Anoof C
Published © MIT

Pixel Chase: A Retro Arcade Game with ESP32 / Arduino

Pixel Chase, a fun and engaging arcade game built with the ESP32/Arduino microcontroller!

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Pixel Chase: A Retro Arcade Game with ESP32 / Arduino

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Espressif ESP32 Development Board - Developer Edition
Espressif ESP32 Development Board - Developer Edition
Grove - WS2813 RGB LED Strip Waterproof - 60 LED/m - 1m
Seeed Studio Grove - WS2813 RGB LED Strip Waterproof - 60 LED/m - 1m
Big Red Dome Button
SparkFun Big Red Dome Button
7 Segment LED Display, InfoVue
7 Segment LED Display, InfoVue
74HC595N Serial In Parallel Out Shift Register IC
5V 2.5A Switching Power Supply
Digilent 5V 2.5A Switching Power Supply
Hook Up Wire Kit, 22 AWG
Hook Up Wire Kit, 22 AWG
Ceramic Disc Capacitor, 0.1 µF
Ceramic Disc Capacitor, 0.1 µF
Dot PCB Generic

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Wire Stripper, Automatic
Wire Stripper, Automatic
Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Solder Wire, Lead Free
Solder Wire, Lead Free


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Source Code

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// Created: 03-08-2024 10:45:00
// Last Modified: 03-08-2024 16:00:00
// Author: ANOOF C
// Company: Interactive Technical Services LLC (ITS) Dubai
// File Description:  A simple game for ESP32 with a button and a neopixel strip. 
//                    The game is to press the button when the light is on the target color. 
//                    The speed of the light will increase as the game goes on. 
//                    The game will end if the button is pressed when the light is not on the target color. 
//                    The game will restart if the button is pressed when the light is on the target color. 
//                    The game will restart if the speed is too fast. 
//                    The game will show a rainbow cycle when the game is over.

#define DEBUG 0         // 1 for debug mode, 0 for normal mode

#define BUTTON_PIN 18   // Button pin
#define PIXEL_PIN 27    // Neopixel pin
#define NUM_PIXELS 51   // Number of neopixels
#define SPEED 105       // Speed of the light
#define FINAL_LEVEL 10  // Final level of the speed
#define LEVEL 5         // How much the speed increase

#include <Arduino.h>              // Include the Arduino library  
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>    // Include the Adafruit NeoPixel library
#include <ShiftRegister74HC595.h>

// Create an instance of the shift register
ShiftRegister74HC595 sr (2, 23, 21, 19);
Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels(NUM_PIXELS, PIXEL_PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);    // Create a NeoPixel object

uint8_t digit1, digit2;          // Variables for the digits
// Number array for the 7 segment display
uint8_t  numberB[] = {B10101111, // 0
                      B00001100, // 1
                      B11000111, // 2
                      B11001110, // 3 
                      B01101100, // 4
                      B11101010, // 5
                      B11101011, // 6
                      B00001110, // 7
                      B11101111, // 8
                      B11101110  // 9

uint8_t score = 0;            // Score

int8_t x, y, z;               // Target color position
int8_t num = 0;               // Current color position
int8_t last_num = 0;          // Last color position
int now_color = 0;            // Current color
int next_color = 1;           // Next color
int speed = SPEED;            // Speed of the light
uint8_t level = LEVEL;        // How much the speed will increase
bool new_target = true;       // New target color
bool button_state = false;    // Button state
bool game_running = false;    // Game state
unsigned long last_time = 0;  // Last time of the light

uint32_t colors[] = {           // Colors
  pixels.Color(255, 0,     0),  // RED
  pixels.Color(255, 165,   0),  // ORANGE
  pixels.Color(0,   255,   0),  // GREEN
  pixels.Color(0,   255, 255),  // CYAN
  pixels.Color(0,   0,   255),  // BLUE
  pixels.Color(255, 255,   0),  // YELLOW
  pixels.Color(128, 0,   128),  // PURPLE
  pixels.Color(0,   128, 128),  // TEAL
  pixels.Color(255, 0,   255),  // MAGENTA
  pixels.Color(0,   255, 128),  // SPRING GREEN
  pixels.Color(0,   255, 255),  // AQUA
  pixels.Color(255, 0,   128)   // ROSE

