay = 5;
  int orangeLimitAmount = 0;
  int swapLeftRight = false;
  int dropDelay = 2;
  float dropFactor = .96;
  int peakTimeNoDropDelay = 250;
  int peakTimeFirstDropDelay = 100;
  int peakTimeDropDelay = 10;
  float peakDropFactor = .94;
  int droppingPeakFade = false;
  int bouncingPeaksNumOfLeds = 3;
  int bouncingPeakDelay = 4;
  int bouncingPeakCounterInc = 9;

#elif defined (led_strip_200)
  //settings for a 200 led strip

  int stripNumOfLeds = 200;
  uint32_t stripColor[101];
  int displayMiddleLed = false;
  int splitStrip = true;
  int middleOffset = 0;
  int startupAnimationDelay = 1;
  int orangeLimitAmount = 0;
  int swapLeftRight = false;
  int dropDelay = 10;
  float dropFactor = .96;
  int peakTimeNoDropDelay = 250;
  int peakTimeFirstDropDelay = 100;
  int peakTimeDropDelay = 30;
  float peakDropFactor = .99;
  int droppingPeakFade = false;
  int bouncingPeaksNumOfLeds = 8;
  int bouncingPeakDelay = 4;
  int bouncingPeakCounterInc = 9;

#elif defined (led_strip_144)
  //settings for a 200 led strip

  int stripNumOfLeds = 145;
  uint32_t stripColor[73];
  int displayMiddleLed = true;
  int splitStrip = false;
  int middleOffset = 1;
  int startupAnimationDelay = 1;
  int orangeLimitAmount = 0;
  int swapLeftRight = false;
  int dropDelay = 10;
  float dropFactor = .85;
  int peakTimeNoDropDelay = 250;
  int peakTimeFirstDropDelay = 100;
  int peakTimeDropDelay = 5;
  float peakDropFactor = .94;
  int droppingPeakFade = false;
  int bouncingPeaksNumOfLeds = 10;
  int bouncingPeakDelay = 2;
  int bouncingPeakCounterInc = 10;

// setup other variables, user editable

// basic settings
int minValue = 5;                                        // min analog input value
int maxValue = 250;                                       // max analog input value (0-1023 equals 0-5V)
int sensitivityValue = 255;                               // 0 - 255, initial value (value read from the potentiometer if useSensorValues = true)
int maxSensitivity = 2 * 255;                             // let the 'volume' go up to 200%!
int ledBrightness = 30;                                   // 0 - 255, initial value (value read from the potentiometer if useSensorValues = true)
int sensorDeviationBrightness = 1;                        // eliminate fluctuating values
int overflowDelay = 20;                                   // overflow hold time

// peak settings
int displayPeaks = true;                                  // value will be set by the switch if useSensorValues = true
int droppingPeak = true;                                  // display dropping peaks or not. note: displayPeaks has to be true 
int bouncingPeaks = true;                                 // display bouncing peaks or not. note: displayPeaks has to be true 

// initialize other variables needed for the sketch

int numOfSegments = stripNumOfLeds / 2;
int halfNumOfSegments = numOfSegments / 2; 
int stripMiddle = stripNumOfLeds / 2;
int maxDisplaySegments = stripMiddle - 1;
float sensitivityFactor;

int brightnessValue, prevBrightnessValue;
float ledFactor, ledFactor_div_numOfSegments;

int leftValue = 0, rightValue = 0, maxReadValue = 0;
int leftAnalogValue = 0, rightAnalogValue = 0;

int prevLeftValue = 0, prevRightValue = 0;
int prevLeftAnalogValue = 0, prevRightAnalogValue = 0;

int i, j;
int dropLeft, dropRight;
int leftDropTime, rightDropTime;

int leftPeak = 0, rightPeak = 0;
int leftPeakTime = 0, rightPeakTime = 0;
int leftFirstPeak = true, rightFirstPeak = true;
int readShowPeaksPin, prevReadShowPeaksPin;

uint32_t stripMiddleColor, stripOverflowColor, stripHoldColor;

int leftPeakBouncing = false, rightPeakBouncing = false;
int leftPeakBounce = 0, rightPeakBounce = 0;
int prevLeftPeakBounce = 0, prevRightPeakBounce = 0;
int leftPeakBounceCounter = 0, rightPeakBounceCounter = 0;
int leftPeakBounceDelayCounter = 0, rightPeakBounceDelayCounter = 0;

// initialize the strip or rings

Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(stripNumOfLeds, stripPin, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

// setup

void setup() {
  #ifdef DEBUG
  pinMode(showPeaksPin, INPUT);  

  if (useSensorValues) 

