Hello everyone.
First I want to say that this project is for the world's largest Arduino maker challenge.
Please respect and share.
Step 1: Connect the mkr1000 with your computer
Step 2: Download the mkr1000 board library
tools --> board --> boarde manager --> and type " MKR1000"
and download the library.
Step 3: Download the wifi library
sketch --> include library --> library manager --> type "wifi101"
P.S this is the library for the billed in wifi moduel.
Step 4: Open the attached code.
Step5: The modification for the wifi connection
1. Uncomment the marked sentence
2. Change "your_network_name" with you wifi name. (be careful for the capitals)
3. This step is optional
Uncomment the last line creating a stable ip address for the MKR1000.
4. Choice your security mode
In my case it was a WPA / WPA2
Change "your_Wpa_passphrase" with your wifi password.
5. Upload the code to the MKR1000.
Step 6: open windows 10 store
Step 7: Right click on the search box
Step 8: Type " windows remote Arduino "
Step 9: Download it (I already download it so I will just open it)
Step 10: Chose the communication type
Step 10: We are going to use in this project the wifi (network)
Step 11: Type the MKR1000 ip address
Step 12: And the port that is in the Arduino code
Step 13: and then click "connect"
Step 14: Remote your MKR1000 using wifi connection.