Posted on May 30, 2017 by electromaniaweb
As I currently reside in India, most of the houses here have a LPG -Gas stove system for cooking food and various other kitchen activities. There are LPG cylinders which are used as a fuel source for the gas stove.
Many a times, disastrous accidents take place due to leakage of these cylinders, in these situations we must administer proper care and safety.
Keeping this in mind, in today’s post I have worked on MQ-2 gas sensor (FC-22) powered and interfaced with Arduino Uno.
Here is its datasheet :-
Now, First of all you will require these components:
- Arduino UNO
- Breadboard
- LED’s
- Resistors
- Jumper wires
- MQ-2 gas sensor.
- Buzzer
Circuit diagram:
MQ-2 Pin diagram:
That’s it guys.Install this in your kitchen or garage for better safety and protection of your loved ones.
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