
Arduino Based 4-Legged Mobile Robot Built From Scratch

A 4-legged mobile robot that tracks and wiggles its tail when it sees a human face. It can be controlled from remote PC through WiFi.

IntermediateWork in progress2 days1,679
Arduino Based 4-Legged Mobile Robot Built From Scratch

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect
Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect
Raspberry Pi Pico
Raspberry Pi Pico
Actually it is Raspberry Pi Pico W
ESP32 Camera Module Development Board
M5Stack ESP32 Camera Module Development Board
12V to 6V DC Converter
High Torque Servo Motors
Servo Motor SG90 180 degree
DIYables Servo Motor SG90 180 degree
Pan-Tilt HAT
Pimoroni Pan-Tilt HAT
Toggle Switch, Toggle
Toggle Switch, Toggle
9V to 12V Battery, 2500mAH
Servo Horns
Robot mechanical componants
Jumper Wires
DIYables Jumper Wires
DC Power Jack Connector
DIYables DC Power Jack Connector

Software apps and online services

Computer Aided Simulation Program (CASP)


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Connection Diagram for Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect

Connection Diagram for Raspberry Pi Pico W

Model for Native Target


Source Code For native custom blocks

#ifndef CUSTOMBLOCK865827210_H
#define CUSTOMBLOCK865827210_H

#include "sim_common_definitions.h"


    int index;
    XYZP offset, pt_prev;
    _UINT64 time_prev;

#define CustomBlock865827210_LEG_AR_SIZE 36
#define CustomBlock865827210_STAND_IDX 27

const _FLOAT g_CustomBlock865827210_leg_mag[CustomBlock865827210_LEG_AR_SIZE][3]/*{angle, radius, speed}*/
= {{0,700,1}, {10,900,1.2}, {20,980,1.4}, {30,1000,1.6}, {40,950,1.8}, {50,800,2}, {60,650,2}, {70,550,2}, {80,500,2}, {90,450,2},
   {100,440,2}, {110,433,2}, {120,450,2}, {130,476,2}, {140,535,2}, {150,630,1.8}, {160,800,1.6}, {170,1000,1.4}, {180,800,1.2},
   {180,720,1}, {180,640,1}, {180,560,1}, {180,480,1}, {180,400,1}, {180,320,1}, {180,240,1}, {180,160,1}, {180,80,1},
   {0,0,1}, {0,80,1}, {0,160,1}, {0,240,1}, {0,320,1}, {0,400,1}, {0,460,1}, {0,520,1}};

class SHARED_LIB_TYPE CustomBlock865827210
    void Initialize(const volatile BLOCK_CONSTRUCTOR_PARAM_STRUCT *arg);
    void PreRun(const volatile GLOBAL_PRERUN_PARAM_STRUCT *arg, _INT32 *kb_in, _FLOAT *ls_in, _INT32 *ld_in, _FLOAT *rs_in, _INT32 *rd_in, _FXDPT_FLOAT *lf_out, _FXDPT_FLOAT *lr_out, _FXDPT_FLOAT *rf_out, _FXDPT_FLOAT *rr_out, _INT32 *led_out);
    void Run(const volatile GLOBAL_RUN_PARAM_STRUCT *arg, _INT32 *kb_in, _FLOAT *ls_in, _INT32 *ld_in, _FLOAT *rs_in, _INT32 *rd_in, _FXDPT_FLOAT *lf_out, _FXDPT_FLOAT *lr_out, _FXDPT_FLOAT *rf_out, _FXDPT_FLOAT *rr_out, _INT32 *led_out);
    void PostRun(const volatile GLOBAL_POSTRUN_PARAM_STRUCT *arg, _INT32 *kb_in, _FLOAT *ls_in, _INT32 *ld_in, _FLOAT *rs_in, _INT32 *rd_in, _FXDPT_FLOAT *lf_out, _FXDPT_FLOAT *lr_out, _FXDPT_FLOAT *rf_out, _FXDPT_FLOAT *rr_out, _INT32 *led_out);
    //port variable declaration
    //block internal parameter variable declaration
    _FLOAT base_speed, h_radius, v_radius;
    _FLOAT leg1_offset[3], leg2_offset[3], leg3_offset[3], leg4_offset[3];
    //block internal initial condition variable declaration
    int GetPoint(int index, _FLOAT sp_factor, _FLOAT ang_xy, _FLOAT hmf, _FLOAT vmf, LEG_STRUCT *leg, XYZP *pt);
    _UINT64 m_tick;
    _BYTE m_prev_led_kb;
    LEG_STRUCT m_legs[4];//lf, rf, lr, rr