 * Blink function
 * Blink the 7 segment display 3 times
void blink(){
  for(int i = 0; i<3; i++){
    sr.setAllHigh(); // set all pins LOW
    sr.setAllLow(); // set all pins HIGH

 * Displays the score on the screen.
 * This function takes an unsigned 16-bit integer score as input and displays it on the screen. 
 * It extracts the individual digits of the score and maps them to corresponding binary patterns 
 * stored in the numberB array. The digits are then passed to the sr.setAll() function to display 
 * the score on the screen.
void displayScore(uint16_t score) {
    digit1=score % 10 ;
    digit2=(score / 10) % 10 ;
    uint8_t numberToPrint[]= {numberB[digit1],numberB[digit2]};

 * Wheel function to create a rainbow color
 * This function takes a wheel position as input and returns a color value based on the position.
 * The wheel position is used to calculate the RGB values of the color.
 * The color generated follows a specific pattern where the RGB values change based on the wheel position.
 * @param WheelPos The position of the wheel (0-255).
 * @return The color value generated based on the wheel position.
uint32_t Wheel(byte WheelPos) {
  WheelPos = 255 - WheelPos;                                      // Wheel position is 255 - Wheel position
  if (WheelPos < 85) {
    return pixels.Color(255 - WheelPos * 3, 0, WheelPos * 3);     // Return the color
  if (WheelPos < 170) {                                           // If the Wheel position is less than 170
    WheelPos -= 85;
    return pixels.Color(0, WheelPos * 3, 255 - WheelPos * 3);     // Return the color
  WheelPos -= 170;
  return pixels.Color(WheelPos * 3, 255 - WheelPos * 3, 0);       // Return the color

 * Performs a rainbow cycle effect on the pixels.
 * This function iterates through each pixel and sets its color based on a cycling rainbow pattern.
 * The rainbow pattern is created by calculating the color value using the Wheel function.
 * The function delays for a specified amount of time after setting the color of each pixel.
void rainbowCycle(int wait) {
  for (int j = 0; j < 256; j++) {                                       // For loop from 0 to 256
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PIXELS; i++) {                              // For loop from 0 to NUM_PIXELS
      pixels.setPixelColor(i, Wheel((i * 256 / NUM_PIXELS + j) & 255)); // Set the pixel color to the Wheel color

//  Color chase function
 * Animates a color chase effect on a strip of NeoPixels.
 * This function sets the color of each pixel in a NeoPixel strip to the specified color 'c' and then displays the updated strip. 
 * The function iterates through each pixel in the strip and sets its color to 'c' one by one, creating a chasing effect.
 * The function delays for a specified amount of time after setting the color of each pixel.
void colorChase(uint32_t c, int wait) {    
  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PIXELS; i++) {    // For loop from 0 to NUM_PIXELS
    pixels.setPixelColor(i, c);             // Set the pixel color to c
    delay(wait);;                          // Show the neopixels

// Game over function
 * Function to handle the game over state.
 * This function is called when the game is over. It performs the following actions:
 * 1. Initiates a color chase with black color on the neopixels.
 * 2. Flashes the neopixels three times by filling them with red color and then black color.
 * 3. Displays the score on a display three times.
 * 4. Resets the score to 0 and displays it.
 * 5. Sets the game state to false.
 * 6. Prints "Game Over" if the DEBUG flag is enabled.
void gameOver() {
  colorChase(pixels.Color(0, 0, 0), 10);    // Color chase with black color

