Upon moving this project to a higher-resolution model, I encountered several new informative problems. I translated most of the design to composite board, although I kept the treads and internal platforms cardboard for the flexibility. The most significant problems were with alignment. The treads worked much better this time! But, they still caught after a few turns. In my next design, I plan to shorted the length of the gear teeth to avoid this problem.
I also had significant difficulty with the electrical wiring and code. The wiring was fairly simple, and I was able to make each motor turn. However, when I came back to my work after a break, I found it no longer worked? My motors now emit a high-pitched whining sound, so I thought it would be safest to ask what I'm doing wrong instead of running the risk of destroying my motors.
Photos and Video Below
Illustrator Files:
The High-Pitched Whine:
Treads and Gears: