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How to Build a DIY Arduino-Based Smart Home Hub with 1Sheeld

Arduino-based smart home hub allows you to control your devices remotely from outside and monitor your home environment from your phone.

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How to Build a DIY Arduino-Based Smart Home Hub with 1Sheeld

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic)
Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic)
Grove - Gas Sensor(MQ2)
Seeed Studio Grove - Gas Sensor(MQ2)
Relay Module (Generic)
5 mm LED: Red
5 mm LED: Red
Resistor 330 ohm
Resistor 330 ohm
Pushbutton switch 12mm
SparkFun Pushbutton switch 12mm
DHT22 Temperature Sensor
DHT22 Temperature Sensor
Servo Module (Generic)
Slide Switch
Slide Switch
18650 battery
18650 dual battery box
Solderless Breadboard Half Size
Solderless Breadboard Half Size
Doom push button
Male/Female Jumper Wires
Male/Female Jumper Wires
Male/Male Jumper Wires
IR transmitter diode
IR receiver module
Apple iPhone
Android device
Android device
Arduino Mega 2560
Arduino Mega 2560

Software apps and online services

1Sheeld iOS/Android App

Hand tools and fabrication machines

glue gun
cutter knife


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures

3D printed 4 parts




Project code

  Arduino IoT Quality Project using IoT Shield from 1Sheeld

  To reduce the library compiled size and limit its memory usage, you
  can specify which shields you want to include in your sketch by
  defining CUSTOM_SETTINGS and the shields respective INCLUDE_ define.

/* Include all required shields */

/* Define the devices signal pin */
#define camServoPin             3
#define light_pin               8
#define gas_switch_pin          21
#define gas_switch_led_pin      11
#define test_led                7
#define trigPin                 4
#define echoPin                 5
#define ir_led                  9

/* Include 1Sheeld library. */
#include <OneSheeld.h>

/* Include IR library */
#include <IRremote.h>

/* Include servo motor library */
#include <Servo.h>

/* Include the dht11 sensor library */
#include "DHT.h"

/* Define the sensors signal pins */
#define TEMP_PIN  A0
#define GAS_PIN  A1

/* Initia servo objects */
Servo CamServo;

/* Initia IR object */
IRsend irsend;

/* Crea an instance of the dht11 */
dht DHT;

/* door status variables to prevent multiple publication */
bool published_door_status_closed = false;
bool published_door_status_opened = false;

/* Variable to save the measured distance from ultrasonic */
int distance;

/* 38kHz carrier frequency for the NEC protocol */
int khz = 38;

// AC on/off at mp 23
unsigned int power[] = {4712, 2580, 384, 376, 380, 952, 380, 976, 356, 396, 360, 976, 356, 376, 380, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 976, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 976, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 976, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 976, 356, 376, 380, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 976, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 976, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 976, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 360, 972, 360, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 356, 976, 360, 972, 360, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 976, 356, 400, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 976, 360, 972, 360, 976, 356, 396, 360, 956, 356, 20116, 4676, 6568, 9276, 5012, 384, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 976, 356, 976, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 400, 356, 976, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 976, 356, 976, 356, 976, 356, 380, 360, 20116, 4672};

// AC mp+ from 23 to 24
unsigned int temp24[] = {4716, 2604, 360, 396, 356, 976, 356, 976, 360, 396, 356, 976, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 976, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 976, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 972, 360, 396, 356, 980, 352, 400, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 976, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 976, 360, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 976, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 400, 356, 976, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 976, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 356, 976, 360, 396, 356, 400, 356, 976, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 400, 356, 976, 356, 396, 356, 380, 360, 20104, 4684, 6596, 9276, 5012, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 360, 976, 356, 976, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 976, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 352, 400, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 400, 352, 400, 356, 400, 352, 400, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 352, 400, 356, 980, 352, 980, 352, 980, 356, 380, 356, 20104, 4684};

// AC mp+ from 24 to 25
unsigned int temp25[] = {4716, 2604, 356, 400, 356, 976, 356, 976, 360, 396, 356, 976, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 976, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 976, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 976, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 976, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 972, 360, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 976, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 976, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 976, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 356, 976, 360, 396, 356, 976, 356, 400, 356, 396, 360, 972, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 400, 356, 976, 356, 396, 360, 976, 356, 380, 356, 20108, 4684, 6592, 9276, 5012, 356, 396, 360, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 396, 360, 976, 356, 976, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 360, 976, 356, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 360, 396, 360, 396, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 356, 400, 356, 396, 360, 972, 360, 976, 356, 976, 356, 380, 356, 20080, 4712};

/* auto optimization variable */
bool isAutoOptimize = false;

/* temp24 and temp25 checking variables */
bool temp24_isSent = false;
bool temp25_isSent = false;

