Passion, connection, electricity - these are the things I think about when I think about IoT. Well, at least now I do, when my partner and I are connected with our Hexiwear Love Connection app.
Two hearts can beat as one, each others touch can be sensed wirelessly and communication happens 10kB/s with low latency and <15 mA.
The following component diagram illustrates how the spark travels.
Sensory data being captured and transmitted: (at wearable)
- heart rate - onboard heart rate monitor
- gestures - 3D accelerometer and 3-axis digital gyroscope
Feedback data being shared: (at wearable and app)
- heart rate - haptic feedback engine
- gestures - haptic feedback engine and 1.1" full color OLED display
So what does this mean in the universal language of love?
When you and your partner are synced, you will be able to feel vibrational queues about each other from changes your heart rate.
You will be able to see colorful visualizations in the app and on the wearable screen that relate to your movement in time and space.
Follow this project as it evolves and try it out to see what spark you can ignite.
Understanding EvothingsEvothings Studio is an open source, fast development and prototyping tool for mobile IoT development. It has a list of projects and a set of tools for your computer (pc, mac and linux), and mobile clients for your Andriod and iOS devices.
If your comfortable with Javascript and HTML this is a great toolkit to get you connected to many devices without learning lots of more specific platform languages.
The best part...
You can get setup with Evothings Studio in 60 seconds
Understanding Hexiwear Wearable KitHardware Specs
- MCU: Kinetis K64 32-bit ARM® Cortex®-M4 MCU, 120 MHz, 1M Flash, 256K SRAM)
- BLE: Kinetis KW4x ARM® Cortex®-M0+ MCU, Bluetooth Low Energy & 802.15.4 Wireless
- 3D Accelerometer and 3D Magnetometer: NXPFXOS8700CQ
- 3-Axis Digital Gyroscope: NXP FXAS21002
- Absolute Digital Pressure sensor: NXPMPL3115A2R1
- 600 mA Single-cell Li-Ion/Li-Polymer Battery Charger: NXP MC34671
- Light-to-digital converter: ams TSL2561
- Digital humidity and temperature sensor: Measurement Specialties HTU21D
- Heart-rate sensor: Maxim's MAX30101
- 1.1" full color OLED display
- Haptic feedback engine
- 190mAh 2C Li-Po battery
- Capacitive touch interface
- 8MB of additional Flash memory
A publish-subscribe based "light weight" messaging protocol for use on top of the TCP/IP protocol. It is designed for connections with remote locations where a "small code footprint" is required or the network bandwidth is limited.
You will need to set up a MQTT broker. You can set one up yourself such as Mosquitto and run it on your own server or you can use a free service such as CloudMQTT. Set is easy and takes less that 3 minutes. They have a free plan "Cute Cat" that starts with 10 connections and 10 Kbit/s.
Coding it upSamples and demo in node.js for Evothings can be found here:
This project used the seed apps for ble-background-scan and mqtt-vernemq-emqtt-painter
You will need to grab some of the library files from the examples to get this working. These are referenced in the index.html file.
- libs/jquery/jquery.js
- libs/evothings/evothings.js
- libs/evothings/ui/ui.js
- libs/bleat/bluetooth.helpers.js
- libs/bleat/api.web-bluetooth.js
- libs/bleat/adapter.evothings.js
- libs/mqttws31.js
You can print your own Autodesk Fusion 360 hexi-loveband and attach a nylon or ribbon strap to wear your Hexiwear anywhere you see fit.