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Cory Potter
Published © Apache-2.0

Making Sound Effects with Arduino

Using an Arduino Nano on an expansion board with push-buttons, one to play a sound and the other to select a sound effect from a WT588D.

IntermediateWork in progress2 hours21,236
Making Sound Effects with Arduino

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
WT588D Voice / Sound Module


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WT588D Schematics

WT588D Schematics


Custom WT588D Library

Custom WT588D Library
* @file WayTronics.h
*  hydroMazing  Copyright (C) 2014 Cory J. Potter - All Rights Reserved
*  please write to: <coreconduitconsulting@gmail.com>
*   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
*   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
*   You may obtain a copy of the License at
*   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
*   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
*   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
*   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
*   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
*   limitations under the License.

* @file WayTronics.h
* This program cycles through the first eight files loaded onto a WT588D-XX Sound Module
* The pins labeled on the data sheet as CLK, DI, DO, CS, REST are for programming
* the module via the external USB programmer.
* In the Waytronic VoiceChip beta software, the settings are configured as "Control Mode: Three Line Mode, and Busy Mode: LOW"

#ifndef __WAYTRONICS_H__
#define __WAYTRONICS_H__

#ifdef ARDUINO

#include "WT588D.h"

#define WT588D_RST  3 //Module pin "REST" or pin # 1
#define WT588D_CS   5 //Module pin "P02" or pin # 11
#define WT588D_SCL  6 //Module pin "P03" or pin # 10
#define WT588D_SDA  4 //Module pin "P01" or pin # 9
#define WT588D_BUSY 2 //Module pin "LED/BUSY" or pin # 15

WT588D myWT588D(WT588D_RST, WT588D_CS, WT588D_SCL, WT588D_SDA, WT588D_BUSY);

// #define ALIEN_LOCUSTS_LOOP									                 1
// #define ALIEN_WIERDNESS_DESCENDING                          2
// #define ALIEN_WIERDNESS                                     3
// #define ALIEN_WOOSH_01                                      4
// #define ALIEN_WOOSH_03                                      5
// #define BOILING_WATER                                       6
// #define BOMB_EXPLODING                                      7
// #define BUZZER                                              8
// #define CHICKEN_LONG                                        9
// #define CHICKEN_QUICK                                       10
// #define CLUCKINGHEN                                         11
// #define COMPRESSOR                                          12
// #define COUGAR                                              13
// #define CRACKING_DOOR                                       14
// #define CRUSHING_TINCAN                                     15
// #define CRYING_BABY                                         16
// #define CUCKOO_CLOCK                                        17
// #define DANCE_ACCORDION                                     18
// #define DENTISTS_DRILL                                      19
// #define EXCELLENT_WORK_1                                    20
// #define EXCELLENT_WORK_2                                    21
// #define FEMALE_SCREAM                                       22
// #define FEMALE_YAWN                                         23
// #define FINGERNAILS_ON_BLACKBOARD                           24
// #define FIREALARM                                           25
// #define GAME_OVER                                           26
// #define GIBBERISH01                                         27
// #define GIBBERISH05                                         28
// #define GOOD                                                29
// #define GROWLINGDOG                                         30
// #define HANDLE_PULL                                         31
// #define HELICOPTER                                          32
// #define HELLO_AGAIN_AND_WELCOME                             33
// #define HELLO                                               34
// #define HORSE_HOOVES                                        35
// #define INSERT_COIN1                                        37
// #define INSERT_COIN2                                        38
// #define JACKHAMMER                                          39
// #define MICROWAVEOVEN                                       40
// #define OLDSTYLE_COIN                                       41
// #define OLDSTYLE_PULL                                       42
// #define OLDSTYLE_REEL                                       43
// #define PAYOUT                                              44
// #define PAYOUT_BIG                                          45
// #define PAYOUT_COINS                                        46
// #define PLEASE_DONOT_ADDRESS_UNIT                           47
// #define PORTALRADIO                                         48
// #define ROARING_TIGER                                       49
// #define SCRATCHING_STYROFOAM                                50
// #define SFX_POWERUP_02                                      51
// #define SFX_POWERUP_03                                      52
// #define SFX_POWERUP_04                                      53
// #define SFX_POWERUP_05                                      54
// #define SFX_POWERUP_06                                      55
// #define SFX_POWERUP_07                                      56
// #define SFX_POWERUP_08                                      57
// #define SFX_POWERUP_09                                      58
// #define SFX_POWERUP_10                                      59
// #define SFX_POWERUP_11                                      60
// #define SFX_POWERUP_12                                      61
// #define SFX_POWERUP_13                                      62
// #define SFX_POWERUP_14                                      63
// #define SFX_POWERUP_15                                      64
// #define SFX_POWERUP_16                                      65
// #define SFX_POWERUP_17                                      66
// #define SFX_POWERUP_18                                      67
// #define SFX_POWERUP_19                                      68
// #define SFX_POWERUP_20                                      69
// #define SFX_POWERUP_25                                      70
// #define SFX_POWERUP_26                                      71
// #define SFX_POWERUP_27                                      72
// #define SFX_POWERUP_28                                      73
// #define SFX_POWERUP_29                                      74
// #define SFX_POWERUP_30                                      75
// #define SFX_POWERUP_31                                      76
// #define SFX_POWERUP_32                                      77
// #define SFX_POWERUP_33                                      78
// #define SFX_POWERUP_34                                      79
// #define SFX_POWERUP_35                                      80
// #define SFX_POWERUP_36                                      81
// #define SFX_POWERUP_37                                      82
// #define SFX_POWERUP_38                                      83
// #define SFX_POWERUP_39                                      84
// #define SFX_POWERUP_40                                      85
// #define SFX_POWERUP_41                                      86
// #define SFX_POWERUP_42                                      87
// #define SFX_POWERUP_43                                      88
// #define SFX_POWERUP_50                                      89
// #define SPACE_GUN                                           91
// #define SPACE_NOISE                                         92
// #define SPACE_TAKEOFF                                       93
// #define STOP_REEL                                           94
// #define THE_PRICE_IS_RIGHT_LOSING_HORN                      96
// #define TOILET_FLUSH                                        98
// #define TYPEWRITER                                          99
// #define WASPS												101
// #define WHAMMY												102
// #define WHAT_ARE_YOU_DOING									103
// #define WOMP_WOMP_WOMP										104