/* sensor variabes */
int temp;
int gas_degree;
bool gas_HighLevelWarning = false;
bool gas_emailSent = false;
bool alarm_isPressed = false;
bool interruptPin_isPressed = false;
/* required variables for the publishing function */
char tempChar[4];
char gas_degree_char[4];

/* time relad variables */
bool isAuthorized = true;
unsigned long start_time;
unsigned long time_passed;

unsigned long ac_start_time;
unsigned long ac_time_passed;

/* broker instance security details */
const char * host_name = "m12.cloudmqtt.com";
const char * user = "azlckshz";
const char * password = "aoRcZqKQV0Kf";
const int port = 11911;

/* The topics*/
const char * ultrasonic = "ultrasonic";
const char * cam_dir = "cam/direction";
const char * cam_cap = "cam/capture";
const char * light = "light";
const char * temperature = "temp";
const char * gas = "gas";
const char * speak = "speak";
const char * ac = "ac";
const char * ac_auto = "auto";

byte interruptPin = gas_switch_pin;
void setup()
  pinMode(interruptPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(interruptPin), interruptPin_isr, FALLING);
  // pinMode(gas_switch_pin , INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(gas_switch_led_pin , OUTPUT);
  pinMode(light_pin , OUTPUT);
  pinMode(test_led , OUTPUT);
  pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);     // Sets the trigPin as an Output
  pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);      // Sets the echoPin as an Input
  /* Configure Arduino to use this pin as the servo signal pin */

  /* Start communication. */

  /* Disconnect from broker. */

  /* Reset all connection variables to default */

  /* Connect to mosquitto's public broker. */
  IOT.connect(host_name, user, password, port);

  /* Subscribe to new messages. */

  /* Subscribe to connnection status callback. */

  /* Subscribe to error callback. */

  /* Some time for app to connect. */

  /* Subscribions to topics */

  /* publish ready once light is connecd */
  IOT.publish("status", "ready", QOS_0);
  /* Start servo at the 90 degree angle */


void loop()
  /************************************************* Ultrasonic Sensor *****************************************************/
  /* Get the current distance from the ultrasonic */
  distance = getUltrasonicDistance();
  if ( (distance < 30) && (distance > 0) && (isAuthorized == true) )
    isAuthorized = false;
    start_time = millis();
    TextToSpeech.say("please enter your fingerprint");

    if(published_door_status_opened == false)
      /* Publish door status as opened */
      IOT.publish(ultrasonic, "your door is opened", QOS_0);
      /* ensure publisjing one time only */
      published_door_status_opened = true;
    if(published_door_status_closed == false)
      /* Publish door status as opened */
      IOT.publish(ultrasonic, "your door is closed", QOS_0);
      /* ensure publisjing one time only */
      published_door_status_closed = true;
  /************************************************* fingerprint security timer *****************************************************/
  if ( isAuthorized == false )
    time_passed = (unsigned long) (millis() - start_time);
    if ( FingerprintScanner.isNewFingerScanned() && FingerprintScanner.isVerified())
      isAuthorized = true;
      TextToSpeech.say("fingerprint matched");
      TextToSpeech.say("welcome home");

      /* allow publishing again */
      published_door_status_closed = false;
      published_door_status_opened = false;

    if ( time_passed >= 30000 )
      isAuthorized = true;
      TextToSpeech.say("you are not authorized");

      /* Take a photo for that stranger using the phone's front camera */

      /* delay for the camera */

      /* Send an email with the last picture in OneSheeld folder. */
      Email.attachLastPicture("amr.mostaafaa@gmail.com", "Security Alert!", "Hi, A stranger has entered your home and I got a photo of him. Check it out", 1);

      /* delay for the email */

  /************************************************* air conditioner timer *****************************************************/
    ac_time_passed = (unsigned long) (millis() - ac_start_time);
    if( isAutoOptimize )
        /* increase the AC temperature from 23 to 24C if the time passed since on is >= 2sec */
        if ( ac_time_passed >= (60000 * 2) && (temp24_isSent == false) )
          /* increase temp to 24 */
          irsend.sendRaw(temp24, sizeof(power) / sizeof(temp24[0]), khz); //No the approach used to automatically calculate the size of the array.
          temp24_isSent = true;

        /* increase the AC temperature from 24 to 25C if the time passed since on is >= 4sec */
        if ( ac_time_passed >= (60000 * 4) && (temp25_isSent == false))
          /* increase temp to 25 */
          irsend.sendRaw(temp25, sizeof(power) / sizeof(temp25[0]), khz); //Note the approach used to automatically calculate the size of the array.
          temp25_isSent = true;

