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Brian CottrellEmily LamRuby Hsu
Published © CC BY-NC-SA

Sight Cycle - IoT Bike Light

The intelligent bike light that adapts to its environment using an array of LEDs that independently dim when ambient light is detected

IntermediateFull instructions provided1,812

Things used in this project

Hardware components

BUZ91a power transistor
HarborFreight LED Flashlight
Photo resistors
QRD1114 Reflective object detector
SparkFun RedBoard
SparkFun RedBoard

Software apps and online services

Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure


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Fall detection code
package com.bikehackers.sightcycle;

import android.hardware.Sensor;

import android.hardware.SensorEvent;

import android.hardware.SensorEventListener;

import android.hardware.SensorManager;

import java.util.LinkedList;

import java.util.Queue;


 * Adapted from https://github.com/BharadwajS/Fall-detection-in-Android

 * Created by Alan on 3/21/2015.


public class FallDetector implements SensorEventListener {

	// Fall calibration values

	final static double SIGMA = 0.5;

	final static double MIN_NORM_ACCEL_THRESHOLD = 20;

	final static double MIN_VERT_ACCEL_THRESHOLD = 5;

	final static double MIN_ZRC_INDEX = 5;

	// State codes

	final static int STATE_FALLING = 0;

	final static int STATE_SITTING = 1;

	final static int STATE_STANDING = 2;

	final static int STATE_WALKING = 3;

	int prevState;

	// TODO: Handle multiple listeners.

	FallListener listener;

	SensorManager sensorManager;

	Sensor accelerometer;

	final static int ACCELERATION_HISTORY_SIZE = 50;

	Queue<Integer> zrcHistory;

	int prevZRC;

	int zrcIndex;

	/* Looking at phone vertically, screen towards user:

		-x  left

		+x  right

		+y  up

		-y  down

		-z  away

		+z  closer


	// double lastX;

	// double lastY;

	// double lastZ;

	public interface FallListener {

		public void onFallDetected();


	public FallDetector() {

		prevState = STATE_SITTING;

		zrcHistory = new LinkedList<Integer>();

		prevZRC = 0;


	public void registerListener(FallListener listener, SensorManager sensorManager,

	                             Sensor accelerometer) {

		this.sensorManager = sensorManager;

		this.accelerometer = accelerometer;

		this.sensorManager.registerListener(this, this.accelerometer,

				SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_UI); // Slowest sample rate?

		this.listener = listener;

		System.out.println("Fall detector initialized.");


	public void unregisterListener(FallListener listener) {




	public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy) {



	public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {

		if (event.sensor.getType() == Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER) {

			// TODO: Optional, reduce sample rate with currTime modulus

			// Get acceleration vectors.

			double x = event.values[0];

			double y = event.values[1];

			double z = event.values[2];

			// Calculate normalized acceleration (sqrt of sum of squares of each vector).

			double norm = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);

			// Determine ZRC

			int currZRC = (norm - MIN_NORM_ACCEL_THRESHOLD < SIGMA) ? 1 : 0;

			int zrcScore = currZRC == 1 && prevZRC == 0 ? 1 : 0;

			prevZRC = currZRC;

			// Add to acceleration history, update zrcIndex

			// Delete earliest entry if necessary

			if (zrcHistory.size() == 50) {

				zrcIndex -= zrcHistory.poll();



			zrcIndex += zrcScore;

			// Determine current state

			int currState;

			if (zrcIndex == 0 ) {


			} else {



			// Determine if state has changed

			if (currState != prevState && currState == STATE_FALLING) {

				// Notify FallListener



			prevState = currState;





Bright Cycle Website


Brian Cottrell
11 projects • 16 followers
I am a software developer with a background in physics and low level programming and I am currently focused on web and mobile development.
Emily Lam
4 projects • 0 followers
Ruby Hsu
2 projects • 3 followers
