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Adrien Chapelet
Published © GPL3+

Open-source 0G Tracker

To respect social distancing rules, as well as knowing if you've come across someone that doesn't know that got the CoVid-19.

AdvancedWork in progress4 hours561
Open-source 0G Tracker

Things used in this project

Hardware components

nRF52 BLE module
Main module that controls every other component and BLE
Espressif ESP-12F
WiFi module to scan WiFi access points
Sigfox 0G module
0G module to communicate with the global network
STMicroelectronics LIS2DS12
Bosch BME280


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Hardware sources


Firmware sources


Adrien Chapelet
2 projects • 3 followers
Passionate about IoT & hardware, I’m Making things come alive at https://plugblocks.com , #maker #entrepreneur #IoT #arm #BLE #Sigfox #eink


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