Published © LGPL

MIDIfication of Church Organ Pedal Board

IR-sensors detect motion of pedal keys and Arduino Due generates MIDI messages.

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MIDIfication of Church Organ Pedal Board

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MIDi signals from a pedal board

This code will turn an Arduino Due into a MIDI USB host, that will translate IR-sensor signals into MIDI note events.
#include <MIDIUSB.h>
#include <ArduinoQueue.h>

Program for MIDIfying a 30-key organ pedal board with Arduino Due as Midi controller and IR-sensors TCRT5000
Original code by Prof. David Musker, June 2020
Adapted by Johannes Barkowsky, April 2022
Free for use if source is acknowledged

const byte KeyboardSize = 30;                                  // size of pedalboard here 30 keys, can be set to 27, 25 or whatever
const byte StartNotePin = 2;                                   // first digital input pin for note lowest note is set to pin 2, leaving digital pin 1 and 0 for other use
                                                               // so 30 pins now are pin3 to 32. StartNotePin can be set to 5 or whatever. It moves all pins up then.
const byte NoteOff = B10000000;
const byte NoteOn  = B10010000;

const byte MidiChannel = 3;                                    // 3 sets Midi channel to channel 4; according to midi_Defs.h a 0 translates to MIDI_CHANNEL_OMNI, not sure though
const byte LowestNote = 24;                                    // Midi note number of lowest note, set to C1

const byte KeyPin [KeyboardSize] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29};

unsigned long KeyReadTime = 0;
unsigned long DebounceTime = 20;                               // 20 ms in real life for notes - might be set lower
unsigned long LastMIDISentTime;                                // track when last MIDI message sent
unsigned long MidiLag = 50;                                    // delay between MIDI messages - greater than 25 ms and less than say 500 ms to avoid latency

byte NoteCount = 0;                                            // notes on
byte NoteCountOld = 0;                                         // notes on at last scan
byte NotesChanged = 0;                                         // note changes from last scan
byte Velocity;

bool KeyState[KeyboardSize] = {true};                          // orig. false, but set here to true, because IR-sensors are HIGH, when pedals are up
bool NoteState[KeyboardSize] [3] = {false};                    // current and last note states and a change flag
unsigned long KeyLastTime [KeyboardSize] = {0};                // times since last key transitions

//Queue creation:
ArduinoQueue<midiEventPacket_t> MidiChannelNoteQueue(20);      // 20 here is the maximum number of items

void setup () {
delay(1000); // remedy for Arduino Due R3 startup reset issue - perhaps unnecessary

Serial.begin(31250); // MIDI transmission speed is 31250 baud
  for (int i = 0; i < KeyboardSize; i++) {
    pinMode((StartNotePin+i), INPUT_PULLUP); // digital input pins with pullup resistor

void loop () {


} //main loop ends here

void KeyRead() {
KeyReadTime = millis();
  for (int i = 0; i < KeyboardSize; i++) { // note reading loop
    KeyState[i] = !digitalRead(KeyPin[i]+StartNotePin); // indirect addressing via keypin array; keystate is here reversed (!), because IR-sensors are HIGH by default

void NoteRead() {
NoteCountOld = NoteCount;
NotesChanged = 0;
 for (int i = 0; i < KeyboardSize; i++ ) { 
  if ((KeyReadTime - KeyLastTime [i]) > DebounceTime) { // only look at key state if it is more than DebounceTime since last change in note, otherwise skip
    KeyLastTime [i] = KeyReadTime;
    NoteState[i][3] = false;
    NoteState[i][2] = NoteState[i][1]; // update previous note state
    if (((KeyState[i] == false) && (NoteState[i][1] == true)) || ((KeyState[i] == true) && (NoteState[i][1] == false))){ // key state has changed
        NoteState[i][1] = KeyState[i]; // update current note state
        NoteState[i][3] = true; // set a changed state flag
        if (NoteState[i][1] == true) { // note is on
         NoteCount++; // increment number of notes on
        else {NoteCount--;} // decrement number of notes on
At the end of this loop, we have:
NoteState[i][1] - current note states, 
NoteState[i][2] - previous note states, and 
NoteState[i][3] - change flags 
NoteCount - a count of the number of notes ON
NotesChanged - a count of the number of notes changed 

void NoteSend() {
if (NotesChanged > 0) { // something has changed
    for (int i = 0; i < (KeyboardSize); i++) {
      if (NoteState[i][3] == true){ // note state has changed
        if (NoteState[i][1] == true){ // note is ON
          sendNoteOn((i+ LowestNote), MidiChannel, 127); // velocity is here fixed at 127
          else {
            sendNoteOff((i+ LowestNote), MidiChannel, 0);} // note is OFF
void sendNoteOn (byte Pitch, byte MidiChannel, byte Velocity) {
  MIDImessage(NoteOn, MidiChannel, Pitch, Velocity);

void sendNoteOff (byte Pitch, byte MidiChannel, byte Velocity) {
  MIDImessage(NoteOff, MidiChannel, Pitch, Velocity);

void MIDImessage(int byte1, int byte2, int byte3, int byte4) { // sends a 3 byte MIDI message via the serial port and queues it
  // one could use the Arduino Midi library command instead
  byte cmd = (byte1 + byte2);
  Serial.write(cmd); // send note on or note off command
  Serial.write(byte3); // send pitch
  Serial.write(byte4); //send velocity
  midiEventPacket_t midiMsg = {cmd >> 4, cmd, byte3, byte4};

void TransmitMIDI() {
if ((micros() - LastMIDISentTime) > MidiLag) { // send only if the delay time has expired
   if (!MidiChannelNoteQueue.isEmpty()) { // something is in the main channel queue
      LastMIDISentTime = micros();




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