I decided to do a simple write-up of how to trigger IFTTT using 1Sheeld.
- IFTTT Account
- Arduino UNO / 1Sheeld
- Android device with IFTTT application
1) Go to https://ifttt.com/maker
2) Click "Connect"
3) Click "How to trigger events"
4) Copy the URL under "Make a POST or GET web request to:"
The URL is in the following format:
Where #SECRETKEY# is your secret key.
Setup the IFTTT Receipe
1) Go to https://ifttt.com/
2) Click "My Recipes" then "Create a Recipe"
3) Click "this" and choose the following options:
- Step 1 : Maker channel
- Step 2: Choose "Receive a web request"
- Step 3: Name the event "1sheeld-on", click "Create Trigger"
4) Click "that" and choose the following options:
- Step 4: Choose "Android Notifications"
- Step 5: Choose "Send a notification"
- Step 6: Leave as-is, click "Create Action"
- Step 7: Click "Create Recipe"
Test the Trigger on your computer
1) On your computer, open up a web browser to a URL like this:
Of course, replace #SECRETKEY# with the key you copied earlier.
2) You should see "Congratulations! You've fired the 1sheeld-on event".
3) You should get a notification on your Android device.
Open 1Sheeld on Android
Open 1Sheeld on your Android, make sure you select the Internet and Terminal shields. Bring the Terminal shield up so it is active.
Setup the code on your Arduino/1Sheeld
1) Make sure you edit the secret key.
2) Upload the code on the Arduino, then switch to run mode.
3) Reset the Arduino board.
4) If everything worked properly you should see a congratulations message in the Terminal, and you should get an IFTTT notification on your Android device. For some reason when I load the code via codebender, the Terminal aspect didn't show up but the event was triggered.
Wrap Up
From this point, you can create new events and modify the 1Sheeld code to make the calls when necessary. You can remove the Terminal aspect of the code, that was just for the initial test.
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