#define BOILING_WATER						  1
#define BREATH                                2
#define CHAINS                                3
#define CRACKING_DOOR                         4
#define CREATURE_BREATH_03                    5
#define CREATURE_BREATH_04                    6
#define CREATURE_GROWL_04                     7
#define CREATURE_GROWL_07                     8
#define CREATURE_SNARL_02                     9
#define CREATURE_SNARL_04                     10
#define DENTISTS_DRILL                        11
#define ELECTRIC_SPARK                        12
#define ELECTRIC_SPARKS                       13
#define FEMALE_SCREAM                         14
#define FOOTSTEPS                             15
#define GADGET                                16
#define GAS_LEAK_01                           17
#define GLASS_BREAK                           18
#define GRUNTS_MALE                           19
#define LAUGH_MALE                            20
#define METAL_CLANG                           21
#define METAL_HIT_04                          22
#define METAL_LID_01                          23
#define BONES_BREAKING                        24
#define BUBBLING                              25
#define CREAKS                                26
#define DOG_BARKING                           27
#define DOG_SNARLING                          28
#define GROANING_MAN                          29
#define KOOKABURRA_BIRD                       30
#define POLTERGEIST                           31
#define STRANGLED_MAN                         32
#define SCRATCHING_STYROFOAM                  33
#define SWITCH_08                             34
#define SWITCH_09                             35
#define WASPS                                 36
#define WILD_LAUGHS_MALE                      37
#define WIND_HOWL                             38
#define WINDOW_BREAK                          39
#define WITCH_CACKLE_01                       40
#define WITCH_CACKLE_02                       41
#define WITCH_CACKLE_03                       42
#define WITCH_CACKLE_04                       43
#define WOOD_CRACK                            

#error This code is only for use on Arduino.
#endif // ARDUINO

#endif // __WAYTRONICS_H__






Cory Potter
9 projects • 88 followers
Technical Craftsman specializing in bridging the gap between electronics and software engineering, with unconventional approach to problems.
