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Bastiaan Slee
Published © GPL3+

Arduboy Projector

Cover your wall with an Arduboy game!

IntermediateFull instructions provided10 hours5,883

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduboy Compatible
Arduboy Compatible
Arduino Micro
Arduino Micro
Aldis Slide Projector
Magnetometer, Three Axis
Magnetometer, Three Axis
Magnetometer for the Steering Wheel Controller
Tactile Switch, Top Actuated
Tactile Switch, Top Actuated
Various tactile switches for both controllers
LED (generic)
LED (generic)
RGB 5mm and Blue 3.5mm for both controllers

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Programming environment for Arduino
Autodesk Fusion
3D Design the cases
Autodesk Eagle
Designing the PCB

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Snapmaker 2.0 A350
3D printer (printing cases) and CNC router (creating the PCB)


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures

Base Station 3D model

Autodesk Fusion 360 design file

Steering Wheel Controller 3D model

Autodesk Fusion 360 design file

Slide Holder 3D model

Autodesk Fusion 360 design file

Power Block 3D model

Autodesk Fusion 360 design file


Base Station PCB board design

Autodesk Eagle design file

Base Station PCB schematics

Autodesk Eagle design file


Steering Wheel Controller

This code will use a magnetometer to "sense" if you are turning the wheel left or right. It will then virtually press the buttons for Arduboy control
#include <Wire.h>    // Library for I2C communication
#include <LSM303.h>  // Library for the compass

LSM303 compass;
LSM303::vector<int16_t> neutral_min = {32767, 32767, 32767}, neutral_max = {-32768, -32768, -32768};
LSM303::vector<int16_t> left_min = {32767, 32767, 32767}, left_max = {-32768, -32768, -32768};
LSM303::vector<int16_t> right_min = {32767, 32767, 32767}, right_max = {-32768, -32768, -32768};
char report[80];

const byte LED_right = 9; // For testing: the RX LED has defined Arduino pin 17
const byte LED_left = 10;  // For testing: the TX LED has defined Arduino pin 30
const byte OUTPUT_right = 18;  // A0
const byte OUTPUT_left = 23;  // A5

int LastPos = 0;    // -1 = LEFT   0 = NEUTRAL   1 = RIGHT
int CurrPos = 0;    // -1 = LEFT   0 = NEUTRAL   1 = RIGHT
int LastPosTimer = 0;   // Timer for LastPos

int NrOfCalibrationSamples = 512;
int CalibrationWidening = 50;
int TimeOutForButtonReset = 10;
int TimeOutForLedReset = 50;
int TimeOutForTimerReset = 100;

void setup()

  // Set the LED pins to OUTPUT
  pinMode(LED_right, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LED_left, OUTPUT);

  // Define the BUTTON pins, we do a trick :)
  // OUTPUT defaults to LOW, which is a button press
  // INPUT defaults to floating state, which is covered by the pullup on the Arduboy side
  pinMode(OUTPUT_right, INPUT);   // do not press the button anymore
  pinMode(OUTPUT_left, INPUT);   // do not press the button anymore

  Wire.begin();  // Arduino Micro default I2C pins: SDA = 2 and SCL = 3



  // blink both LEDs to alert for calibration
  for (int i=0; i<=5; i++){
    digitalWrite(LED_left, HIGH);   // turn the LED on
    digitalWrite(LED_right, HIGH);   // turn the LED on
    digitalWrite(LED_left, LOW);    // turn the LED off
    digitalWrite(LED_right, LOW);    // turn the LED off

  // Steady both LEDs while calibrating
  digitalWrite(LED_left, HIGH);   // turn the LED on
  digitalWrite(LED_right, HIGH);   // turn the LED on