  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {             // Flash the neopixels
    pixels.fill(pixels.Color(255, 0, 0), 0, NUM_PIXELS);    // Fill the neopixels with red color;                                          // Show the neopixels
    delay(300);                                             // Delay 300ms
    pixels.fill(pixels.Color(0, 0, 0), 0, NUM_PIXELS);      // Fill the neopixels with black color;                                          // Show the neopixels
  for (uint8_t i = 0; i<3; i++  ){
    sr.setAllLow(); // set all pins HIGH
  score = 0;    // Score is 0
  displayScore(score);    // Display the score
  game_running = false;                     // Game state is false
  if (DEBUG) { Serial.println("Game Over");}    // Print Game Over

// Button state handler
 * Handles the state of the button.
 * This function checks if the button is pressed and updates the button state accordingly.
 * If the button is pressed and the button state is false, the button state is set to true.
void butttonStateHandler(){
  if (!digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN) && !button_state) {    // If the button is pressed and the button state is false
    button_state = true;                              // Button state is true

 * Handles the creation of a new target in the game.
 * This function is responsible for generating a new target in the game. 
 * It randomly selects a position between 5 and NUM_PIXELS-5 and sets the corresponding pixels' colors. 
 * The x pixel color is set to white, the y pixel color is set to the next color in the sequence, and the z pixel color is set to white. 
 * If the DEBUG flag is enabled, it also prints the values of x, y, and z to the serial monitor.
void newTargetHandler(){                  // New target handler
  if (new_target) {                       // If new target is true
    y = random(5, NUM_PIXELS-5);          // Random number between 5 and NUM_PIXELS-5
    x = y - 1;                            // x is y - 1
    z = y + 1;                            // z is y + 1
    new_target = false;                   // New target is false
    pixels.setPixelColor(x, pixels.Color(255, 255, 255));   // Set the x pixel color to white
    pixels.setPixelColor(y, colors[next_color]);            // Set the y pixel color to the next color
    pixels.setPixelColor(z, pixels.Color(255, 255, 255));   // Set the z pixel color to white
    if (DEBUG) { Serial.println("x: " + String(x) + "\t y: " + String(y) + "\t z: " + String(z));}      // Print the x, y, z values

// Game running handler
 * Handles the running of the game.
 * This function is responsible for running the game. It updates the position of the light on the strip, 
 * checks if the button is pressed, and updates the score and speed accordingly. 
 * If the button is pressed when the light is on the target color, the score is incremented, 
 * the neopixels are filled with the next color, and the speed is updated. 
 * If the button is pressed when the light is not on the target color, the game is over, 
 * the score is reset, and the speed is set to the initial value. 
 * If the speed reaches the final level, the game is over, and the score is reset. 
 * The function also prints the level, speed, and score to the serial monitor if the DEBUG flag is enabled.
void gameRunningHandler(){
  if (millis() - last_time > speed) {    // If the current time - last time is greater than speed * 1000
    if (num > 0) {                              // If num is greater than 0
      last_num = num - 1;                       // Last num is num - 1
      pixels.setPixelColor(last_num, pixels.Color(0, 0, 0));    // Set the last num pixel color to black;                                            // Show the neopixels

    if (last_num == x || last_num == y || last_num == z) {    // If the last num is x or y or z
      pixels.setPixelColor(x, pixels.Color(255, 255, 255));   // Set the x pixel color to white
      pixels.setPixelColor(y, colors[next_color]);            // Set the y pixel color to the next color
      pixels.setPixelColor(z, pixels.Color(255, 255, 255));   // Set the z pixel color to white

    if (num < NUM_PIXELS) {                           // If num is less than NUM_PIXELS
      pixels.setPixelColor(num, colors[now_color]);   // Set the num pixel color to the now color;                                  // Show the neopixels
      num++;                                          // Increment the num

