Hardware components | ||||||
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Software apps and online services | ||||||
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ALEXA CLOUD BASED APPLICATION CONTROL is a prototype using alexa skill sets.
In this prototype, Using alexa user can able to give the voice input such a way that accessing the already logged cloud based platform like IBM bluemix or Amazon web services. Usually most of the people use the cloud as platform as a service and sometime communication as a service . Using alexa user can able to access cloud using voice and easily deploy the applications(Web application, Big data analysis, set of codes in any programming language to perform any kind of operations.
The advantage of this prototype is , most of the application may have service level agreement for certain time like operational, mission critical ,24*7 etc .though user need to run these application for respected times. Alexa tool will be useful for this .
Real life example - If a building caught fire ,people want to escape from that and have to imform this situation to fire authorities. If alexa is there , Manager can able to access cloud vocally and run the fire alarm application. This fire alarm application will activate the fire alarms, activate the water supply to the required place as per the instruction , cloud will send immediate notifiaction to the fire authorities with complete details . Manager can push all the important data to cloud using the Alexa.
#we cam add any code for any operation
#here big data analytics of twitter trends is given
# coding: utf-8
# In[40]:
#we can perform any application
import pip
# Import the required libraries.
import tweepy
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Make the graphs prettier
pd.set_option('display.mpl_style', 'default')
consumerKey = 'iPIcJAmPTQYiEZ3FF01iuVcvI'
consumerSecret = '8P39msYkvZHdP4wxbhtl7GhFvUfAlJVSMPMTQJRAQr2ESDUbxR'
#Use tweepy.OAuthHandler to create an authentication using the given key and secret
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key=consumerKey,
#Connect to the Twitter API using the authentication
api = tweepy.API(auth)
#Perform a basic search query where we search for the'#Oscars2015' in the tweets
result = api.search(q='%23Oscars2015') #%23 is used to specify '#'
# Print the number of items returned by the search query to verify our query ran. Its 15 by default
tweet = result[0] #Get the first tweet in the result
# Analyze the data in one tweet to see what we require
for param in dir(tweet):
#The key names beginning with an '_' are hidden ones and usually not required, so we'll skip them
if not param.startswith("_"):
print "%s : %s\n" % (param, eval('tweet.'+param))
results = []
#Get the first 5000 items based on the search query
for tweet in tweepy.Cursor(api.search, q='%23Oscars2015').items(5000):
# Verify the number of items returned
print len(results)
# Create a function to convert a given list of tweets into a Pandas DataFrame.
# The DataFrame will consist of only the values, which I think might be useful for analysis...
def toDataFrame(tweets):
DataSet = pd.DataFrame()
DataSet['tweetID'] = [tweet.id for tweet in tweets]
DataSet['tweetText'] = [tweet.text for tweet in tweets]
DataSet['tweetRetweetCt'] = [tweet.retweet_count for tweet
in tweets]
DataSet['tweetFavoriteCt'] = [tweet.favorite_count for tweet
in tweets]
DataSet['tweetSource'] = [tweet.source for tweet in tweets]
DataSet['tweetCreated'] = [tweet.created_at for tweet in tweets]
DataSet['userID'] = [tweet.user.id for tweet in tweets]
DataSet['userScreen'] = [tweet.user.screen_name for tweet
in tweets]
DataSet['userName'] = [tweet.user.name for tweet in tweets]
DataSet['userCreateDt'] = [tweet.user.created_at for tweet
in tweets]
DataSet['userDesc'] = [tweet.user.description for tweet in tweets]
DataSet['userFollowerCt'] = [tweet.user.followers_count for tweet
in tweets]
DataSet['userFriendsCt'] = [tweet.user.friends_count for tweet
in tweets]
DataSet['userLocation'] = [tweet.user.location for tweet in tweets]
DataSet['userTimezone'] = [tweet.user.time_zone for tweet
in tweets]
return DataSet
#Pass the tweets list to the above function to create a DataFrame
DataSet = toDataFrame(results)
DataSet = DataSet[DataSet.userTimezone.notnull()]
# Let's also check how many records are we left with now
tzs = DataSet['userTimezone'].value_counts()[:10]
print tzs
# Create a bar-graph figure of the specified size
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (15, 5)
# Plot the Time Zone data as a bar-graph
# Assign labels and title to the graph to make it more presentable
plt.ylabel('Tweet Count')
plt.title('Top 10 Timezones tweeting about #Oscars2015')
tweetPath = os.path.join("data_ο¬les", "twitter")
tweetFiles = {
"time01": os.path.join(tweetPath, "statuses.*.gz")
frequencyMap = {}
globalTweetCounter = 0
timeFormat = "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S +0000 %Y"
reader = codecs.getreader("utf-8")
for (key, path) in tweetFiles.items():
localTweetList = []
for ο¬lePath in glob.glob(path):
print ("Reading File:", ο¬lePath)
for line in gzip.open(ο¬lePath, 'rb'):
# Try to read tweet JSON into object
tweetObj = None
tweetObj = json.loads(reader.decode(line)[0])