  // Get standard neutral position
  for (int i=0; i <= NrOfCalibrationSamples; i++){
    neutral_min.x = min(neutral_min.x, compass.m.x);
    neutral_min.y = min(neutral_min.y, compass.m.y);
    neutral_min.z = min(neutral_min.z, compass.m.z);
    neutral_max.x = max(neutral_max.x, compass.m.x);
    neutral_max.y = max(neutral_max.y, compass.m.y);
    neutral_max.z = max(neutral_max.z, compass.m.z);

  // Off for both LEDs as calibration is complete
  digitalWrite(LED_left, LOW);    // turn the LED off
  digitalWrite(LED_right, LOW);    // turn the LED off

  // Update the readings with a little extra range
  neutral_min.x = neutral_min.x - CalibrationWidening;
  neutral_min.y = neutral_min.y - CalibrationWidening;
  neutral_min.z = neutral_min.z - CalibrationWidening;
  neutral_max.x = neutral_max.x + CalibrationWidening;
  neutral_max.y = neutral_max.y + CalibrationWidening;
  neutral_max.z = neutral_max.z + CalibrationWidening;

  snprintf(report, sizeof(report), "NEUTRAL = min: {%+6d, %+6d, %+6d}    max: {%+6d, %+6d, %+6d}",
    neutral_min.x, neutral_min.y, neutral_min.z,
    neutral_max.x, neutral_max.y, neutral_max.z);



  // blink LEFT LED to alert for calibration
  for (int i=0; i<=5; i++){
    digitalWrite(LED_left, HIGH);   // turn the LED on
    digitalWrite(LED_left, LOW);    // turn the LED off

  // Steady LEFT LED while calibrating
  digitalWrite(LED_left, HIGH);   // turn the LED on

  // Get standard left position
  for (int i=0; i <= NrOfCalibrationSamples; i++){
    left_min.x = min(left_min.x, compass.m.x);
    left_min.y = min(left_min.y, compass.m.y);
    left_min.z = min(left_min.z, compass.m.z);
    left_max.x = max(left_max.x, compass.m.x);
    left_max.y = max(left_max.y, compass.m.y);
    left_max.z = max(left_max.z, compass.m.z);

  // turn off LEFT LED as calibration is complete
  digitalWrite(LED_left, LOW);    // turn the LED off

  // Update the readings with a little extra range
  left_min.x = left_min.x - CalibrationWidening;
  left_min.y = left_min.y - CalibrationWidening;
  left_min.z = left_min.z - CalibrationWidening;
  left_max.x = left_max.x + CalibrationWidening;
  left_max.y = left_max.y + CalibrationWidening;
  left_max.z = left_max.z + CalibrationWidening;

  snprintf(report, sizeof(report), "LEFT = min: {%+6d, %+6d, %+6d}    max: {%+6d, %+6d, %+6d}",
    left_min.x, left_min.y, left_min.z,
    left_max.x, left_max.y, left_max.z);



  // blink RIGHT LED to alert for calibration
  for (int i=0; i<=5; i++){
    digitalWrite(LED_right, HIGH);   // turn the LED on
    digitalWrite(LED_right, LOW);    // turn the LED off

  // Steady RIGHT LED while calibrating
  digitalWrite(LED_right, HIGH);   // turn the LED on

  // Get standard right position
  for (int i=0; i <= NrOfCalibrationSamples; i++){
    right_min.x = min(right_min.x, compass.m.x);
    right_min.y = min(right_min.y, compass.m.y);
    right_min.z = min(right_min.z, compass.m.z);
    right_max.x = max(right_max.x, compass.m.x);
    right_max.y = max(right_max.y, compass.m.y);
    right_max.z = max(right_max.z, compass.m.z);

  // turn off RIGHT LED as calibration is complete
  digitalWrite(LED_right, LOW);    // turn the LED off

