A clock making 2 revolutions for 1 day is awkward. All clocks should make just 1 revolution per 24 hours.
Since time is just a number anyway, we should all just use UTC. It doesn't matter if you get up at 08:00 or 23:45, as long as you keep your appointments :)
Example: What time is this?
22:43 UTC means:
In Tokyo, breakfast. In Europe, should have gone to bed. In Los Angeles, people are soon wrapping up their workday.
Depending on where you live/are in the world, the same hand angle means different things.
The brand Slow watches (not affiliated) got this with their 24h wristwatches. Except I don't like the constraint of having numbers on the dial…
Example clockPrototype / online version on https://teigseth.no/clock, feel free to copy/modify
Ingredients- 1 cheapo wall clock
- 1 arduino nano/whatever arduino
- 1 power supply
Cheap wall clocks tick once a second, constructed to make the hour hand go 2 revolutions per 24 hours. Need to slow this down at least half.
MechanismCheap wall clocks typically are lavet type stepping motors. They have a magnetic cogwheel and a small coil. Half a rotation of the cogwheel brings the second hand 1/60 rotation (6 degrees) forward. The coil needs to be pulsed with alternating voltages. I soldered two wires directly to the coil, and connected them to D3 and D4 on an Arduino Nano.
(imagetaken from https://www.randseq.org/2016/10/hacking-analog-clock-to-sync-with-ntp_29.html)
In my tests, I had the problem of gravity(?) sometimes pulling the cogwheel out of position, causing the clock to miss seconds (moving the second hand backward instead of forward). I solved this by "tightening up" the visor to last state, effectively holding it in the last position, and then quickly inverting the voltage, pulling it forward. Seems to work well.
My code assumes you take away the second and hour hand, and use the minute hand as 24-hour hand. Since a minute hand normally turns 24 times in 24 hours, the clock speed needs to be slowed down 24 times. So instead of a forward motion every second, we do a forward motion every 24 seconds.
You can run this clock on batteries, but they will most likely just last about 3 days or so. A nano will draw about 16mA, which is "a lot" for battery drive. I just wired it to a USB power supply.
I covered the numbers of the dial with some black cardbord and painted 24 dots by hand. Looks OKish.
FutureNext version will sync with internet clocks via NTP and probably use a servo motor instead, to be able to instantly set the correct angle.