          /* turn off auto-optimization since it's completed */
          isAutoOptimize = false;
          /* publish that auto-optimization has completed and is off now */
          IOT.publish(ac_auto, "off", QOS_0);
  /************************************************* voice recognition *************************************************************/
  //check if 1Sheeld's Arduino Voice Recognition Shield received a new command
  if (VoiceRecognition.isNewCommandReceived())
    //Compare the last command received by the Arduino Voice Recognition Shield with the command "on"
    if (!strcmp("light on", VoiceRecognition.getLastCommand()))
      //Then turn the light on
      digitalWrite(light_pin, HIGH);

    //Compare the last command received by the Arduino Voice Recognition Shield with the command "off"
    else if (!strcmp("light off", VoiceRecognition.getLastCommand()))
      //Then turn the light off
      digitalWrite(light_pin, LOW);

    //Compare the last command received by the Arduino Voice Recognition Shield with the command "play music"
    else if (!strcmp("play music", VoiceRecognition.getLastCommand()))
      // play the music.
      // Terminal.println("play music now");

    //Compare the last command received by the Arduino Voice Recognition Shield with the command "pause music"
    else if (!strcmp("pause music", VoiceRecognition.getLastCommand()))
      // pause the music.
      // Terminal.println("pause music now");

  /********************************* Temperature & Gas sensors *************************************/
  /* Read DHT all data */

  /* Read temperature */
  temp = (int)DHT.temperature;

  /* read gas sensor */
  gas_degree = analogRead(GAS_PIN);

  /* Convert sensors integers to char arrays */
  itoa(temp, tempChar, 10);
  itoa(gas_degree, gas_degree_char, 10);

  /* Publish sensors' data */
  IOT.publish(temperature, tempChar, QOS_0);
  IOT.publish(gas, gas_degree_char, QOS_0);
  /************************************************ Gas alarm ****************************************************/
  /* check for gas dangerous level */
  if ( gas_degree > 150 )
     /* blink the button led*/
     digitalWrite(gas_switch_led_pin , HIGH);
     digitalWrite(gas_switch_led_pin , LOW);
     gas_HighLevelWarning = true;
    /* turn off button led*/
    digitalWrite(gas_switch_led_pin , LOW);
    gas_HighLevelWarning = false;
    alarm_isPressed = false;
    gas_emailSent = false;

  if( (gas_HighLevelWarning == true) && ( alarm_isPressed == false ) )
    /* Turn on the buzzer. */
    if(gas_emailSent == false)
        /* Send an email with the last picture in OneSheeld folder. */
        Email.send("amr.mostaafaa@gmail.com", "Dangerous Gas Alert!", "Hi, There is a dangerous level of gas in your home! Please check your dashboard.");
        /* delay for the email */
        /* prevent multiple sending*/
        gas_emailSent = true;

  if( (interruptPin_isPressed == true) && (alarm_isPressed == false) )
    /* Turn off the buzzer. */
    alarm_isPressed = true;
    interruptPin_isPressed = false;

/* ######################################################################################################### */
void newMessage(char * incomingTopic, char * payload, byte qos, bool retained)
  /* check for the speak topic */
  if (!strcmp(speak, incomingTopic))
    /* If message is speak */
    if (!strcmp("speak", payload))
      // this is for testing
      digitalWrite(test_led , HIGH);
      /* start listening to commands */
      // this is for testing
      digitalWrite(test_led , LOW);
  /* check for the light topic */
  if (!strcmp(light, incomingTopic))
    /* If message is on */
    if (!strcmp("on", payload))

      // this is for testing
      digitalWrite(test_led , HIGH);
      /* turn on light */
      digitalWrite(light_pin , HIGH);

      // delay to notice the test led light
      // this is for testing
      digitalWrite(test_led , LOW);

    /* If message is off */
    else if (!strcmp("off", payload))
      // this is for testing
      digitalWrite(test_led , HIGH);
      /* turn off light */
      digitalWrite(light_pin , LOW);

      // delay to notice the test led light
      // this is for testing
      digitalWrite(test_led , LOW);
  /* check for the cam_cap topic */
  if (!strcmp(cam_cap, incomingTopic))
    /* If message is capture */
    if (!strcmp("capture", payload))
      // this is for testing
      digitalWrite(test_led , HIGH);
      /* Take a photo for that stranger using the phone's front camera */

      /* delay for the camera */

      /* Send an email with the last picture in OneSheeld folder. */
      Email.attachLastPicture("amr.mostaafaa@gmail.com", "Home Camera", "Hi, here is a photo of your home", 1);

      /* delay for the email */

      // this is for testing
      digitalWrite(test_led , LOW);
  /* check for the cam_dir topic */
  if (!strcmp(cam_dir, incomingTopic))
    /* If message is 0 */
    if (!strcmp("0", payload))
      /* Start servo at the 180 degree angle */
      servo_for_loop(CamServo.read() , 180);

    /* If message is 1 */
    else if (!strcmp("1", payload))

      /* Start servo at the 135 degree angle */
      servo_for_loop(CamServo.read() , 135);

