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HID-compliant Auxiliary LCD Display for PC

This project allows an Arduino board with USB capabilities and connected LCD screen to act as a HID-compliant Auxiliary Display for your PC

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HID-compliant Auxiliary LCD Display for PC

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Pro Micro

Software apps and online services

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS


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USB HID-compliant Auxiliary Display Library for Arduino

This library allows an Arduino board with USB capabilities and connected LCD display to act as a HID-compliant Auxiliary Display to the host computer, which can be used for displaying any system output such as CPU/GPU temperature, fan speed, used memory or any other information.

Driver library for HID-compliant LCD Display

This driver library allows host to communicate with HID-compliant Auxiliary Display based on Arduino. The main idea of this library is to provide a simple unified communication with the small LCD displays supported by Arduino. Such displays can be used for showing system information such as hardware temperature, fan speed, etc.,

Auxiliary LCD Display Service

The system service for printing arbitrary output to the HID-compliant auxiliary display.


3 projects • 5 followers


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