Heltec Wireless Tracker is a development kit based on ESP32-S3FN8. It integrates both SX1262 and UC6580 to provide fast GNSS solution for IoT. It can track any object and then upload that data wirelessly by Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, LoRa, and has been widely used in Meshtastick. We can set a low-power mode on Meshtastic to extend battery life.
ConfigurationConnect the fully charged 1000mA lithium battery and LoRa adapter antenna correctly to the tracker. Flashing the latest firmware version to the device and installing and connecting meshtastic, detailed information can be found in this document.
Device Config
Position Configuration
Position broadcast interval - 900
Smart broadcast min distance - 10
smart broadcast min interval - 900
GPS update interval - 30
Redefine GPS_RX_PIN 33
Redefine GPS_TX_PIN 34
Redefine PIN_GPS_EN 3
Power Configuration
Wait for Bluetooth - 0
Super deep sleep duration - 1800
Light sleep duration- 900
Minimum wake time- 30
After successfully entering low power consumption, the current is only 13uA.
The device is connected to a fully charged 1000mA 3.7V lithium battery and operates normally according to the above settings. After the tracker recognizes the GPS, it can only consume 1% of the power per hour.
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