Rotating solar panel increases the efficiency of energy and in this project bolt module help to rotate the panel from one direction to another direction with respect to sunlight.Rotating of solar panel can be done by bolt module by giving an Api request to rotate the panel from one direction to another. In this panel light intensity monitoring is been done which check the intensity of light on the panel and on the basis on intensity check the panel can be rotated to the direction of sunlight. In this bolt module give command to servo motor for rotating the panel in the direction of sunlight. light dependent register is used for light intensity monitoring of the solar panel which is also connected to bolt module and intensity of light is been check on bolt cloud.
This is the basis circuit image of the project in which servo motor is connected with bolt module. servo motor has 3 wires
which is been connected to bolt module and on servo motor solar panel is been connected which help it to rotated.
solar panel rotating by bolt is done by calling a link on the web server with api key and bolt name with link as-
If this url we attach to web browser then api call to bolt cloud is been made and servo motor rotates in the direction which is been enter.
then after applying this to web browser the panel rotate.
For the light monitoring in bolt module LDR is connected with AO pin, 3v pin of bolt module and a resistor which is connected to Ao pin and to ground in breadboard.
Then we connect it to power and take it to bold cloud
then we will create a project in which we write the code for light intensity monitoring.
After this process we attach it with bolt cloud and see the intensity of light which scatter on solar panel and which is monitor by LDR sensor on the panel.
now we will get the monitoring of light intensity in bolt cloud.
these are the intensity which is been on the solar panel with reference to light and sunlight.
In this way the working of rotating solar panel with bolt module and light intensity monitoring can be done.
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