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Andres Santos
Published © GPL3+

Siri and Google Now home automation

Use Siri and Google Now to automate home lights using HomeKit and ESP8266 & Raspberry Pi.

AdvancedWork in progress23,401
Siri and Google Now home automation

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Micro
Arduino Micro
Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+
Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+
ESP8266 ESP-01
Espressif ESP8266 ESP-01

Software apps and online services

Suitch, is an online IoT server for all the things related to ESP8266, Raspberry and other useful tools.
Apple HomeKit
Apple Siri
Google Now


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You can use commandr and modify the code to suit your needs


I used the arietaG25 because it is tiny and it can work things easily, however I didn't requiere to wire thing because the lights I used were wifi, I only wrote the programs to communicate with them via the voice


Suitch client

Set of libraries I wrote to connect to the IoT server


Andres Santos

Andres Santos

12 projects • 42 followers
I am just a dude with some spare parts