#include "CustomBlock865827210.h"
#include "simcode.h"
#include "sim_helper.h"
#include "math.h"

//each index corresponds to 10 deg starting from 0 deg.
#define LEG_AR_SIZE CustomBlock865827210_LEG_AR_SIZE
#define STAND_IDX CustomBlock865827210_STAND_IDX



void CustomBlock865827210::Initialize(const volatile BLOCK_CONSTRUCTOR_PARAM_STRUCT *arg){

void CustomBlock865827210::PreRun(const volatile GLOBAL_PRERUN_PARAM_STRUCT *arg, _INT32 *kb_in, _FLOAT *ls_in, _INT32 *ld_in, _FLOAT *rs_in, _INT32 *rd_in, _FXDPT_FLOAT *lf_out, _FXDPT_FLOAT *lr_out, _FXDPT_FLOAT *rf_out, _FXDPT_FLOAT *rr_out, _INT32 *led_out){
    m_tick = arg->rt_clk_tick;
    for(int i=0; i<4; ++i)
        m_legs[i].index = STAND_IDX;
        m_legs[i].time_prev = arg->rt_clk_tick;
        GetPoint(m_legs[i].index, -1, 0, 1, 1, &m_legs[i], 0);
    m_legs[0].offset.x = leg1_offset[0];
    m_legs[0].offset.y = leg1_offset[1];
    m_legs[0].offset.z = leg1_offset[2];
    m_legs[1].offset.x = leg2_offset[0];
    m_legs[1].offset.y = leg2_offset[1];
    m_legs[1].offset.z = leg2_offset[2];
    m_legs[2].offset.x = leg3_offset[0];
    m_legs[2].offset.y = leg3_offset[1];
    m_legs[2].offset.z = leg3_offset[2];
    m_legs[3].offset.x = leg4_offset[0];
    m_legs[3].offset.y = leg4_offset[1];
    m_legs[3].offset.z = leg4_offset[2];
    base_speed = base_speed/1000;//convert to mm/msec
    m_prev_led_kb = 0;

void CustomBlock865827210::Run(const volatile GLOBAL_RUN_PARAM_STRUCT *arg, _INT32 *kb_in, _FLOAT *ls_in, _INT32 *ld_in, _FLOAT *rs_in, _INT32 *rd_in, _FXDPT_FLOAT *lf_out, _FXDPT_FLOAT *lr_out, _FXDPT_FLOAT *rf_out, _FXDPT_FLOAT *rr_out, _INT32 *led_out){
    //if(arg->rt_clk_tick-m_tick < 1000)
    //    return;
    m_tick = arg->rt_clk_tick;
    //flash light led logic
        if(m_prev_led_kb == 0)
            m_prev_led_kb = 1;
            *led_out = (*led_out)?0:1;
        m_prev_led_kb = 0;
    _FLOAT ls = *ls_in;
    _FLOAT rs = *rs_in;
    _FLOAT sp = (ls + rs)/2;//average speed
    int ldir = *ld_in;//1-forward, 0-backward
    int rdir = (*rd_in)?0:1;
    if(sp < 0.001)//standing
        sp = 1.0;
        m_legs[0].index = m_legs[1].index = m_legs[2].index = m_legs[3].index = STAND_IDX;
        GetPoint(m_legs[0].index, sp, 0, 1, 1, &m_legs[0], (XYZP*)lf_out);
        GetPoint(m_legs[1].index, sp, 0, 1, 1, &m_legs[1], (XYZP*)lr_out);
        GetPoint(m_legs[2].index, sp, 0, 1, 1, &m_legs[2], (XYZP*)rf_out);
        GetPoint(m_legs[3].index, sp, 0, 1, 1, &m_legs[3], (XYZP*)rr_out);
        int leg_mag_idx[4];
        _FLOAT leg_ang[4];
        _FLOAT hmul, vmul;
        leg_mag_idx[0] = m_legs[0].index+0;//left front leg
        leg_mag_idx[1] = m_legs[1].index+LEG_AR_HALF_IDX;//left rear leg
        leg_mag_idx[2] = m_legs[2].index+LEG_AR_HALF_IDX;//right front leg
        leg_mag_idx[3] = m_legs[3].index+0;//right rear leg
        if(ldir == 1 && rdir == 0)//rotate right
                leg_ang[0] = leg_ang[2] = 90;
                leg_ang[1] = leg_ang[3] = 90;
                leg_ang[0] = leg_ang[2] = 90;
                leg_ang[1] = leg_ang[3] = -90;
            hmul = 0.5;
            vmul = 1.0;
            sp *= 1.2;
        else if(ldir == 0 && rdir == 1)//rotate left
                leg_ang[0] = leg_ang[2] = -90;
                leg_ang[1] = leg_ang[3] = -90;
                leg_ang[0] = leg_ang[2] = -90;
                leg_ang[1] = leg_ang[3] = 90;
            hmul = 0.5;
            vmul = 1.0;
            sp *= 1.2;
        else if(ldir == 1 && rdir == 1)//move forward
            if(IsEqual(ls, rs))
                leg_ang[0] = leg_ang[1] = leg_ang[2] = leg_ang[3] = 0;
            else if(ls > rs)//go right
                leg_ang[0] = leg_ang[2] = 30;
                leg_ang[1] = leg_ang[3] = -30;
            else//ls < rs, go left
                leg_ang[0] = leg_ang[2] = -30;
                leg_ang[1] = leg_ang[3] = 30;
            hmul = vmul = 1.0;
        else//move backward
            if(IsEqual(ls, rs))
                leg_ang[0] = leg_ang[1] = leg_ang[2] = leg_ang[3] = 180;
            else if(ls > rs)//go right
                leg_ang[0] = leg_ang[2] = (180+30);
                leg_ang[1] = leg_ang[3] = (180-30);
            else//ls < rs, go left
                leg_ang[0] = leg_ang[2] = (180-30);
                leg_ang[1] = leg_ang[3] = (180+30);
            hmul = vmul = 1.0;
        //get current x,y,z co-ordinates for all 4 legs
        int ret = GetPoint(leg_mag_idx[0], sp, leg_ang[0], hmul, vmul, &m_legs[0], (XYZP*)lf_out);
        m_legs[0].index += (ret && (m_legs[0].index<LEG_AR_MAX_IDX))?1:0;
        ret = GetPoint(leg_mag_idx[1], sp, leg_ang[1], hmul, vmul, &m_legs[1], (XYZP*)lr_out);
        m_legs[1].index += (ret && (m_legs[1].index<LEG_AR_MAX_IDX))?1:0;
        ret = GetPoint(leg_mag_idx[2], sp, leg_ang[2], hmul, vmul, &m_legs[2], (XYZP*)rf_out);
        m_legs[2].index += (ret && (m_legs[2].index<LEG_AR_MAX_IDX))?1:0;
        ret = GetPoint(leg_mag_idx[3], sp, leg_ang[3], hmul, vmul, &m_legs[3], (XYZP*)rr_out);
        m_legs[3].index += (ret && (m_legs[3].index<LEG_AR_MAX_IDX))?1:0;
        //synchronise all four legs
        if(m_legs[0].index == LEG_AR_MAX_IDX &&  m_legs[1].index == LEG_AR_MAX_IDX && m_legs[2].index == LEG_AR_MAX_IDX && m_legs[3].index == LEG_AR_MAX_IDX)
            m_legs[0].index = 0;
            m_legs[1].index = 0;
            m_legs[2].index = 0;
            m_legs[3].index = 0;

void CustomBlock865827210::PostRun(const volatile GLOBAL_POSTRUN_PARAM_STRUCT *arg, _INT32 *kb_in, _FLOAT *ls_in, _INT32 *ld_in, _FLOAT *rs_in, _INT32 *rd_in, _FXDPT_FLOAT *lf_out, _FXDPT_FLOAT *lr_out, _FXDPT_FLOAT *rf_out, _FXDPT_FLOAT *rr_out, _INT32 *led_out){
    _FLOAT sp = 1.0;
    m_legs[0].index = m_legs[1].index = m_legs[2].index = m_legs[3].index = STAND_IDX;
    GetPoint(m_legs[0].index, sp, 0, 1, 1, &m_legs[0], (XYZP*)lf_out);
    GetPoint(m_legs[1].index, sp, 0, 1, 1, &m_legs[1], (XYZP*)lr_out);
    GetPoint(m_legs[2].index, sp, 0, 1, 1, &m_legs[2], (XYZP*)rf_out);
    GetPoint(m_legs[3].index, sp, 0, 1, 1, &m_legs[3], (XYZP*)rr_out);

int CustomBlock865827210::GetPoint(int index, _FLOAT sp_factor, _FLOAT ang_xy, _FLOAT hmf, _FLOAT vmf, LEG_STRUCT *leg, XYZP *pt)
        leg->time_prev = m_tick;
        return 1;
    //check limits
    if(index < 0) index = LEG_AR_SIZE + index;
    if(index > LEG_AR_MAX_IDX) index = index-LEG_AR_SIZE;
    _FLOAT ang = g_CustomBlock865827210_leg_mag[index][0];//angle
    _FLOAT rad = g_CustomBlock865827210_leg_mag[index][1]/1000.0;//radius
    _FLOAT speed = g_CustomBlock865827210_leg_mag[index][2];//speed
    XYZP p;
    p.x = 0;
    p.y = -rad * cos(ang * MATH_DEG_TO_RAD) * h_radius * hmf;
    p.z = rad * sin(ang * MATH_DEG_TO_RAD) * v_radius * vmf;
    //convert to user angle
    ang = ang_xy;
    rad = p.y;
    p.x = rad * sin(ang * MATH_DEG_TO_RAD);//sin because we r taking along y as angle zero
    p.y = rad * cos(ang * MATH_DEG_TO_RAD);
    //adjust point wrt speed. only if sp_factor > 0
    int ret = 1;
    if(sp_factor > 0.0001)
        _FLOAT len = GetDistance(&p, &leg->pt_prev);
        if(len > 0.001)
            _FLOAT td = (m_tick-leg->time_prev)/1000.0;//in msec
            _FLOAT dis = td * (base_speed*sp_factor*speed);
            _FXDPT_FLOAT ratio = dis/len;
            if(ratio > 1) ratio = 1;
            p.x = leg->pt_prev.x + ((p.x-leg->pt_prev.x)*ratio);
            p.y = leg->pt_prev.y + ((p.y-leg->pt_prev.y)*ratio);
            p.z = leg->pt_prev.z + ((p.z-leg->pt_prev.z)*ratio);
            ret = 0;
    leg->time_prev = m_tick;
    leg->pt_prev.x = p.x;
    leg->pt_prev.y = p.y;
    leg->pt_prev.z = p.z;
        p.x = p.x + leg->offset.x;
        p.y = p.y + leg->offset.y;
        p.z = p.z + leg->offset.z;
        pt->x = p.x;
        pt->y = p.y;
        pt->z = p.z;
    return ret;


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