Going into this project, I knew I wanted to do something like Bop-It. The idea was that the interactor would watch the color pattern as it flashed and the tones it made would help identify the tasks. The interactor would have four different tasks to choose from; touching a pin, flipping the box, shaking the box, and making a loud sound. The idea worked out wonderfully and the code was a challenge to tackle but rewarding when it came to fruition.
Watching this project helped me better figure out the best actions to go about for the game:
Circuit Playground Simple Simon
However, something happened. Once placed in the box and the alligator clip meant for starting the game and another to take the players' input was fed through, the project looked promising. But something was making the CPX unable to pick up on the touch commands as I attempted to start the game before I finished constructing the housing for it. I was confused as to why that was happening when placed outside of the box, it was working just fine. I had to find another alternative for these two commands in order to continue with the construction of the box. That when I figured I could make it where when the player tilted the box up, it would start the game, and when the player tilted the box down, it would be an input taken as a task from the player.
Moving on from that roadblock, I was able to implement the code, finished adding the controls to the top of the box, and tie off the bottom of the box so that it resembled a little ghost. There were already holes that were drilled in the box for the alligator clips but luckily I had already planned to cover the whole box with some sheer white tissue paper. An unfortunate event but a very fun game came out of it.
The player has 3 tries before "Game Over" and when the player misses a task, the box will repeat that same sequence to the player. When the game ends with a "Game Over" the player has a chance to try again and the CPX will generate a new task sequence for the player to follow.
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