Hey Everyone!!! My project is focused on making a fully autonomous heavy lift rocket based around the arduino IDE. The rocket I built is called the Horizon and has 4 carbon fiber fins, a avionics bay to hold the electronics, and a advanced parachute ejection system. The rocket looks at its sensors and when its time to launch it will lift-off. The entire rocket is controlled by a pcb I manufactured called Gamma. It has a Teensy 3.5 microcontroller with high-speed data logging and pressure readings to get altitude measurements. And of course it wouldn't be a rocket without a buzzer and a RGB LED!
Cole Purtzer
16 projects • 212 followers
Hey I am Cole, the lead engineer at Delta Space Systems!
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7Nhgj_PVCtroPXHMhdku-g