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Arduino Nano Using Median Filter to Display DHT22 and RTC

Despike/smooth data from a DHT22 with a median filter and display on a 0.96 inch OLED with the date and time from a DS3231 real-time clock!

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Arduino Nano Using Median Filter to Display DHT22 and RTC

Things used in this project

Hardware components

DHT22 Temperature Sensor
DHT22 Temperature Sensor
Robojax DS3231 IIC Precision Real time Clock Module
Any equivalent DS3231 IIC RTC should work
Kuman 0.96 Inch Yellow Blue IIC OLED Module I2c
Any equivalent 0.96 inch OLED should work
Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3


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Breadboard layout


DHT Median filter with RTC

Simply upload to your Nano with the Arduini IDE
  Use an Arduino Nano to display temp/humidy on 0.96 inch Yellow/Blue IIC OLED I2c 
  serial 128x64 Display
  Use an Adafruit DHT22 Temperature and Humidity Sensor (accuracy ±2%)

  These data might bounce around somewhat because the sensor can be a little noisy
  at times.  We use a simple median filter to smooth out the noise
  Arduino Nano <--> OLED = pin A4 to SDA and pin A5 to SLC 

  February 2020

  Paul M Dunphy, VE1DX

// This library allows you to communicate with I2C devices, in this
// case the RTC and OLED display
#include <Wire.h> 

// For the DS3231 Real time Clock Module (AT24C32 Module)
#include <DS1307RTC.h>

// Include DHT Library from Adafruit

#include "DHT.h";
/* DHT22 pin-out:
   Pin 1 VCC 
   Pin 2 Data out
   Pin 3 Not connected
   Pin 4 Ground

#include "U8glib.h"  // For the OLED - Obtain from: https://github.com/olikraus/u8glib

// Define Constants
#define dhtPin 7        // DHT-22 Output Pin connection
#define dhtType DHT22   // DHT Type is a DHT 22 (AM2302)

// Initialize OLED
U8GLIB_SSD1306_128X32 u8g(U8G_I2C_OPT_NONE);

// Initialize DHT sensor
DHT dht(dhtPin, dhtType); 

tmElements_t tm;  // For the RTC

#define buff_size 7  // Must be an odd number.  Should be greater than 5.  7 works well.

unsigned long a_second = 1000;
float h = 0.0;  //Stores humidity value
float t = 0.0;  //Stores temperature value
float h_array[buff_size] = {0.0};
float t_array[buff_size] = {0.0};
float h_array_sort[buff_size] = {0.0};
float t_array_sort[buff_size] = {0.0};
String string_Temp, string_Humid, temporary_string, tick_string;

char OLED_string_1[50]; // Need a couple of character buffers to hold the two OLED lines
char OLED_string_2[50];

String str_day, str_month, str_year, str_time; // Lot of conversion to strings required because the
                                               // DSD Tech display doesn't like integers and floats

void clearOLED()
    do {
    } while( u8g.nextPage() );

void Initialize()
  float startup_delay;
  int i;
  startup_delay = buff_size * (a_second * 5.0 / 1000.0);
  temporary_string  = String(startup_delay,0);
  temporary_string = " (" + temporary_string + " seconds)";

  tick_string = "Initializing "; 
  strcpy(OLED_string_1, tick_string.c_str());
  strcpy(OLED_string_2, temporary_string.c_str());
  // Take "buff_size" readings of each parameter, one every 5 seconds,
  // to get initial arrays of data.  Print "status" dots across display.
  for (i = 0 ; i < buff_size ; i++)
       tick_string = tick_string + ". ";
       strcpy(OLED_string_1, tick_string.c_str());
       delay(a_second * 5);
       h_array[i] = dht.readHumidity();       // Get Humidity value
       t_array[i] = dht.readTemperature();    // Get Temperature value

void bubble_sort(float sort_array[], int n)
  int i, j;
  float  temp;
  for (i = 0 ; i < n - 1; i++)
      for (j = 0 ; j < n - i - 1; j++)
          if (sort_array[j] > sort_array[j+1])
            // Swap values 
            temp            = sort_array[j];
            sort_array[j]   = sort_array[j+1];
            sort_array[j+1] = temp;

