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The random vocab skill fetches a random word from http://www.setgetgo.com/randomword/get.php
the api (and skill) supports the optional parameter of a length from 3-20 characters to return words of that length, otherwise it returns a word of any length. The text is both read and the word is spelled out, as well as adding each word to the cards in the alexa application on a users connected device.
Can be useful for simply extending vocabulary by learning new words or potentially to assist in playing word games like hangman or crosswords.
Alexa Skill: http://alexa.amazon.com/spa/index.html#skills/dp/B01N0P3KL9/?ref=skill_dsk_skb_sr_0
'use strict';
* This sample demonstrates a simple skill built with the Amazon Alexa Skills Kit.
* The Intent Schema, Custom Slots, and Sample Utterances for this skill, as well as
* testing instructions are located at http://amzn.to/1LzFrj6
* For additional samples, visit the Alexa Skills Kit Getting Started guide at
* http://amzn.to/1LGWsLG
let http = require('http');
// --------------- Helpers that build all of the responses -----------------------
function buildSpeechletResponse(title, output, repromptText, shouldEndSession) {
return {
outputSpeech: {
type: 'SSML',
ssml: '<speak>'+output.ssml+'</speak>',
card: {
type: 'Simple',
title: `${title}`,
content: `${output.text}`,
reprompt: {
outputSpeech: {
type: 'PlainText',
text: repromptText,
function buildResponse(sessionAttributes, speechletResponse) {
return {
version: '1.0',
response: speechletResponse,
// --------------- Functions that control the skill's behavior -----------------------
function getWelcomeResponse(callback) {
// If we wanted to initialize the session to have some attributes we could add those here.
const sessionAttributes = {};
const cardTitle = 'Welcome';
const speechOutput = 'Welcome to the Alexa Skills Kit sample. ' +
'Please tell me the length of a word to get by saying something like, get a 5 letter word';
// If the user either does not reply to the welcome message or says something that is not
// understood, they will be prompted again with this text.
const repromptText = 'Please ask for a random word by saying, ' +
'give me a random word';
const shouldEndSession = false;
buildSpeechletResponse(cardTitle, {ssml:speechOutput, text:speechOutput}, repromptText, shouldEndSession));
function handleSessionEndRequest(callback) {
const cardTitle = 'Session Ended';
const speechOutput = 'Thank you for trying the Alexa Skills Kit sample. Have a nice day!';
// Setting this to true ends the session and exits the skill.
const shouldEndSession = true;
callback({}, buildSpeechletResponse(cardTitle, {ssml:speechOutput, text:speechOutput}, null, shouldEndSession));
function handleUnauthorizedRequest(callback) {
const cardTitle = 'Unauthorized';
const speechOutput = 'This service is not authorized by this application, or is temporarily deactivated. Have a nice day!';
// Setting this to true ends the session and exits the skill.
const shouldEndSession = true;
callback(null, buildSpeechletResponse(cardTitle, {ssml:speechOutput, text:speechOutput}, null, shouldEndSession));
function getRandomWord(intent, session, callback) {
let favoriteColor;
const repromptText = null;
const sessionAttributes = {};
let shouldEndSession = false;
let speechOutput = '', cardText = '';
let length = (intent.slots.Number.value !== undefined) ? intent.slots.Number.value : false;
let url = 'http://www.setgetgo.com/randomword/get.php';
let special = '';
if(length !== false){
special = length+' letter';
url += '?len='+length;
http.get(url, function(res){
let rawData = "";
res.on('data', (chunk) => {
speechOutput = 'Your '+special+' word is '+chunk+'. <say-as interpret-as="spell-out">'+chunk+'</say-as>. '+chunk+'.';
cardText = 'Your '+special+' word is '+chunk+'.';
shouldEndSession = true;
res.on('end', () => {
// Setting repromptText to null signifies that we do not want to reprompt the user.
// If the user does not respond or says something that is not understood, the session
// will end.
buildSpeechletResponse(intent.name, {ssml:speechOutput, text:cardText}, repromptText, shouldEndSession));
// --------------- Events -----------------------
* Called when the session starts.
function onSessionStarted(sessionStartedRequest, session) {
console.log(`onSessionStarted requestId=${sessionStartedRequest.requestId}, sessionId=${session.sessionId}`);
* Called when the user launches the skill without specifying what they want.
function onLaunch(launchRequest, session, callback) {
console.log(`onLaunch requestId=${launchRequest.requestId}, sessionId=${session.sessionId}`);
// Dispatch to your skill's launch.
* Called when the user specifies an intent for this skill.
function onIntent(intentRequest, session, callback) {
console.log(`onIntent requestId=${intentRequest.requestId}, sessionId=${session.sessionId}`);
const intent = intentRequest.intent;
const intentName = intentRequest.intent.name;
if (intentName === 'RandomVocab') {
getRandomWord(intent, session, callback);
} else if (intentName === 'AMAZON.HelpIntent') {
} else if (intentName === 'AMAZON.StopIntent' || intentName === 'AMAZON.CancelIntent') {
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid intent');
* Called when the user ends the session.
* Is not called when the skill returns shouldEndSession=true.
function onSessionEnded(sessionEndedRequest, session) {
console.log(`onSessionEnded requestId=${sessionEndedRequest.requestId}, sessionId=${session.sessionId}`);
// Add cleanup logic here
// --------------- Main handler -----------------------
// Route the incoming request based on type (LaunchRequest, IntentRequest,
// etc.) The JSON body of the request is provided in the event parameter.
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
let activated = true;
try {
* Uncomment this if statement and populate with your skill's application ID to
* prevent someone else from configuring a skill that sends requests to this function.
if (!activated || (event.session.application.applicationId !== 'amzn1.ask.skill.a4057d1f-b7bb-442e-9a8a-066f3c5628ea')) {
if (event.session.new) {
onSessionStarted({ requestId: event.request.requestId }, event.session);
if (event.request.type === 'LaunchRequest') {
(sessionAttributes, speechletResponse) => {
callback(null, buildResponse(sessionAttributes, speechletResponse));
} else if (event.request.type === 'IntentRequest') {
(sessionAttributes, speechletResponse) => {
callback(null, buildResponse(sessionAttributes, speechletResponse));
} else if (event.request.type === 'SessionEndedRequest') {
onSessionEnded(event.request, event.session);
} catch (err) {