Many hours is lost in the bus when office travel. This time bus become more useful with office tools on bus. From the bus, we can connect internet (without smartphone power bank). talk to each other.
Bus halte is place where many hours lost time. Currently this bus halte become useful. With delivering information system on bus halte, we prepare the time to office customer, Bus halte have information route to some place via bus/angkot
Wireless is communication with each other with less drop comparing with cabling, but less secure. Antena is key for this communication. low power is the solution with this proposal. With thousand bus, the wireless device must able to repeat when the crc not good. This proposal will design the bus information system via connectionless UDP to make network not busy. This connectionless will cover more width with cellular network (with less db on recive can still information to halte bus customer)
This project use the Microchip PIC with cellular modem that use for recommendation. The modem implement AT command modem to talk on each node