// main loop

void loop() {
  if (useSensorValues) 

  if (displayPeaks) {


// functions

void setInitialDisplayPeaks() {
  readShowPeaksPin = digitalRead(showPeaksPin);
  if (readShowPeaksPin == HIGH)
    displayPeaks = false;
    displayPeaks = true;
  prevReadShowPeaksPin = readShowPeaksPin;

void readSensorValues() {
  readShowPeaksPin = digitalRead(showPeaksPin);

  if (momentarySwitch) {
    if (readShowPeaksPin == LOW && prevReadShowPeaksPin == HIGH) {
      if (displayPeaks == true) {
        displayPeaks = false;
        if (momentarySwitch)
          while (digitalRead(showPeaksPin) == LOW) {}
      else {
        displayPeaks = true;
  else {
    if (readShowPeaksPin == LOW && prevReadShowPeaksPin == HIGH) 
      displayPeaks = true;
    else if (readShowPeaksPin == HIGH && prevReadShowPeaksPin == LOW) {
      displayPeaks = false;
  prevReadShowPeaksPin = readShowPeaksPin;
  brightnessValue = analogRead(brightnessPin);
  brightnessValue = map(brightnessValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
  if (abs(brightnessValue - prevBrightnessValue) > sensorDeviationBrightness) {
    ledBrightness = brightnessValue;
    prevBrightnessValue = brightnessValue;

  sensitivityValue = analogRead(sensitivityPin);
  sensitivityValue = map(sensitivityValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255);

void setSensitivityFactor() {
  //sensitivityValue_div_numOfSegments = sensitivityValue / numOfSegments;
  sensitivityFactor = ((float) sensitivityValue / 255 * (float) maxSensitivity / 255);

void readValues() {
  leftAnalogValue = analogRead(leftPin);
  rightAnalogValue = analogRead(rightPin);

  if (swapLeftRight) {
    int tempValue = leftAnalogValue;
    leftAnalogValue = rightAnalogValue;
    rightAnalogValue = tempValue;

  if (leftAnalogValue < prevLeftAnalogValue) {
    if (leftDropTime > dropDelay) {
      leftAnalogValue = prevLeftAnalogValue * dropFactor;
      leftDropTime = 0;
      leftAnalogValue = prevLeftAnalogValue;
  if (rightAnalogValue < prevRightAnalogValue) {
    if (rightDropTime > dropDelay) {
      rightAnalogValue = prevRightAnalogValue * dropFactor;
      rightDropTime = 0;
      rightAnalogValue = prevRightAnalogValue;

  #ifdef DEBUG
    Serial.print(" ");

  // map values  
  leftValue = map(leftAnalogValue * sensitivityFactor, minValue, maxValue, 0, maxDisplaySegments);
  rightValue = map(rightAnalogValue * sensitivityFactor, minValue, maxValue, 0, maxDisplaySegments);

  if (leftValue > maxDisplaySegments) {
      leftValue = maxDisplaySegments;
  if (rightValue > maxDisplaySegments) {
      rightValue = maxDisplaySegments;

void storePrevValues() {
  prevLeftAnalogValue = leftAnalogValue;
  prevRightAnalogValue = rightAnalogValue;

  prevLeftValue = leftValue;
  prevRightValue = rightValue;

void getPeaks() {
  if (leftValue > leftPeak) {
    leftPeak = leftValue;
    leftPeakTime = 0;
    leftFirstPeak = true;

    if (bouncingPeaks) {
      leftPeakBouncing = true;
      leftPeakBounceCounter = 0;
      leftPeakBounceDelayCounter = 0;
  else {
    if (droppingPeak) {
      if (leftFirstPeak) {
        if (leftPeakTime > peakTimeFirstDropDelay) {
          leftFirstPeak = false;
      else {
        if (leftPeakTime > peakTimeDropDelay) {
    else {
      if (leftPeakTime > peakTimeNoDropDelay) {

  if (leftPeakBouncing) {
    if (leftFirstPeak) {
      if (leftPeakBounceDelayCounter >= bouncingPeakDelay) {
        leftPeakBounceDelayCounter = 0;
        leftPeakBounceCounter += bouncingPeakCounterInc;
        if (leftPeakBounceCounter >= 180) {
        else {        
          leftPeakBounce = min((sin(leftPeakBounceCounter * 0.0174532925) * bouncingPeaksNumOfLeds), (maxDisplaySegments - leftPeak));
          if (leftPeakBounce != prevLeftPeakBounce) {
          prevLeftPeakBounce = leftPeakBounce;

  if (rightValue > rightPeak) {
    rightPeak = rightValue;
    rightPeakTime = 0;
    rightFirstPeak = true;

    if (bouncingPeaks) {
      rightPeakBouncing = true;
      rightPeakBounceCounter = 0;
      rightPeakBounceDelayCounter = 0;
  else {
    if (droppingPeak) {
      if (rightFirstPeak) {
        if (rightPeakTime > peakTimeFirstDropDelay) {
          rightFirstPeak = false;
      else {
        if (rightPeakTime > peakTimeDropDelay)
    else {
      if (rightPeakTime > peakTimeNoDropDelay)

  if (rightPeakBouncing) {
    if (rightFirstPeak) {
      if (rightPeakBounceDelayCounter >= bouncingPeakDelay) {
        rightPeakBounceDelayCounter = 0;
        rightPeakBounceCounter += bouncingPeakCounterInc;
        if (rightPeakBounceCounter >= 180) {
        else {        
          rightPeakBounce = min((sin(rightPeakBounceCounter * 0.0174532925) * bouncingPeaksNumOfLeds), (maxDisplaySegments - rightPeak));
          if (rightPeakBounce != prevRightPeakBounce) {
          prevRightPeakBounce = rightPeakBounce;

