This project demonstrates the controlling of an RGB LED over NFC by smartphone. LPC812 MAX board is interfaced with NTAG I2C board (NT3H1101).
The LPC812 MAX board comes with RGB LED, the pin connection details are here:
- P0_7 -> RED LED
- P0_17 -> GREEN LED
- P0_16 -> BLUE LED
NTAG I2C board needs to interfaced with LPC812, the pin details are here:
- P0_11 -> SCL_NTAG
- P0_10 -> SDA_NTAG
The NTAG is having total 476 pages with 4bytes per each page. In this project only one page is required (4bytes):
- byte1 - Led status (On/Off)
- byte2 - Red value
- byte3 - Green Value
- byte4 - Blue
Android application is developed using android studio, its available on google play store here.
Android application allow us to choose the color then corresponding RGB values will be write into NTAG memory by tapping it with mobile. LPC812 generates the PWM signals w.r.t the values in NTAG memory.
The working demo is here:
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