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Intellivision controller adapter (Arduino)

This project is to take an existing intellivision controller and using an Arduino micro map it to keystrokes to be used in cool CV emulator

AdvancedWork in progress1,079
Intellivision controller adapter (Arduino)

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Micro
Arduino Micro
intellivision controller

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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#include <Joystick.h>
 * This code takes inputs from a 9 pin intellivision controller and converts it into joystick buttons, since all points on disc are just buttons.
 * Below is an ec=xample of the intellivision ciontroller layout
 *     +---+---+---+
 *   X | 1 | 2 | 3 | X
 *     +---+---+---+
 *   Y | 4 | 5 | 6 | Z
 *     +---+---+---+  
 *     | 7 | 8 | 9 |
 *     +---+---+---+  
 *     | C | 0 | E |
 *     +---+---+---+
 *       o p a b c
 *       n \ | /  d
 *       m - o -  e
 *       l / | \  f
 *       k j i h g
 *       Mattel DB9 pinout (intv 2)
 *      -------------     ------------------
 *      \ 5 4 3 2 1 /     \ Gr Wh Bl Bk Yl /
 *       \ 9 8 7 6 /       \ Rd Br Gy Or /
 *        ---------         -------------
 *        Mattel hardwire pinout (intv 1)
 *         ___________________________________
 *        | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 |
 *         -----------------------------------
 *         Br | R | O | Y| Gnd | B | Bk| G | W 
 *   Intellivision (DB9) - Arduino  (pins) - pin Array position
 *         1      Yellow - D2  - Yellow    -     (0)
 *         2      Black  - GND - Black
 *         3      Blue   - D3  - Blue      -     (1)
 *         4      White  - D4  - White     -     (2)
 *         5      Green  - D5  - Green     -     (3)
 *         6      Pink   - D6  - Orange    -     (4)
 *         7      Grey   - D7  - Grey      -     (5)
 *         8      Brown  - D8  - Brown     -     (6)
 *         9      Red    - D9  - Red       -     (7) 

Joystick_ Joystick1;
Joystick_ Joystick2;
// Arduino Micro digital pins
//int myPin1[8]={5,4,3,2,9,8,7,6};  //Intv1 layout
int myPin1[8]={2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};     //Intv 2 layout
int myPin2[8]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
unsigned char wire1;
unsigned char wire2;
unsigned char oldwire1=B11111111;
unsigned char buttonstate1;
int ledPin = 13;
bool ledOn = 0;
// Last state of buttons
int lastButtonState1[31] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
int lastButtonState2[31] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  // set pin 2-9 as inputy and pull high
  for (int t=0; t<8; t++) {
    pinMode ( myPin1[t] , INPUT_PULLUP );  // declare led as output
    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);  // turn off led
  int done = 0;

  void printBits(byte myByte){
   for(byte mask = 0x80; mask; mask >>= 1){
     if(mask  & myByte)
void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  Serial.print("Test Wire In");Serial.println('.');
  wire1 = 0;
  for (int t=0; t<8; t++) {
    Serial.print(digitalRead(myPin1[t]), DEC);Serial.println(".-.");
    wire1 |= ((digitalRead(myPin1[t]) == LOW ? 1:0)<<(7-t));
  Serial.print("Test Wire In");Serial.println('.');
  //wire1=10000001; // clear wire byte from Controller 1
  wire2=0; // clear wire byte from Controller 2
  for(byte mask = 0x80; mask; mask >>= 1){
     if(mask  & wire1){
 // for(int t=0; t<8; t++){
 //   wire1 != ((digitalRead(myPin1[t])==LOW ? 0:1)<<(7-t)); // read wire from Controller 1
 //   wire2 != ((digitalRead(myPin2[t])==LOW ? 0:1)<<(7-t)); // read wire from Controller 2
 // }
  if (wire1 != oldwire1){
    oldwire1 = wire1;
    ledOn = 1-ledOn;
    digitalWrite(ledPin, ledOn);  //turn off led
  //currentButtonState1 = wire1;
  for(int i =0; i < strlen(wire1); i++ ) {
    unsigned char c = wire1[i];
    // do something with c
    if (c == 1){

  for(byte mask = 0x80; mask; mask >>= 1){
     if(mask  & wire1){
int done = 0;
  for (int index = 0; index < 7; index++)
    if (wire1 != oldWire1[index]){
      Joystick1.setButton(index, LOW);
      lastButtonState1[index] = currentButtonState1; 
  // side buttons
  Serial.println("Test Wire1:");
  Serial.println(wire1, BIN);
  if ((wire1 & B10000000) == B10000000) {Serial.println("Y");}
  if ((wire1 & B01000000) == B01000000) {Serial.println("Bl");}
  if ((wire1 & B00100000) == B00100000) {Serial.println("Wh");}
  if ((wire1 & B00010000) == B00010000) {Serial.println("Gr");}
  if ((wire1 & B00001000) == B00001000) {Serial.println("Or");}
  if ((wire1 & B00000100) == B00000100) {Serial.println("Gy");}
  if ((wire1 & B00000010) == B00000010) {Serial.println("Br");}
  if ((wire1 & B00000001) == B00000001) {Serial.println("Rd");}
  //if (wire1 & B00001010 == B00001010){Joystick1.setButton(0, LOW);};done=1;
  //if (wire1 & B00001100 == B00000110){Joystick1.setButton(1, LOW);};done=1;
  //if (wire1 & B00001100 == B00001100){Joystick1.setButton(2, LOW);};done=1;
  switch(wire1) {
    case B10000000: Joystick1.setButton(0, LOW); done = 1;break; // X
    case B10000001: Joystick1.setButton(1, LOW); done = 1;break; // Y
    case B10000010: Joystick1.setButton(2, LOW); done = 1;break; // Z
  // Key pad
  done = 0; //reset indicator to check key pad
    case B00000001: Joystick1.setButton(3, LOW); done = 1;break; // 1
    case B00000010: Joystick1.setButton(4, LOW); done = 1;break; // 2
    case B00000011: Joystick1.setButton(5, LOW); done = 1;break; // 3
    case B00000100: Joystick1.setButton(6, LOW); done = 1;break; // 4
    case B00000101: Joystick1.setButton(7, LOW); done = 1;break; // 5
    case B00000110: Joystick1.setButton(8, LOW); done = 1;break; // 6
    case B00000111: Joystick1.setButton(9, LOW); done = 1;break; // 7
    case B00001000: Joystick1.setButton(10, LOW); done = 1;break; // 8
    case B00001001: Joystick1.setButton(11, LOW); done = 1;break; // 9
    case B00001010: Joystick1.setButton(12, LOW); done = 1;break; // Clear
    case B00001011: Joystick1.setButton(13, LOW); done = 1;break; // 0
    case B00001100: Joystick1.setButton(14, LOW); done = 1;break; // Enter
  // Disk
  done = 0; //reset indicator to check Disk
    case B00001101: Joystick1.setButton(15, LOW); done = 1;break; // a
    case B00001110: Joystick1.setButton(16, LOW); done = 1;break; // b
    case B00001111: Joystick1.setButton(17, LOW); done = 1;break; // c
    case B00010000: Joystick1.setButton(18, LOW); done = 1;break; // d
    case B00010001: Joystick1.setButton(19, LOW); done = 1;break; // e
    case B00010010: Joystick1.setButton(20, LOW); done = 1;break; // f
    case B00010011: Joystick1.setButton(21, LOW); done = 1;break; // g
    case B00010100: Joystick1.setButton(22, LOW); done = 1;break; // h
    case B00010101: Joystick1.setButton(23, LOW); done = 1;break; // i
    case B00010110: Joystick1.setButton(24, LOW); done = 1;break; // j
    case B00010111: Joystick1.setButton(25, LOW); done = 1;break; // k
    case B00011000: Joystick1.setButton(26, LOW); done = 1;break; // l
    case B00011001: Joystick1.setButton(27, LOW); done = 1;break; // m
    case B00011010: Joystick1.setButton(28, LOW); done = 1;break; // n
    case B00011011: Joystick1.setButton(29, LOW); done = 1;break; // o
    case B00011100: Joystick1.setButton(30, LOW); done = 1;break; // p



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