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Katie TurnerAlan TapperArjun KannanPablo SolanoAlbert Wan

Rush Hour

Broken traffic light system at a four-way intersection? We have the fix for you!

IntermediateFull instructions provided72
Rush Hour

Things used in this project

Hardware components

EK-TM4C123GXL TM4C Tiva LaunchPad
Texas Instruments EK-TM4C123GXL TM4C Tiva LaunchPad
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
LED, Red
LED, Red
LED, Green
LED, Green
LED, Yellow
LED, Yellow
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
Tilt Switch, SPST
Tilt Switch, SPST

Software apps and online services

Code Composer Studio
Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio


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Traffic System Diagram


Traffic System Software


 * helpers.h
 *  Created on: Mar 15, 2018
 *      Author: Chance Tarver

#ifndef HELPERS_H_
#define HELPERS_H_

// Base addresses of each port
#define PortA       0x40004000
#define PortB       0x40058000
#define PortC       0x40006000
#define PortD       0x40007000
#define PortE       0x40024000
#define PortF       0x40025000

//  General-Purpose Input/Output Run Mode Clock Gating Control. Each bit corresponds to a Port.
#define RCGCGPIO    0x400FE608
#define ClocksA     0x01
#define ClocksB     0x02
#define ClocksC     0x04
#define ClocksD     0x08
#define ClocksE     0x10
#define ClocksF     0x20

// Define the bitmask for each pin
#define pin0     0x01
#define pin1     0x02
#define pin2     0x04
#define pin3     0x08
#define pin4     0x10
#define pin5     0x20
#define pin6     0x40
#define pin7     0x80

//Other defines for code readability
#define OUTPUT  1
#define INPUT   0
#define INTERRUPT    1
#define NoINTERRUPT  0

// Offsets corresponding to registers we may need to configure
#define GPIODATA    0x3FC   // pg662 : GPIO Data
#define GPIODIR     0x400   // pg663 : GPIO Direction
#define GPIOIS      0x404   // pg664 : GPIO Interrupt Sense
#define GPIOIBE     0x408   // pg665 : GPIO Interrupt Both Edges
#define GPIOIEV     0x40C   // pg666 : GPIO Interrupt Event     -   0: falling edge or Low level is trigger.    1: rising edge or High level is trigger
#define GPIOIM      0x410    // pg667 : GPIO Interrupt Mask      -   0: the pin is masked.                       1: the interrupt is sent to the controller
#define GPIOICR     0x41C    // pg670 : GPIO Interrupt Clear     -   0: no affect                                1: the corresponding interrupt is cleared
#define GPIOAFSEL   0x420   // pg671 : GPIO Alternative Function Select - 0: pin functions as GPIO              1: Function as something else depending on port
#define GPIOPUR     0x510   // pg677 : GPIO Pull-Up Select      -   0: turn off pull up resistor                1: turn on pull up for corresponding pin
#define GPIOPDR     0x514   // pg679 : GPIO Pull-Down Select    -   0: turn off pull down resistor              1: turn on pull down for corresponding pin
#define GPIODEN     0x51C   // pg682 : GPIO Digital Enable      -   0: disable digital functions                1: enable pin's digital functions
#define GPIOLOCK    0x520   // pg684 : GPIO Lock. A write of the value 0x4C4F.434B unlocks the GPIO Commit (GPIOCR) register for write access.
#define GPIOKEY     0x4C4F434B // pg684. Special key for the GPIOLOCK register
#define GPIOCR      0x524   // pg685 : GPIO Commit              -   0: Corresponding GPIOAFSEL, GPIOPUR, GPIOPDR, or GPIODEN bits cannot be written. 1: They can

#define NVIC_EN0_R              (*((volatile unsigned long *)0xE000E100))  // pg142 IRQ 0 to 31 Set Enable Register

#define NVIC_PRI0_R             (*((volatile unsigned long *)0xE000E41C))  // pg152 IRQ 0 to 3 Priority Register
#define NVIC_PRI7_R             (*((volatile unsigned long *)0xE000E41C))  // pg152 IRQ 28 to 31 Priority Register  pg 104 has interrupt assignments. GPIO Port F is Interrupt #30. Bits 23:21

void WaitForInterrupt(void);  // low power mode

void SetupDigitalGPIO(unsigned int port, unsigned int pinMask, int direction,
                        int useInterrupts)
    /*Function for setting up a digital GPIO Pin

     This function will do all the register configs for a give port and pin.

