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Project to demonstrate use of multiple interrupts in a real world situation. Traffic light control with pedestrian crossing was chosen so that interrupts can be used for sensing traffic in the background and to latch in a crossing request.
For test purposes Hall Effect sensors were used in place of Push Buttons or loop sensor.
Pedestrian request is latched in and additional presses are ignored until crossing cycle completed. The crossing authority is delayed depending on what point in the light sequence the button is pressed but is limited for a max. of 2 cycles.
A second interrupt detects traffic flow to prolong green period depending on traffic volume but time limited so as not to block one way.
This project is fully scalable for full size traffic lights by using a suitable interface, relays, contactors
, and pickup loops or microwave traffic sensors. This project is for the control of one way traffic over a single lane bridge with a pedestrian crossing on one side, but could also control cross roads.
Run on ARDUINO Mega 2560.
/* Project to demonstrate use of multiple interrupts in a real world situation.
Traffic light control with pedestrian crossing
lights.UK light cycle. Can be changed to USA and EU with no Amber shown on Red to Green
by // out lines 77,95.
1 interrupt Peestrian request is latched in and subsquent presses are ignored
until crossing cycle completed.
2 interurupt detected traffic sense to prolong green period depending on
traffic volume but time limited so as not to block one way. Default green time set by "flowTime" and
modified by "extraDelay" which is limited to one interrupt value set in subroutine call.
Run on ARDUINO Mega 2560.
Malcolm Page March 2021. updated January 05 2022.new functions 7/1,Test Func addded 9/1
Contact malcolm@gbapj.com
================================================================================= */
int button0 = 2;
int button1 = 3;
int button2 = 21;
int button3 = 20;
int button4 = 19;
// int button5=18;
const int north_redpin = 5;
const int north_orangpin = 4;
const int north_grnpin = 6;
const int south_redpin = 8;
const int south_orangpin = 9;
const int south_grnpin = 12;
const int pedRedpin = 13;
const int pedGrnpin = 10;
const int pedWaitpin = 7;
const int crossTime = 10000; // Time pedestrian to cross
const int flowTime = 5000; // Time for traffic to flow will be modified by traffic sensor interrupt variable "extraDelay"
const int amberTime = 2000;
const int TrfWait=5000;
const int RedPause=3000;
int pedReq = 0;
int northDelay = 0;
int southDelay = 0;
int NextraDelay = 0;
int SextraDelay = 0;
int CrossCalls = 0;
void setup()
pinMode (pedGrnpin, OUTPUT);
pinMode (pedRedpin, OUTPUT);
pinMode (north_redpin, OUTPUT);
pinMode (north_orangpin, OUTPUT);
pinMode (north_grnpin, OUTPUT);
pinMode (south_redpin, OUTPUT);
pinMode (south_orangpin, OUTPUT);
pinMode (south_grnpin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(button0, INPUT);
pinMode(button1, INPUT);
pinMode(button2, INPUT);
pinMode(button3, INPUT);
pinMode(button4, INPUT);
// pinMode(button5,INPUT);
pinMode(pedWaitpin, OUTPUT);
TestLights(); // Test lights
digitalWrite(north_redpin, HIGH); // INITIAL STATE SET TO
digitalWrite(south_grnpin, HIGH); // NORTH RED SOUTH GREEN
digitalWrite(pedRedpin, HIGH); //initial set to RED
attachInterrupt(0, CrossingRequest, RISING); //int 0 on Pin 2
attachInterrupt(1, DelayNorthRequest, RISING); //int 1 on Pin 3
attachInterrupt(2, DelaySouthRequest, RISING); //int 2 on Pin 21
attachInterrupt(3, Funct3, RISING); //int 3 on Pin 20
attachInterrupt(4, Funct4, RISING); //int 4 on Pin 19
// attachInterrupt(5,Funct5,RISING); //int 5 on Pin 18
//================================== Main core of programme ==============================
void loop()
digitalWrite(south_orangpin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(south_grnpin, LOW);
delay(amberTime); // Changing pause
digitalWrite(south_orangpin, LOW);
digitalWrite(south_redpin, HIGH); // sets south to stop
delay(RedPause); // wait both stop
digitalWrite(north_orangpin, HIGH); // disable for USA/EU Sequence
delay(amberTime); // Pause amber north
digitalWrite(north_redpin, LOW);
digitalWrite(north_orangpin, LOW);
digitalWrite(north_grnpin, HIGH); // sets north to go
NextraDelay = 0;
delay(TrfWait); // wait for more traffic
Serial.println (NextraDelay);
NextraDelay = 0;
digitalWrite(north_orangpin, HIGH); // set north to stop
digitalWrite(north_grnpin, LOW);
delay(amberTime); // pause amber
digitalWrite(north_redpin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(north_orangpin, LOW);
delay(RedPause); // wait both stop
if (pedReq > 1) setcrossing();
digitalWrite(south_orangpin, HIGH); // disable for USA/EU Sequence
delay(amberTime); // pause amber south
digitalWrite(south_redpin, LOW);
digitalWrite(south_grnpin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(south_orangpin, LOW); // set south to go
Serial.println("108"); // wait for more traffic
SextraDelay = 0;
if (pedReq > 0)
pedReq++; // hold off crossing for a further sequence
//======================= Subroutines (Functions) ==========================
void CrossingRequest() // Interrupt 0 here
void DelayNorthRequest() // Interrupt 2 here
void DelaySouthRequest() // intereupt 1 here
void setwait()
if (pedReq > 0) return;
digitalWrite(pedWaitpin, HIGH);
pedReq = 1;
void setcrossing()
digitalWrite(south_redpin, HIGH); // sets south to stop
digitalWrite(pedWaitpin, LOW);
digitalWrite(pedRedpin, LOW);
digitalWrite(pedGrnpin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pedGrnpin, LOW);
digitalWrite(pedRedpin, HIGH);
pedReq = 0; // Re-enable crossing request
void flashpedred()
for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++) {
digitalWrite(pedRedpin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pedRedpin, LOW);
void flashpedgreen()
for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++) {
void waitnorth()
NextraDelay = 15000;
void waitsouth()
SextraDelay = 15000;
void Funct3()
Serial.println("Funct 3");
void Funct4()
{ Serial.println("Funct4");
void TestLights()
digitalWrite(south_orangpin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(south_redpin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(south_grnpin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(north_grnpin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(north_orangpin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(north_redpin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pedWaitpin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(south_orangpin, LOW);
digitalWrite(south_redpin, LOW);
digitalWrite(south_grnpin, LOW);
digitalWrite(north_grnpin, LOW);
digitalWrite(north_orangpin, LOW);
digitalWrite(north_redpin, LOW);
digitalWrite(pedWaitpin, LOW);