This application was made to detect an Earthquake by using USGS API. Giving the location to the google map, we will be able to look at the location. And also by using the instagram api, we will be able to look at the photos taken in that particular area.
-- Edit --
It seems I uploaded the wrong video.. This is uploaded after 12, so I'm not sure how it will affect my grade (my last commit in bitbucket is still before 12).
-- Edit 2 --
It appears that I forgot to link the project under assignment 2, and Diane was the one who checked that for me. So, I did this much after the due date :( I didn't change any of the code as my last commit through bitbucket hasn't change at all. One important note that the mobile-apk works, but the wear-apk still crashes :(
And this is my problem that I posted also in Piazza.
So, I did my best for Prog 02 but I mistakenly uploaded the wrong video on youtube last night - no microphone recording. So a little bit after 12 I uploaded a new one and add the link just below my original submission, mentioning that it was uploaded after 12. As a proof that I didn't change anything to the code, the commit that I made through bitbucket was recorded before 12. I just want to make sure that I don't use extra day and registered as a one day late submission. How can I check that? Please help, thanks! :(
Oh and lastly, I dont have to publish the project to public, right? I keep it as a private submission.
Link to the project: