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Published © GPL3+

Serial Service Menu

Show status information, change NW credentials, ping your gateway, show sensor values or get more details by activating debugging…

Serial Service Menu

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino MKR WiFi 1010
Arduino MKR WiFi 1010
Will run on all SAMD21 Boards (MKRs) and probably also on all the other/older Arduinos…
Tactile Switch, Top Actuated
Tactile Switch, Top Actuated
The 'factory reset' push button...

Software apps and online services

Arduino Web Editor
Arduino Web Editor
Because it's the easiest way to get your IoT Project started fast :-)
putty - for Windows and Linux
Serial terminal client program, written by Simon Tatham, Alexandra Lanes, Ben Harris and Jacob Nevins
Serial USB Terminal - for Android Phones
Serial terminal client program, written by Kai Morich


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MKR WiFi 1010

The Arduino MKR microcontroller I used for this project...

void start()

Implements the factory reset and initial setup dialog logic...

void loop()

Ask for a password, displays the menu and all submenus and other related functions...

serial receive function

The part of the code (Ser_Rx) which receives, interprets and echoes all incoming characters on the serial interface (usb port).


Serial Service Menu

The Serial Service Menu sketch...




0 projects • 9 followers
