Designing an RFID antenna:
Basically I am motivated to replace the antenna on this RFID reader. The reader is really cheap, and fits my porpoise, its recognized as a USB keyboard.
My Idea is to build a new antenna that can be fitted into a PVC tube and have a usb "reading rod". Basically I want to make a new coil with copper cable which area is a rectangle instead of a square.
Hackaday has provided me with some information about this, but nothing useful about antenna modding.
Thanks a friend (Chris) I manage to get some technical documents about this matter, some turned to be really useful and cover basic subject (like Magnetism, Faraday's Law, Mutual induction) it really help me understand more about RFID, it sure brought me memories when I was in college, but could not find any decisive information on how to shape a new antenna.
I know antenna shapes and geometry are dependent on: Frequency (125 Khz in this case) and range of reading (of the tags) and number of turns. Of course many other items, but they are purely derivative from the two I mentioned first.
So I disassembled my rfid reader:
Up to here all done, simple building, now I will desolder the coil antenna, saving it in case of reusing it or take it as a model.
Desoldering was easy, two points, done! You can see below the antenna saved for future.
10th Mar 2014:
Inductance value: most recent information indicates: "125khz antennas suggested it should be between 500 and 1000 uH"
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