     SetupOnDigitalGPIO(PortF, pin3, INPUT, INTERRUPT) // Set up an input with interrupts on PF3.
     SetupOnDigitalGPIO(PortE, pin4, OUTPUT, NoINTERRUPT) // Set up an output with no interrupts on PE4.
     We assume a pullup resistor.
     We also assume an edge based trigger.
     It is best the header with the #defines for each port and pin are included.

     (*((volatile unsigned long *) port  - Base address of the port being used.
     (*((volatile unsigned long *) pin   - Bit mask of the pin being used
     int direction - Boolean flag for direction of the pin. 1 = Output. 0 = input
     int UseInterrupts - Boolean flag to use interrupts. 1 = use them. 0 = don't

    //Define the generic pointers
    unsigned int volatile *pRCGCGPIO = (unsigned int *) RCGCGPIO;
    unsigned int volatile *pGPIOLOCK = (unsigned int *) (port + GPIOLOCK);
    unsigned int volatile *pGPIOCR = (unsigned int *) (port + GPIOCR);
    unsigned int volatile *pGPIODIR = (unsigned int *) (port + GPIODIR);
    unsigned int volatile *pGPIOAFSEL = (unsigned int *) (port + GPIOAFSEL);
    unsigned int volatile *pGPIOPUR = (unsigned int *) (port + GPIOPUR);
    unsigned int volatile *pGPIODEN = (unsigned int *) (port + GPIODEN);
    unsigned int volatile *pGPIODATA = (unsigned int *) (port + GPIODATA);

    // Define the pointers for interrupt configuration
    unsigned int volatile *pGPIOIS = (unsigned int *) (port + GPIOIS);
    unsigned int volatile *pGPIOIBE = (unsigned int *) (port + GPIOIBE);
    unsigned int volatile *pGPIOIEV = (unsigned int *) (port + GPIOIEV);
    unsigned int volatile *pGPIOIM = (unsigned int *) (port + GPIOIM);
    unsigned int volatile *pGPIOICR = (unsigned int *) (port + GPIOICR);

    // activate the clocks for the port
    int clocks;
    switch ((int) port)
    case PortA:
        clocks = ClocksA;
    case PortB:
        clocks = ClocksB;
    case PortC:
        clocks = ClocksC;
    case PortD:
        clocks = ClocksD;
    case PortE:
        clocks = ClocksE;
    case PortF:
        clocks = ClocksF;
        clocks = ClocksF;
        break;//ERROR. TODO: Add an exception to handle this. Send to Error ISR or something

    *pRCGCGPIO |= clocks;
    while ((*pRCGCGPIO & clocks) == 0)

    *pGPIOCR |= pinMask;
    if (direction == 0)
        *pGPIODIR &= ~pinMask;
        *pGPIOPUR |= pinMask;
    else if (direction == 1)
        *pGPIODIR |= pinMask;
        *pGPIODIR |= pinMask; // TODO. Addd an exception to handle this.

    *pGPIOAFSEL &= ~pinMask;
    *pGPIODEN |= pinMask;

    if (useInterrupts)
        *pGPIOIS &= ~pinMask;  // Edge-sensitive (default setting)
        *pGPIOIBE &= ~pinMask;  // Not both edges (default setting)
        *pGPIOIEV &= ~pinMask;  // Falling edge event (default setting)
        *pGPIOICR |= pinMask;   // clear flag
        *pGPIOIM |= pinMask;   // enable interrupt. Unmask it

void WaitForInterrupt(void)
    __asm ("    WFI\n"
            "    BX     LR\n");

#endif /* HELPERS_H_ */

#include "helpers.h"

int main(void)
    SetupDigitalGPIO(PortD, pin7, INPUT, NoINTERRUPT);
    //North pins
    SetupDigitalGPIO(PortC, pin7, OUTPUT, NoINTERRUPT);
    SetupDigitalGPIO(PortC, pin6, OUTPUT, NoINTERRUPT);
    SetupDigitalGPIO(PortC, pin5, OUTPUT, NoINTERRUPT);

    //South pins
    SetupDigitalGPIO(PortA, pin5, OUTPUT, NoINTERRUPT);
    SetupDigitalGPIO(PortA, pin6, OUTPUT, NoINTERRUPT);
    SetupDigitalGPIO(PortA, pin7, OUTPUT, NoINTERRUPT);

