Animal Years
The idea:
I was thinking about the people who would actually use an app like this and I thought about my little cousin who would love an app like this. So, I designed it for him. Simple, clean, and easy to use.
The features:
Sliding Circle Indicators: It has circle indicators on the bottom which match with our conceptual model of sliding and signifies the affordance of being able to slide left and right.
Fun Font: This adds a playful mood to the app
Flat Icons: Clean and very simple to recognize for a child
Buttons: Buttons signify the ability to press and affords someone like my little cousin to click on them.
Color-Coded Links: Gold symbolizes the the first animal and Blue symbolizes the second. If he wanted to go back and change the first animal he could click on the yellow instead of having to swipe left twice (which also works).
The Interaction:
- User opens app and sees Welcome Screen
- User swipes right an sees First Selection Screen. Animals are peeking in from bottom to signify it is possible to scroll vertically.
- After clicking on an animal, the user is automatically directed to Second Selection Screen, where the first animal selected is in gold.
- After clicking on another animal, the user is automatically directed to the Conversion Screen, where there is a box to enter the desired age and two other buttons to select the unit.
- After selecting a unit, text fades in with a fun sentence to show the conversion. "human" and "hippo" are both clickable taking the user back to the First Selection Screen and the Second Selection Screen, respectively.
- Last fragment is a Special Thanks Screen if user decides to swipe right.