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Anip Shah
Published © MIT

An EMG-Controlled Claw With Arduino

EMG-based control of a servo-driven claw via Arduino, enabling precise muscle-actuated manipulation.

IntermediateProtip2 hours2,855
An EMG-Controlled Claw With Arduino

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
EMG Sensor Module
Mechanical Robot Claw
9V battery (generic)
9V battery (generic)
EMax 12g ES08MD high Sensitive servo
Seeed Studio EMax 12g ES08MD high Sensitive servo

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Interfacing EMG module & Servo motor With Arduino nano


EMG controlled Servo Motor

* Change the angle of servo in code according to your need.
* Low-pass filter is used to increase accuracy of EMG reading.
#include <Servo.h>

int emgPin = A0;         
int servoPin = 7;       

Servo servo;              
int emgThreshold = 20;   // Adjust this threshold as needed
float emgFiltered = 0.0; // Filtered EMG value
float alpha = 0.2;       // Filter coefficient

void setup() {

void loop() {
  int emgValue = analogRead(emgPin); 

  // Apply the low-pass filter
  emgFiltered = (alpha * emgValue) + ((1 - alpha) * emgFiltered);

  if (emgFiltered > emgThreshold) {
    servo.write(120); //Change servo position acc. to your requirement
  } else {

  Serial.print("EMG Value: ");

  delay(50); // Adjust the delay as needed


Anip Shah

Anip Shah

9 projects • 4 followers
Tech enthusiast and programmer who also happens to be a Biomedical Engineer.
