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Adarsh Madhusoodanan
Published © CERN-OHL

Stereo Amplifier with Bass Booster

This is an amplifier with stereo input containing a bass boosting board for proper working of a 5 " subwoofer and two speakers.

IntermediateFull instructions provided5 hours1,910
Stereo Amplifier with Bass Booster

Things used in this project

Hardware components

single IC audio amplifier board
transformer 12v,1A output
transformer 12V,3A output
bass asnd treble control circuit
Rotary potentiometer (generic)
Rotary potentiometer (generic)
stereo audio player and USB decoder module
LED (generic)
LED (generic)
Linear Regulator (7805)
Linear Regulator (7805)
Resistor 220 ohm
Resistor 220 ohm
mono subwoofer amplifier board
spst switch
diode 1N5408 ,3A

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


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connection diagram


Adarsh Madhusoodanan

Adarsh Madhusoodanan

1 project • 3 followers
a simple tech enthusiasat,mainly focusing on electronic hardware,microcontrollers .interested in embedded systems,firmware and iot.
