Android Project, the Second: YourFault
"YourFault" is an Android and smartwatch app that detects earthquakes and displays information about them in a variety of ways. Some of those ways include a visual representation of an earthquakes location and pictures near the earthquake site.
- Supports detection of new earthquakes via the USGS API (used a URL to query a server for earthquake information and kept running this action in a Service)
- Records earthquake events in a scrollable and tappable list (persisted data using Android's Shared Preferences)
- User can re-trigger the earthquake event by selecting an event in the list
- Supports displaying the earthquake location via the Google Maps API
- Supports calculating the kilometer distance between the user and the earthquake via the Android Location API (used the Haversine formula to calculate distance)
- Pictures near the earthquake location can be shown via the Instagram API
- Smartwatch notifications and vibrations whenever a new earthquake is picked up by the app or the user re-triggers an earthquake event from the main list screen
- Supports smartwatch accelerometer usage by shaking to view Instagram pictures of an earthquake event