  // Update the readings with a little extra range
  right_min.x = right_min.x - CalibrationWidening;
  right_min.y = right_min.y - CalibrationWidening;
  right_min.z = right_min.z - CalibrationWidening;
  right_max.x = right_max.x + CalibrationWidening;
  right_max.y = right_max.y + CalibrationWidening;
  right_max.z = right_max.z + CalibrationWidening;

  snprintf(report, sizeof(report), "RIGHT = min: {%+6d, %+6d, %+6d}    max: {%+6d, %+6d, %+6d}",
    right_min.x, right_min.y, right_min.z,
    right_max.x, right_max.y, right_max.z);



  // Steady both LEDs
  digitalWrite(LED_left, HIGH);   // turn the LED on
  digitalWrite(LED_right, HIGH);   // turn the LED on

  // Off for both LEDs
  digitalWrite(LED_left, LOW);    // turn the LED off
  digitalWrite(LED_right, LOW);    // turn the LED off


void loop()
  compass.read();  // Read the compass data

  // Print data to Serial Monitor
  snprintf(report, sizeof(report), "M: %6d %6d %6d", compass.m.x, compass.m.y, compass.m.z);

  // Send data to Serial Plotter

  // Find if the compass Magnetometer is in one of our direction ranges
  if( compass.m.x > right_min.x && compass.m.x < right_max.x &&
      compass.m.y > right_min.y && compass.m.y < right_max.y &&
      compass.m.z > right_min.z && compass.m.z < right_max.z ) {
      CurrPos = 1;
  else if( compass.m.x > left_min.x && compass.m.x < left_max.x &&
      compass.m.y > left_min.y && compass.m.y < left_max.y &&
      compass.m.z > left_min.z && compass.m.z < left_max.z ) {
      CurrPos = -1;
  else if( compass.m.x > neutral_min.x && compass.m.x < neutral_max.x &&
      compass.m.y > neutral_min.y && compass.m.y < neutral_max.y &&
      compass.m.z > neutral_min.z && compass.m.z < neutral_max.z ) {
      CurrPos = 0;

  // Find if the last position is different from current position. If yes, turn on the LED and virtually press the button
  if ( LastPos != CurrPos) {
      digitalWrite(LED_right, LOW);   // turn the LED off
      digitalWrite(LED_left, LOW);   // turn the LED off
      pinMode(OUTPUT_right, INPUT);   // do not press the button anymore
      pinMode(OUTPUT_left, INPUT);   // do not press the button anymore

      if (CurrPos == -1) {
          digitalWrite(LED_left, HIGH);   // turn the LED on
          pinMode(OUTPUT_left, OUTPUT);   // press the button
      if (CurrPos == 1) {
          digitalWrite(LED_right, HIGH);   // turn the LED on
          pinMode(OUTPUT_right, OUTPUT);   // press the button
      LastPos = CurrPos;  // Position to LEFT or RIGHT
      LastPosTimer = 0;  // Reset timer to 0

  // If in the same direction, loop for turning the press off, turning the LED off, and turning back to neutral
  else {
    if (LastPosTimer == TimeOutForButtonReset && CurrPos == -1) {
        pinMode(OUTPUT_left, INPUT);   // do not press the button anymore
    if (LastPosTimer == TimeOutForButtonReset && CurrPos == 1) {
        pinMode(OUTPUT_right, INPUT);   // do not press the button anymore

    if (LastPosTimer == TimeOutForLedReset && CurrPos == -1) {
        digitalWrite(LED_left, LOW);   // turn the LED off
    if (LastPosTimer == TimeOutForLedReset && CurrPos == 1) {
        digitalWrite(LED_right, LOW);   // turn the LED off
    if (LastPosTimer == TimeOutForTimerReset) {
        LastPosTimer = 0;  // Reset timer to 0
        LastPos = 0;   // Position to NEUTRAL, such that it triggers next time
    else {
        LastPosTimer++;  // Add 1 to timer
  delay(10);  // Next loop in 10 ms


Bastiaan Slee

Bastiaan Slee

5 projects • 34 followers
Tinkerer in the field of Home Automation, with the main goal: fun! Using Raspberry Pi, Arduino (+clones), LoRaWAN, NodeRed, 3D Printing