    if (num == NUM_PIXELS) {                                   // If num is equal to NUM_PIXELS
      last_num = num - 1;                                      // Last num is num - 1
      pixels.setPixelColor(last_num, pixels.Color(0, 0, 0));   // Set the last num pixel color to black;                                           // Show the neopixels
      num = 0;                                                 // Num is 0

    if ((last_num == x || last_num == y || last_num == z) && !digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN)) {   // If the last num is x or y or z and the button is pressed
      button_state = false;
      score++;                                            // Increment the score
      pixels.fill(colors[next_color], 0, NUM_PIXELS);                    // Fill the neopixels with the next color;                                                     // Show the neopixels                  
      pixels.fill(pixels.Color(0, 0, 0), 0, NUM_PIXELS);                 // Fill the neopixels with black color;
      speed = speed - level;                                     // Speed is speed - level
      // level--; 
      Serial.println("Level: " + String(level) + "\t Speed: " + String(speed));                // Print the level
      Serial.println("Score: " + String(score));          // Print the score
      next_color = (next_color + 1) % (sizeof(colors)/sizeof(colors[0]));                 // Next color is next color + 1
      now_color = (now_color + 1) % (sizeof(colors)/sizeof(colors[0]));                   // Now color is now color + 1
      new_target = true;
      if (DEBUG) { Serial.println("speed is " + String(speed) + "\t Button is " + String (digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN)));}     // Print the speed and button state

    if ((last_num != x && last_num != y && last_num != z) && !digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN)) {      // If the last num is not x or y or z and the button is pressed
      button_state = false;
      pixels.fill(colors[now_color], 0, NUM_PIXELS);                    // Fill the neopixels with the now color;
      gameOver();                                                       // Game over function
      num = 0;
      pixels.fill(pixels.Color(0, 0, 0), 0, NUM_PIXELS);                // Fill the neopixels with black color;
      speed = SPEED;                                                    // Speed is SPEED
      next_color = 1;
      now_color = 0;
      new_target = true;
      if (DEBUG) { Serial.println("speed is " + String(speed) + "\t Button is " + String (digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN)));}   // Print the speed and button state

    if (speed < FINAL_LEVEL) {          // If the speed is less than the final level
      for (uint8_t i = 0; i<8; i++  ){
      for (uint8_t i = 0; i<3; i++  ){
        sr.setAllLow(); // set all pins HIGH
      score = 0;                        // Score is 0
      game_running = false;             // Game state is false
      displayScore(score);              // Display the score
      num = 0;                          // Num is 0
      pixels.fill(pixels.Color(0, 0, 0), 0, NUM_PIXELS);      // Fill the neopixels with black color;
      speed = SPEED;                       // Speed is SPEED
      next_color = 1;                      // Next color is 1
      now_color = 0;                       // Now color is 0
      new_target = true;                   // New target is true

    last_time = millis();                                     // Last time is millis
 * Setup function
 * This function initializes the serial communication, sets the button pin as input pullup, 
 * begins the neopixels, sets the brightness of the neopixels, and calls the blink and displayScore functions.
void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600);                     // Begin the serial communication
  pinMode(BUTTON_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP);      // Set the button pin as input pullup
  pixels.begin();                         // Begin the neopixels
  pixels.setBrightness(255);              // Set the brightness of the neopixels

 * Loop function
 * This function checks if the game is running and calls the buttonStateHandler, newTargetHandler, and gameRunningHandler functions accordingly.
 * If the game is not running and the button is pressed, the game state is set to true.
void loop() {
  if (!game_running) {                    // If the game is not running
    if (!digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN)) {       // If the button is pressed
      game_running = true;                // Game state is true
  if (game_running){                    // If the game is running
    butttonStateHandler();              // Button state handler
    newTargetHandler();                 // New target handler
    gameRunningHandler();               // Game running handler

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Anoof C
2 projects • 3 followers
Embedded Engineer | Embedded C | Robotics | ESP32 | STM32 | DMX & Artnet
Thanks to Praveen Krishnan R.


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