Hello! Today's article is a continuation of the previous article. Earlier, I started talking about a unique TFT shield for the Arduino platform. Today, I would like to demonstrate the new features of this shield: I connected the regular camera OV7670 (without FIFO) to the TFT shield and are viewing live video from the camera on the TFT screen. Demo video here. To be continued.
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Previous article:
1) Unique TFT Shield for Arduino Uno - Start.
Next articles:
2) Arduino Bluetooth Camera (ABC),
3) TFT shield for Arduino Nano - Start,
4) Photos and RGB video on TFT SPI display.
Update 01.04.2021:
Hello again! There is an updated library for a series of screens, which currently consists of two shields and two breakout boards. The sketch is compiled depending on the selected version (from 1 to 4) and the type of microcontroller (MegaAVR or ESP-32). Added photos, examples. More information can be found in the https://github.com/Ekaburg/EkaTFT.