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Shigapov Anton

Smart Water Tank

Some of manual work sometimes takes lots of your time and requires attention - Smart Water Tank gives you more time =)

AdvancedShowcase (no instructions)6 hours826
Smart Water Tank

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Particle Photon
Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic)
Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic)
to measure water level
Relay Module (Generic)
to control electric valve
electric valve cwx
DC Power Connector, Straight
DC Power Connector, Straight
not exactly this one - but close to it - to connect devices to protected box
Plastic Enclosure, Junction Box
Plastic Enclosure, Junction Box
9V 1A Switching Wall Power Supply
9V 1A Switching Wall Power Supply
Adafruit Waterproof DS18B20 Digital temperature sensor
Adafruit Waterproof DS18B20 Digital temperature sensor

Software apps and online services

ThingSpeak API
ThingSpeak API

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


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#include <OneWire.h>
#include <spark-dallas-temperature.h>
#define ONE_WIRE_BUS D4
OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);
DallasTemperature sensor(&oneWire);
float t;

#include <ThingSpeak.h>
TCPClient client;                               
unsigned long myChannelNumber = yourchannelnumber;          
const char * myWriteAPIKey = "yourchannelAPIkeys";
const char* server = "api.thingspeak.com";   

// PINs
 int led_r=0;                        // LED on D0 is Red
 int led_y=1;                        // LED on D1 is Yellow
 int led_g=2;                        // LED on D2 is Green
 const uint8_t RELAY_1_PIN=3;        // PIN on D3 if for Relay
// #define ONE_WIRE_BUS D4           // PIN on D4 is sensor DS18B20 - mentioned previosly - here for information only 
 int echoPin = 5;                    // sonic -  echo on D5 
 int trigPin = 6;                    // sonic -  trig on D6
 int led =7;                         // LED on D7 is Blue - build-in

// for keeping data
 char st; 
 char* status_current; char* status_old; // for keeping status of Tank - empty, fillin, full, fillout, error
 unsigned long lastmillis = 0;           // for tracking sending temperature and moistute data
 int duration, distance;                 // for sonic

void setup() {
 ThingSpeak.begin(client);           // start ThingSpeak
 sensor.begin();                     // start DS18B20 sensor
 pinMode(RELAY_1_PIN, OUTPUT);       // D3 output - relay
 pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);            // D5 - sonic - input  - echo
 pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);           // D6 - sonic - output - trigger  
 pinMode(led_r, OUTPUT);             // LEDs output
 pinMode(led_y, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(led_g, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(led, OUTPUT);               // LED output - onboard

void loop() {
 if ((millis() - lastmillis) > 10000) {  lastmillis = millis(); sensors_broadcast(); } // publish temperature & moisture - every minute
if         ( (distance <= 10 ) && (distance !=0) )  { tank_full();    }                // status of tank filling with water
   else if (  distance >= 50 )                      { tank_empty();   }                // if water lever low -> turning On relay 
   else if (  distance > 90  )                      { tank_error();   }                // OFF - just in case if something goes wrong
   else if (  distance ==0   )                      { tank_error();   }                // OFF - just in case if something goes wrong
   else if ( (distance < 50  ) && (distance > 10))  { tank_fillout(); } 
//   else if ( (distance > 10) && (distance < 89) ) 
//      {
//       if      (digitalRead(RELAY_1_PIN) == HIGH)  { tank_fillin(); }
//       else if (digitalRead(RELAY_1_PIN) == LOW)   { tank_fillout();} 
//      }
   else                                             { tank_error();   }                // OFF
 void sensors_read() {
// read data from Sensors
 t=sensor.getTempCByIndex( 0 );                  // temperature

 digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2);  // для большей точности установим значение LOW на пине Trig
 digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);delayMicroseconds(10); // Теперь установим высокий уровень на пине Trig             // Подождем 10 μs 
 digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);    // Узнаем длительность высокого сигнала на пине Echo
 duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);   // Рассчитаем расстояние
 distance = duration / 58;           

 void sensors_broadcast() {
 String st(t, 1);        Particle.publish("Temperature:",st);
 String sdist(distance); Particle.publish("Distance :", sdist);
 digitalWrite(led_y, HIGH); delay(500); digitalWrite(led_y, LOW);    // blink LED Yellow    
 ThingSpeak.setField(4, t); 
 ThingSpeak.setField(5, 90-distance);
 ThingSpeak.writeFields(myChannelNumber, myWriteAPIKey);  
 void tank_empty() { 
  digitalWrite(led_r, HIGH);   digitalWrite(led_y, LOW);  digitalWrite(led_g, LOW); 
  digitalWrite(RELAY_1_PIN, HIGH);
  char* status_current = "EMPTY";
  Particle.publish(" Tank is:", status_current);  
 void tank_fillin() {
  digitalWrite(led_r, LOW);   digitalWrite(led_y, HIGH);  digitalWrite(led_g, HIGH);
  char* status_current = "Fillin";
  Particle.publish(" Tank is:", status_current); 

 void tank_fillout() {
  digitalWrite(led_r, HIGH);   digitalWrite(led_y, HIGH);  digitalWrite(led_g, LOW);
  char* status_current = "FillOut";
  Particle.publish(" Tank is:", status_current);

 void tank_full() { 
  digitalWrite(led_r, LOW);    digitalWrite(led_y, LOW);  digitalWrite(led_g, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(RELAY_1_PIN, LOW);
  char* status_current = "FULL";
  Particle.publish(" Tank is:", status_current);
 void tank_error() {
  digitalWrite(led_r, HIGH);    digitalWrite(led_y, HIGH);  digitalWrite(led_g, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(RELAY_1_PIN, LOW);
  char* status_current = "ERROR";
  Particle.publish(" Tank is:", status_current);


Shigapov Anton
1 project • 3 followers
movies vine domino


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