void sendstringstoDisplay()
    u8g.firstPage();  // Send them to the dispaly
      do {

        u8g.setFont(u8g_font_5x7);  // This can be adjusted to various fonts.  See:  https://github.com/olikraus/u8glib/wiki/fontsize
        u8g.setPrintPos(0,7);       // Position of first line
        u8g.setFont(u8g_font_helvB14); // Little biger and bolder font as this is the temperature and humidy
        u8g.setPrintPos(0, 25);        // Position of second line

         } while (u8g.nextPage() );

void monthStr(tmElements_t tm)

   int int_month;
   str_month = tm.Month;
   int_month = str_month.toInt();

   case 1:
         str_month =("JAN");
   case 2:
         str_month =("FEB");
   case 3:
         str_month =("MAR");
   case 4:
         str_month =("APR");
   case 5:
         str_month =("MAY");
   case 6:
         str_month =("JUN");
   case 7:
         str_month =("JUL");
   case 8:
         str_month =("AUG");
   case 9:
         str_month =("SEP");
   case 10:
         str_month =("OCT");
   case 11:
         str_month =("NOV");
   case 12:
         str_month =("DEC");
         str_month =("ERR");

void timeStr(tmElements_t tm)

  // Add a leading zero when needed so all numbers are two characters
  String hours,seconds,minutes;

    hours = "0"+String(tm.Hour);
    hours = String(tm.Hour); 
    minutes = "0"+String(tm.Minute);
    minutes = String(tm.Minute); 

  // We're processing seconds "just in case", but not adding them to the small display 
    seconds = "0"+String(tm.Second);
    seconds = String(tm.Second); 
  str_time = hours + ":" + minutes;

void setup() 
   // Start Wire library for I2C
   // initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output.

void loop()
    int i, median_index;
    RTC.read(tm);  // Get the date and time
    monthStr(tm);  // Convert the month from a number to Jan, Feb, Mar, etc
    timeStr(tm);   // Convert the time to strings

    h = dht.readHumidity();         // Get Humidity value
    t = dht.readTemperature();      // Get Temperature value

    // Replace the oldest value with the newest just read by moving every element in 
    // the arrays up one and sticking this new value in the bottom.
    for (i = 0 ; i < buff_size - 1 ; i++)
        h_array[i] = h_array[i + 1];
        t_array[i] = t_array[i + 1];
    h_array[buff_size-1] = h;
    t_array[buff_size-1] = t;

    // Move them into the sort arrays
    for (i = 0 ; i < buff_size ; i++)
        h_array_sort[i] = h_array[i];
        t_array_sort[i] = t_array[i];

    // Sort them. Use quick and dirty bubble sort because it's a small number of data points
    bubble_sort(h_array_sort, buff_size);
    bubble_sort(t_array_sort, buff_size);

    // Use the median of the last "buff_zize" readings for the display
    median_index = buff_size / 2;
    h = h_array_sort[median_index]; 
    t = t_array_sort[median_index];
    string_Temp  = String(t,1);     // Make temp a character string
    string_Humid = String(h,1);     // Make humid a character string
    //  Build first OLED line
    str_year = tmYearToCalendar(tm.Year);
    str_day = tm.Day;
    str_day = str_day + "-";
    str_month = str_month + "-";
    temporary_string = "    " + str_day + str_month + str_year + " " + str_time;
    strcpy(OLED_string_1, temporary_string.c_str());      // Put date/time string in the first character array
    //  Build second OLED line
    temporary_string = "";
    temporary_string = temporary_string + string_Temp + char(176) + "C   ";  // char(176) is the degree symbol
    temporary_string = temporary_string + string_Humid + " %";    
    strcpy(OLED_string_2, temporary_string.c_str());      // Put temperature/humidity string in the second character array
    sendstringstoDisplay();             // Display the median temperature and humidity
    delay(5000);                        // Updates every 5 seconds




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