Imagine an office, hospital or hotel front-desk powered by the speech recognition and interaction capabilities of Amazon Echo aka Alexa. Confluence Knowledge Base can act as the brain to power Alexa and provide the ability to search for answers that the user is looking for.
What it doesAllows you to search Confluence Knowledge Base from Amazon Echo. You can self host the integration on Amazon AWS with the instructions provided in the repository below and link this with your Confluence Knowledge Base space.
How we built itUses Amazon Lambda , API Gateway from AWS and the Nodejs alexa-app
module. The integration is a custom Amazon Alexa skill and uses the Confluence search REST API to provide the results.
Confluence pages have rich formatting and content. Using text to speech capabilities with the raw content of the Confluence pages accessed via the REST API alone does not suffice. Alexa's account linking requires Oauth support which was achieved using Amazon API gateway. User information (confluence URL, confluence space) were saved by associated to account linking.
Accomplishments that we're proud ofThe integration attempts to make the content retrieved from Confluence more readable for Alexa and also adds slight pauses in between to be audible for the user.
What we learnedAmazon Echo aka Alexa is very powerful if you link it with the amazing capability of Confluence to be used as a Knowledge Base. Confluence search works great but integration with Alexa makes this useful outside of a computer and brings this to the physical world with some exciting possibilities.
What's next for Knowledge BaseWe have submitted this to the Amazon Alexa Skills Store. Once it gets approved, users can link their public Confluence Knowledge Base spaces via the Alexa mobile app and use the integration without requiring to host it themselves. However, the source code is open for those looking to host it themselves.
Want to try it out on your own? Check out this link to install it yourself!
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