What is this that stands before me?! Figure in black which points at me.
I have a grail.
Turn around quick, and start to run.
Not just any grail!
It's engineered to prevent spilling, perfected to prevent sloshing around when riding handbaskets, and blesses any liquid with divine properties not even mentioned in the holiest of texts.
Find out I'm the chosen one.
Go ahead, drink!!
Oh no, no, please God help me!!
Mu ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
DesignThe grail was purposely designed as a submission to Make:'s April Fool's 3D Printing Contest. I won't give away all the details of what to expect; that's for you to find and figure out along with your subjects.
The model may be printed with no supports at 10% infill!
Individual files are provided in case the desire is to print parts in different colors, materials, blessings, etc... A couple alternate pieces provide additional options like an extended bowl to hold more liquid and protrude above the rim of the base. In case the pentagram is undesirable, a base without is available. (I'm not judging)
I printed with a standard PLA since this is definitely considered a novelty; however, please do diligence and seek information on the interwebs about 3D printing items that come in contact with food.
Oh, by the way......there is a way to drink out of this without spilling a drop! Can you figure it out [and save your soul] ???