except Exception as e:
continue # Deleted status messages and protected status must be skipped
if ( "delete" in tweetObj.keys() or βstatus_withheld" in tweetObj.keys() ):
frequencyMap[currentTime] = {"count":1, βlist":[tweetObj]}
# Fill in any gaps
times = sorted(frequencyMap.keys())
ο¬rstTime = times[0]
lastTime = times[-1]
thisTime = ο¬rstTime
timeIntervalStep = datetime.timedelta(0, 60) # Time step in seconds
while ( thisTime <= lastTime ):
if ( thisTime not in frequencyMap.keys() ):
frequencyMap[thisTime] = {"count":0, "list":[]}
thisTime = thisTime + timeIntervalStep
print ("Processed Tweet Count:", globalTweetCounter)
# Try to extract the time of the tweet
currentTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(tweetObj['created_at'], timeFormat)
print (line)
currentTime = currentTime.replace(second=0)
# Increment tweet count
globalTweetCounter += 1
# If our frequency map already has this time, use it, otherwise add
if ( currentTime in frequencyMap.keys() ):
timeMap = frequencyMap[currentTime]
timeMap["count"] += 1
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ο¬g, ax = plt.subplots()6
plt.title("Tweet Frequency")
# Sort the times into an array for future use
sortedTimes = sorted(frequencyMap.keys())
print ("Time Frame:", sortedTimes[0], sortedTimes[-1])
# Get a count of tweets per minute
postFreqList = [frequencyMap[x]["count"] for x in sortedTimes]
# We'll have ticks every thirty minutes (much more clutters the graph)
smallerXTicks = range(0, len(sortedTimes), 30)
plt.xticks(smallerXTicks, [sortedTimes[x] for x in smallerXTicks], rotation=90)
# Plot the post frequency
ax.plot(range(len(frequencyMap)), [x if x > 0 else 0 for x in postFreqList], color="blue", label="Posts")
ax.grid(b=True, which=u'major')
consumer_key = "RfWoIb9wocCY0kOYKUYnf5VOo"
consumer_secret = "FqsdZGdD4yvzwPj0yoe7lHRxgG4tjz2WVZbozxpOPnDunMhzv9"
access_token = "2421639553-0IF33x71RsEJL2aKCksu0C1VR8383nqRQK0dYSE"
access_token_secret = "3wSJCvLhgPBi8NUNVWbvosK2DAraGgB9K0NN0URNLVWjs"
# Set up the authorization mechanisms for Tweepy to access Twitter's API
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
auth.secure = True
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)
api = tweepy.API(auth)
In [10]:
print ("Top Ten Most Prolific Users:")
for u in sortedUsers[:10]:
print (u, globalUserCounter[u])
# Get user info
user = api.get_user(u)
print ("\tDescription:", user.description)
except Exception as te:
print ("\tDescription Error:", te)
print ("----------")
# the histogram of the data
[globalUserCounter[x] for x in globalUserCounter],
plt.xlabel('Number of Tweets')
plt.title("Histogram of Frequency")
# A map for hashtag counts
hashtagCounter = {}
# For each minute, pull the list of hashtags and add to the counter
for t in sortedTimes:
timeObj = frequencyMap[t]
for tweet in timeObj["list"]:
hashtagList = tweet["entities"]["hashtags"]
for hashtagObj in hashtagList:
# We lowercase the hashtag to avoid duplicates (e.g., #MikeBrown vs. #mikebrown)
hashtagString = hashtagObj["text"].lower()
if ( hashtagString not in hashtagCounter ):
hashtagCounter[hashtagString] = 1
hashtagCounter[hashtagString] += 1
print ("Unique Hashtags:", len(hashtagCounter.keys()))
sortedHashtags = sorted(hashtagCounter, key=hashtagCounter.get, reverse=True)
print ("Top Twenty Hashtags:")
for ht in sortedHashtags[:20]:
print ("\t", "#" + ht, hashtagCounter[ht])
Unique Hashtags: 6555
Top Twenty Hashtags:
#ferguson 209701
#mikebrown 17824
#mediablackout 5322
#gaza 4497
#michaelbrown 2541
#dontshoot 1968
#anonymous 1836
#stl 1607
#palestine 1542
#prayforferguson 1525
#justiceformikebrown 1322
#opferguson 1160
#myawhite 995
#usa 956
#policestate 906
#fergusonshooting 875
#tcot 805
#inners 773
#iraq 736
#fergusonriot 656
# Build an empty map for each keyword we are searching for
targetCounts = {x:[] for x in targetKeywords}
totalCount = []
# For each minute, pull the tweet text and search for the keywords we want
for t in sortedTimes:
timeObj = frequencyMap[t]
# Temporary counter for this minute
localTargetCounts = {x:0 for x in targetKeywords}
localTotalCount = 0
for tweetObj in timeObj["list"]:
tweetString = tweetObj["text"].lower()
localTotalCount += 1
# Add to the counter if the target keyword is in this tweet
for keyword in targetKeywords:
if ( keyword in tweetString ):
localTargetCounts[keyword] += 1
# Add the counts for this minute to the main counter
for keyword in targetKeywords:
# Now plot the total frequency and frequency of each keyword
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plt.title("Tweet Frequency")
plt.xticks(smallerXTicks, [sortedTimes[x] for x in smallerXTicks], rotation=90)
ax.plot(range(len(frequencyMap)), totalCount, label="Total")
for keyword in targetKeywords:
ax.plot(range(len(frequencyMap)), targetCounts[keyword], label=keyword)
ax.grid(b=True, which=u'major')
# A map for counting each language
languageCounter = {}
for t in sortedTimes:
timeObj = frequencyMap[t]
for tweet in timeObj["list"]:
lang = tweet["lang"]
if ( lang not in languageCounter ):
languageCounter[lang] = 1
languageCounter[lang] += 1
# the histogram of the data
[languageCounter[x] for x in languages],
plt.xticks(np.arange(len(languages)) + 0.5, languages)
plt.ylabel('Counts (Log)')
plt.title("Language Frequency")