The project is about controlling electrical appliances with an eye blink. One day when I was exhausted and laying down on my bed I kept staring at my ceiling fan. I wished I had the superpower to switch on the fan just by staring at it. But, It didn't happen Instead, I got an idea to control the Fans or lights in the blink of an eye.
I have used Python to detect the eye blink, and Arduino to control things.
To detect the eye, first of all, have to detect the face, and for that, we need a camera, I used my laptop's webcam. By using Open CV and Haar cascade algorithm, eyes can be detected. With some magical code, eye blinks can be also detected and counted.
Coming on the Arduino side, Initially to detect that there is a person, I used an IR sensor. For output, I used LED lights.
Initially, Arduino transmits data to Python after recognizing a human with the IR sensor. Then Python acknowledges it and activates the camera. The haar-cascade algorithm detects the eye blinks and communicates with Arduino. The LED glows in Arduino as the output.