Well, I just got the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3. It has two modules: one has a 4gb emmc-Compute Module 3 (I couldn't access in my archives a 4gb Wheezie image - needed to load the latest Raspian-Jessie lite 1-11-17; and the other, the Compute Module 3 Lite, doesn't have the emmc but can use the SD slot (I used a 32gb SD and loaded the 1-11-17 Raspian-Jessie Full). The latest Raspian build is 8Gb. I tried to put Adafruit's Occidentilis v0.2, but that wouldn't boot.
Please follow the directions from the Element 14 website on how to address the jumpers for GPIO bus voltages and accessing/enabling the USB slot.
I've only got the CM3 to boot and access internet via wired and WiFi using a few dongles: Adafruit's Bluetooth/Wifi USB stick, and a USB hub/wired NIC dongle from Amazon.
Next to install, dual Pi cameras (a standard -, and a night/noir - and test ZEROGPIO access to a DC Motor driven platform:
...what else would I do?