void drawValues() {
  if (splitStrip) {
    for (i = middleOffset; i < leftValue; i++)
      strip.setPixelColor(i, stripColor[i]);
    for (i = prevLeftValue; i > leftValue; i--)
      strip.setPixelColor(i, 0);
    for (i = middleOffset; i < rightValue; i++)
      strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle + i, stripColor[i]);
    for (i = prevRightValue; i > rightValue; i--)
      strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle + i, 0);
  else {
    for (i = middleOffset; i < leftValue; i++)
      strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle + i, stripColor[i]);
    for (i = prevLeftValue; i > leftValue; i--)
      strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle + i, 0);
    for (i = middleOffset; i < rightValue; i++)
      strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle - i, stripColor[i]);
    for (i = prevRightValue; i > rightValue; i--)
      strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle - i, 0);

  if (displayMiddleLed) strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle, stripMiddleColor);

void drawPeaks() {
  if (leftPeak > 0) {
    if (droppingPeakFade && leftPeakBouncing == false)
      stripHoldColor = strip.Color(max(1, (255 * leftPeak * ledFactor_div_numOfSegments)), 0, 0);
      stripHoldColor = stripColor[numOfSegments];

    if (splitStrip)
      strip.setPixelColor((leftPeak + leftPeakBounce), stripHoldColor);
      strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle + (leftPeak + leftPeakBounce), stripHoldColor);
  if (rightPeak > 0) {
    if (droppingPeakFade && rightPeakBouncing == false)
      stripHoldColor = strip.Color(max(1, (255 * rightPeak * ledFactor_div_numOfSegments)), 0, 0);    
      stripHoldColor = stripColor[numOfSegments];

    if (splitStrip)
      strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle + rightPeak + prevRightPeakBounce, stripHoldColor);
      strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle - (rightPeak + prevRightPeakBounce), stripHoldColor);

  if (leftPeak > 0 || rightPeak > 0)

void clearLeftPeak() {
  if (splitStrip)
    strip.setPixelColor((leftPeak + prevLeftPeakBounce), 0);
    strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle + (leftPeak + prevLeftPeakBounce), 0);

  if (droppingPeak)
    leftPeak = leftPeak * peakDropFactor;
    leftPeak = 0;
  leftPeakTime = 0;

void clearLeftBounce() {
  leftPeakBouncing = false;
  leftPeakBounceCounter = 0;
  leftPeakBounce = 0;
  prevLeftPeakBounce = 0;

void clearLeftBouncePeak() {
  if (splitStrip)
    strip.setPixelColor((leftPeak + prevLeftPeakBounce), 0);
    strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle + (leftPeak + prevLeftPeakBounce), 0);

void clearRightPeak() {
  if (splitStrip)
    strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle + rightPeak + prevRightPeakBounce, 0);
    strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle - (rightPeak + prevRightPeakBounce), 0);
  if (droppingPeak)
    rightPeak = rightPeak * peakDropFactor;
    rightPeak = 0;
  rightPeakTime = 0;

void clearRightBounce() {
  rightPeakBouncing = false;
  rightPeakBounceCounter = 0;
  rightPeakBounce = 0;
  prevRightPeakBounce = 0;

void clearRightBouncePeak() {
  if (splitStrip)
    strip.setPixelColor((stripMiddle + rightPeak + prevRightPeakBounce), 0);
    strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle - (rightPeak + prevRightPeakBounce), 0);

void drawOverflow() {
  for (i = 0; i <= numOfSegments; i++) {
    strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle + i, stripOverflowColor);
    strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle - i, stripOverflowColor);

  for (i = 0; i <= numOfSegments; i++) {
    strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle + i, 0);
    strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle - i, 0);

void setStripColors() {
  int orangeLimit;
  ledFactor = (float)ledBrightness / 255;

  float orangeFactor = orangeLimitAmount / halfNumOfSegments;
  ledFactor_div_numOfSegments = ledFactor / numOfSegments;
  stripOverflowColor = strip.Color(min(255, 255 * ledFactor * 1.5), 0, 0);
  stripMiddleColor = strip.Color(0, 0, 255 * ledFactor);

  stripColor[0] = strip.Color(0, 255 * ledFactor, 0);
  for (i = 1; i <= numOfSegments; i++) {
    if (i <= halfNumOfSegments)
      orangeLimit = (i * orangeFactor);
      orangeLimit = ((numOfSegments - i) * orangeFactor);

    stripColor[i] = strip.Color((255 * i * ledFactor_div_numOfSegments), ((255 - orangeLimit) * (numOfSegments - i) * ledFactor_div_numOfSegments), 0); 

  stripHoldColor = stripColor[numOfSegments];

void startupAnimation() {  
  for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
    for (i = 0; i <= numOfSegments; i++) {
      strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle - i, stripColor[i]);
      strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle + i, stripColor[i]);
    for (i = 0; i <= numOfSegments; i++) {
      strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle + i, 0);
      strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle - i, 0);


5 projects • 155 followers
A teacher at high school. I am an electronics teacher.


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