So I recently bought my first Arduino because I got curious about RFID technology, or rather inspired! So I ended up purchasing different components and expanding when I discovered the cool Adafruit NeoPixel ring with 24 pixels.
From there on, I made a few code projects where I first tried and failed some with the MFRC522 scanner, so I ended up soldering it to make sure it had full connection, which worked!
So what I did was experimenting with each component to see how I could set them all together into one project.
There were a lot of failing, testing of resistors for the NeoPixel and such. I ended up using .setBrightness instead of using resistors but this is optional. What to be aware of: The Adafruit NeoPixel can only handle so much power sent to it through the 5V port. I recommend reading up on which resistor is right for your product.
Edit: I revised the code and made everything more understandable by using more comments and source URL's to the dependencies which are at the time of writing available in the Library Manager for the Arduino IDE through the Windows Store.
For a demonstration, please see my old video here: