It's been almost two years, and we are tied up with masks every day. Mask is a boring thing, but it is a lifesaver in this situation. And every day, we have to wear a mask to protect ourselves. But I'm bored of this mask that we everyday use. Why not make it a little smarter!
That's why I make this social distancing mask that can help to maintain social distancing. When a person comes near you, and the distance is less than 3 feet, the mask shows a red collared sad face. And when the distance is less than 1.5 feet, the sad😟 face blinks continuously. If no one is in the range of 3 feet, then the mask shows a smiling face😊
Making ProcedureIt uses a VL53L0x Time-of-Flight (ToF) sensor to measure the distance. VL53L0x is a low-profile laser-ranging sensor with millimeter-level accuracy. This sensor is very suitable for this project for its compact size and ranging accuracy. I use an Arduino pro mini as the brain of the project and red and green color SMD led for the facial expressions. And a 100mah mini lipo battery is powering all of this.
CodingFirst of all, I have included the Adafruit Vl53l0x library to make the sensor work. Then I define the variables for the LEDs and the sensor. And in the setup function, I initialize the sensor and set the pin mode for the LEDs as output.
Then in the loop function, I use to measure.RangeMilliMeter
command to read the distance in millimeters and uses some conditions to show different facial expressions with distance.
if (measure.RangeMilliMeter >= 500 & measure.RangeMilliMeter < 1000) {
digitalWrite(red, LOW);
digitalWrite(green, HIGH);
Here, if the measured distance is less than 1000mm, and if greater than or equal to 500mm, the musk shows a red SAD face.
else if (measure.RangeMilliMeter < 500) {
digitalWrite(red, LOW);
digitalWrite(green, HIGH);
digitalWrite(red, HIGH);
digitalWrite(green, HIGH);
Here if the measured distance is less than 500mm, the red-Sad face blinks continuously as an indication of crossing extreme distance.
But if the distance is greater than 1000mm, the mask shows the green smiley face.
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