This project was meant for the person who always has ideas while doing chores around the house, or forgets to writes things down so likes to store
reminders in a Google Doc. Now with this skill a user can see what their recently used files were, create a file (either a document, a sheet, or presentation), and add text to the end of a document, all without having to click a button and solely using their voice.
Here are sample usages:
Sample phrase to say to Alexa to list you last ten files in Google Drive:
"Alexa, ask Edit Docs to list my files please"
Alexa's Response:
"Here is your list of files ..."
Sample phrase to say to Alexa to create a new file in your Google Drive:
"Alexa, ask Edit Docs to create a file called {fileName}"
Alexa's Response:
"We created a file named {fileName}"
Sample phrase to say to Alexa to add text to a file in your Google Drive:
"Alexa, ask Edit Docs to update {fileName} with {inputText}"
Alexa's Response:
"We updated the file named {fileName} with your input of {inputText}"
Here is a link to the project site with the videos of the project’s different functionalities! : https://acucciniello.github.io/alexa-open-doc/
Check out the code here on GitHub: https://github.com/acucciniello/alexa-open-doc
Check out my blog where I talk about the work done: http://www.acucciniello.com/