    /* If message is 1 */
    else if (!strcmp("2", payload))
      /* Start servo at the 90 degree angle */
      servo_for_loop(CamServo.read() , 90);

    /* If message is 3 */
    else if (!strcmp("3", payload))
      /* Start servo at the 45 degree angle */
      servo_for_loop(CamServo.read() , 45);

    /* If message is 4 */
    else if (!strcmp("4", payload))
      /* Start servo at the 0 degree angle */
      servo_for_loop(CamServo.read() , 0);
  /* check for the ac topic */
  if (!strcmp(ac, incomingTopic))
    /* If message is on */
    if (!strcmp("on", payload))
      // this is for testing
      digitalWrite(test_led , HIGH);

      /* turn on ac */
      irsend.sendRaw(power, sizeof(power) / sizeof(power[0]), khz); //Note the approach used to automatically calculate the size of the array.

      // this is for testing
      digitalWrite(test_led , LOW);

    /* If message is off */
    else if (!strcmp("off", payload))
      // this is for testing
      digitalWrite(test_led , HIGH);

      /* turn on ac */
      irsend.sendRaw(power, sizeof(power) / sizeof(power[0]), khz); //Note the approach used to automatically calculate the size of the array.

      // this is for testing
      digitalWrite(test_led , LOW);
  /* check for the auto-optimization ac topic */
  if (!strcmp(ac_auto, incomingTopic))
    /* If message is on */
    if (!strcmp("on", payload))
      // this is for testing
      digitalWrite(test_led , HIGH);

      /* turn on ac */
      ac_start_time = millis();
      // turn on auto optimization
      isAutoOptimize = true;
      // this is for testing
      digitalWrite(test_led , LOW);

    /* If message is off */
    else if (!strcmp("off", payload))
      // this is for testing
      digitalWrite(test_led , HIGH);

      // turn off auto optimization
      isAutoOptimize = false;

      // this is for testing
      digitalWrite(test_led , LOW);
void connectionStatus(byte statusCode)
  /* Check connection code and display. */
  switch (statusCode)
    case CONNECTION_FAILED: Terminal.println("CONNECTION_FAILED"); break;
    case CONNECTION_LOST: Terminal.println("CONNECTION_LOST"); break;
    case NOT_CONNECTED_YET:  Terminal.println("NOT_CONNECTED_YET"); break;
    case MISSING_HOST: Terminal.println("MISSING_HOST"); break;

void error(byte errorCode)
  /* Check error code and display. */
  switch (errorCode)
    case CONNECTION_REFUSED                    : Terminal.println("CONNECTION_REFUSED"); break;
    case ILLEGAL_MESSAGE_RECEIVED              : Terminal.println("ILLEGAL_MESSAGE_RECEIVED"); break;
    case DROPPING_OUT_GOING_MESSAGE            : Terminal.println("DROPPING_OUT_GOING_MESSAGE"); break;
    case ENCODER_NOT_READY                     : Terminal.println("ENCODER_NOT_READY"); break;
    case INVALID_CONNACK_RECEIVED              : Terminal.println("INVALID_CONNACK_RECEIVED"); break;
    case NO_CONNACK_RECEIVED                   : Terminal.println("NO_CONNACK_RECEIVED"); break;
    case CONNACK_IDENTIFIER_REJECTED           : Terminal.println("CONNACK_IDENTIFIER_REJECTED"); break;
    case CONNACK_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE            : Terminal.println("CONNACK_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE"); break;
    case CONNACK_NOT_AUTHORIZED                : Terminal.println("CONNACK_NOT_AUTHORIZED"); break;
    case CONNACK_RESERVED                      : Terminal.println("CONNACK_RESERVED"); break;

/* A function that makes the whole operation of the ultrasonic and returning the detected distance */
int getUltrasonicDistance(void)
  /* Variable to save the sound wave travel time in microseconds */
  long duration;

  /* Variable to save the detected distance in cm */
  int distanceReturned;

  /* Clears the trigPin */
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);

  /* delay 2 micro seconds */

  /* Sets the trigPin on HIGH state for 10 micro seconds */
  digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);

  /* delay 10 micro seconds */

  /* Sets the trigPin on LOW state */
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);

  /* Reads the echoPin, returns the sound wave travel time in microseconds */
  duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);

  /* Calculating the distance */
  distanceReturned = duration * 0.034 / 2;

  /* Returning the detected distance in cm */
  return distanceReturned;

void servo_for_loop(int start_angle , int stop_angle)
  if( start_angle < stop_angle )
    for( ; start_angle <= stop_angle ; start_angle++ )
  else if ( start_angle > stop_angle )
    for( ; start_angle >= stop_angle ; start_angle-- )
void interruptPin_isr()
  interruptPin_isPressed = true;


7 projects • 44 followers
Maker, Engineer, dreamer and passionate about technology.