    //West pins
    SetupDigitalGPIO(PortA, pin4, OUTPUT, NoINTERRUPT);
    SetupDigitalGPIO(PortA, pin3, OUTPUT, NoINTERRUPT);
    SetupDigitalGPIO(PortA, pin2, OUTPUT, NoINTERRUPT);

    //East pins
    SetupDigitalGPIO(PortD, pin1, OUTPUT, NoINTERRUPT);
    SetupDigitalGPIO(PortD, pin2, OUTPUT, NoINTERRUPT);
    SetupDigitalGPIO(PortD, pin3, OUTPUT, NoINTERRUPT);

    unsigned int volatile *pGPIODATA_A = (unsigned int *) (PortA + GPIODATA);
    unsigned int volatile *pGPIODATA_C = (unsigned int *) (PortC + GPIODATA);
    unsigned int volatile *pGPIODATA_D = (unsigned int *) (PortD + GPIODATA);
    int switch_position = *pGPIODATA_D & 0x80;
    int count = 0;
    while (1)
        switch_position = *pGPIODATA_D & 0x80;
        if (switch_position != 128)
            //If switch position is turned on turn all red lights on and all other lights off
            *pGPIODATA_C = *pGPIODATA_C | 0x80;
            *pGPIODATA_C = *pGPIODATA_C & ~0x40;
            *pGPIODATA_C = *pGPIODATA_C & ~0x20;

            *pGPIODATA_A = *pGPIODATA_A | 0x20;
            *pGPIODATA_A = *pGPIODATA_A & ~0x40;
            *pGPIODATA_A = *pGPIODATA_A & ~0x80;

            *pGPIODATA_A = *pGPIODATA_A | 0x10;
            *pGPIODATA_A = *pGPIODATA_A & ~0x08;
            *pGPIODATA_A = *pGPIODATA_A & ~0x04;

            *pGPIODATA_D = *pGPIODATA_D | 0x02;
            *pGPIODATA_D = *pGPIODATA_D & ~0x04;
            *pGPIODATA_D = *pGPIODATA_D & ~0x08;
        count = count + 1;
//Based on count turn different colored lights on and off
        if (count < 300000)
            *pGPIODATA_C = *pGPIODATA_C | 0x80;
            *pGPIODATA_A = *pGPIODATA_A | 0x20;
            *pGPIODATA_A = *pGPIODATA_A | 0x10;
            *pGPIODATA_D = *pGPIODATA_D | 0x02;
        else if (300000 < count && count < 900000)
            *pGPIODATA_C = *pGPIODATA_C & ~0x80;
            *pGPIODATA_A = *pGPIODATA_A & ~0x20;
            *pGPIODATA_C = *pGPIODATA_C | 0x20;
            *pGPIODATA_A = *pGPIODATA_A | 0x80;

        else if (count > 900000 && count < 1200000)
            *pGPIODATA_C = *pGPIODATA_C & ~0x20;
            *pGPIODATA_A = *pGPIODATA_A & ~0x80;
            *pGPIODATA_C = *pGPIODATA_C | 0x40;
            *pGPIODATA_A = *pGPIODATA_A | 0x40;

        else if (count > 1200000 && count < 1500000)
            *pGPIODATA_C = *pGPIODATA_C & ~0x40;
            *pGPIODATA_A = *pGPIODATA_A & ~0x40;
            *pGPIODATA_C = *pGPIODATA_C | 0x80;
            *pGPIODATA_A = *pGPIODATA_A | 0x20;

        else if (count > 1500000 && count < 2100000)
            *pGPIODATA_A = *pGPIODATA_A & ~0x10;
            *pGPIODATA_D = *pGPIODATA_D & ~0x02;
            *pGPIODATA_A = *pGPIODATA_A | 0x04;
            *pGPIODATA_D = *pGPIODATA_D | 0x08;

        else if (count > 2100000 && count < 2400000)
            *pGPIODATA_A = *pGPIODATA_A & ~0x04;
            *pGPIODATA_D = *pGPIODATA_D & ~0x08;
            *pGPIODATA_A = *pGPIODATA_A | 0x08;
            *pGPIODATA_D = *pGPIODATA_D | 0x04;

        else if (count > 2400000)
            count = 0;
            *pGPIODATA_A = *pGPIODATA_A & ~0x08;
            *pGPIODATA_D = *pGPIODATA_D & ~0x04;




Katie Turner
1 project • 3 followers
Alan Tapper
1 project • 4 followers
Arjun Kannan
2 projects • 4 followers
Pablo Solano
1 project • 3 followers
Albert Wan
1 project • 3 followers


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