So problem about older irrigation lines is that we do not have any idea that where is our irrigation lines because people drawn map on paper and it doesn't provide accuracy. So people try to dig on assumption if anythings needs to be done.
To solve this problem, what we can do is, We can detect pipe with Walabot and map it on google maps. So, anyone can have clear idea about irrigation pipe network and use that information to save time and to make plan accordingly. we can also use this to detect underground lines and cable lines and map it whole network on google Maps for cities where networks tends to be more complex . We can also detect depth of the lines. So In future if we need to make new irrigation lines or cable lines, We can check depth of pipes and cables and there routes so new operations can be done with zero destruction of older lines in city.
Mapping pipe lines and fiber lines on google maps would done by drone so it can follow the lines without obstacles. This will help to solve many problems.